yawns I need a nap. I really do. This popped into my head the other day. I thought, "You know, It would be cool to write about Integra having amnesia." So I did. Enjoy.

Hellsing isn't mine.

She opened her eyes. Oh, it hurt to do that. What was that beeping? It hurt her head. She didn't want to listen to it.

The room, it was so bright. Too bright. Her head ached. Her eyes flicked about the room. A man stood above her. An old man. She tried to focus on him. Then she closed her eyes again. When she tried to focus, it felt like a knife was being driven through her skull.

"Sir Integra?"

She opened her eyes again. The man was talking to her. He had green eyes that were swollen and red. It looked as though he had been crying. His hair was black and pulled back in a neat ponytail.

"Sir Integra?" He repeated, looking anxious and worried. "What?" She mumbled. That single syllable almost made her close her eyes again from the pain.

He shut his eyes, sighed, and leaned back. "Mr Dornez?" Another man's voice now. She looked away from the man known as "Dornez" to a younger man. He was wearing blue scrubs and held a clipboard in his hand.

"Sir, you remember what we discussed earlier, right?" The doctor asked. Mr. Dornez nodded, as if he did, but didn't want to remember. "Well, here are her pain pills, and you are free to take her home." The doctor reached into his pocket and drew out a small bottle of pills, handing them to Mr. Dornez.

"I really am sorry, we did as much as we could." The doctor said. He sounded genuinely sorry. "I know. But, is there a chance of her remembering…anything?" Mr. Dornez asked. The doctor shook his head sadly. "I understand." Mr. Dornez said quietly.

The doctor looked over at her, stared for a moment, then approached the bed. "Hello, Sir Integral Hellsing. My name is Dr. Mellion. You might be scared right now. That is all due to an accident you had recently. I'm sorry to say this, but you have lost all of your memories of your life up until now. I'm afraid the damage is permanent. This man here is Walter C. Dornez. He has known you since childhood. He is going to take you home, alright?"

She stared at him in disbelief. She didn't want to believe this. But it had to be true. Whenever she tried to remember something, she couldn't. It even caused her pain. She felt so lost. But she nodded to show she understood, tears welling in her eyes.

"Integra?" Walter leaned over her and placed a warm gloved hand on her cheek. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, gently stroking her cheek. She cried. Something told her she probably shouldn't. It wasn't right. But she did. She cried into the hand of a man who was so tender. A man she didn't remember.

He didn't get angry. But he looked sad. Tears were forming behind those green eyes. He looked as though he had lost something. As though her tears were hurting him.

"Will you ever be the same, My Lady?"

Well, that was the first chapter. I'm sorry to all those fans who like the spelling of Walter's name as Ddollneaz, or some other spelling. Dornez is short, and they use it in the manga. I promise to continue it. This is my first chapter story, so what do you think? I hope you like it. Please review.