Disclaimer: I don't own YYH, as I said before. I do own Luce, Akari, Yukari and any other OC I throw in here. And the plot line of this story is all mine. :p

A Deadly Secrete Form the Past.
Chapter 4.
I'm Sorry

Kurama moved his mouth to Luce's shoulder as she moaned in pleasure, and she whispered his name "Shuichi"

Kurama stopped and looked at the girl again. "What's wrong?" Luce asked a bit confused.

"What did you call me?" he asked her in a stern voice.

"Shuichi, your name silly" she answered putting her arms around his neck.

His eye harden on her, as he search for her sprit energy, 'she's a full demon' Kurama pushed the girl back, and jumped off the bed.

"Who are you demon?" Kurama hissed pulling out his rose whip.

"Luce, Shuichi what's the matter with you?" she pleaded.

"Your not Luce" he hissed in a cold voice.

The room faded, and turned in to a dark room with a mattress, the woman faded and there stood Yukari in the white nightgown.

"How?" she shouted

Kurama smirked " Luce has never called my Shuichi in the bedroom" his voice was cold and deeper.

Yukari glared at him "Demon, I knew it, no-one could be as perfect as you and be human."

"The same goes for you" Kurama hissed in a dangerous manner. "Where is she?" he added walking closer to her.

"It's to late lover boy you'll never make it in time." Yukari said with a evil voice.

In a flash Kurama had her pined to the wall. "If you value your life any, you will tell me where Luce is!" he hissed, he eyes flashing gold.

Yukari whimpered and struggled agents him. "Who are you" she asked in a shaky voice.

Kurama smirked "Yoko" the girl went pale as she struggled harder.

"As in the King and Thieves?" she stated in a scared voice.

"Where is she?" Kurama snapped, getting annoying with the demon.

"The dock" she said quickly, as Kurama dropped her.

"If you try anything I will kill you" he spat as he flickered towards the dock.

Yukari gasped for air "He's so strong"

Kurama raced towards the dock as a scream reached his ears 'Luce hold on'

Luce could feel her life slipping away, she didn't have the strength to swim to the surface

Bubbles formed around her as another body hit the water.

'Akari' Luce thought as golden hair passed her. Luce acted quickly as she caught Akari and untie her hands and feet, and pushed her to the surface.

Luce's eyes went heavy as she snack farther to the bottom of the lake.

Akari reach the surface and gasped for air, just as a familiar red head pulled her out of the water. "Where's Luce?" he asked putting the girl down on the dock.

"W..a..ter.." she panted out.

Kurama didn't waist anytime jumping into the water.

"I'll go fine Kurama'" Luce yelled as she walked down the forest path to Kurama garden.

As she did she could hear faint arguing, she ran faster and as she entered the clearing, she gasped as she saw Kurama kissing some vixen. Luce ran away unnoticed back to the temple.

She sat on the couch and waited for Kurama to return. He showed up not even 2 minute later, look flustered.

Luce took this the wrong way, and as Kurama spotter her and went to great her with a kiss. Luce pushed him back hard, causing a loud crash to be heard.

Kurama gave her a confused look, as Yusuke and Hiei ran into the room.

"What's wrong Luce?" Kurama asked talking a step towards her.

"Don't you think about it, it's over Kurama. Did you think I was stupid and wouldn't find out!" She hissed as she punch him in the face, Kurama eyes when dark the words struck him harder then the punch.

"Luce I…Kurama started but Luce cute in "Shut up…What you did is unforgivable!" she snapped as she ran from the room.

Kurama went to go after her but was stopped by Yusuke and Hiei "Don't, you know what could happen if she gets to angry" Hiei hissed at him.

"And beside, your going to explain to us what the hell happened" Yusuke hissed at his friend as he push him onto the couch.

Kurama swim to the bottom of the lake where Luce's body lay. He grabber her and kick off from the ground to the surface.

"I don't know what I did, I was in the garden.. Oh no.." Kurama said standing up.

"What do you mean Oh no?" Hiei asked, Yusuke left to go find Luce, he didn't want his sister to do anything stupid.

"While I was in the garden a female fox demon approached me, she tried to seduce me and I told her I was taken. She didn't listen so we argued, and in the misted of that she kissed me, but I pushed her away." Kurama stopped and looked at his friend. "She must have saw it and took it the wrong way, I have to talk to her" He add standing up.

Hiei pushed him back down "Not now, if you piss her off more, she could end up blowing up half the city." Hiei said in a cold voice.

"Damn it, how could I have left this happen?" Kurama muttered as he put his head in his hands.

Kurama gasped for air as he reach the surface of the water, Luce did nothing. Akari help Kurama pull Luce on to the dock.

"She isn't breathing" Akari stated in shock.

Kurama pushed her aside and started CPR 'Don't you die on me'

"He got her" Yusuke breather out.

"She isn't breathing" they hear Akari say.

"NO" everyone shouted.

They watch as Kurama pushed Akari aside and started CPR.

"What is he doing?" Hiei asked a bit confused.

"CPR" stated Keiko "It's used to get your heart beating again, and to get her to breath." she added watching him do chest compressions.

Kurama breathing in Luce mouth slowly, and started another around of chest compressions. 'Please come back to me'

Luce stood in darkness, as she head a familiar voice in her head. 'Please come back to me' "Kurama" she whispered. "Am I dead?"

"No, not if you want to" A familiar cheery voice said.

"Botan?" Luce asked turning to face the fairy girl.

"Luce it's up to you if you want to live, Kurama is trying his best to save you, he wants you to live, and Yusuke, what well happened to him?" Botan said walked towards her.

"Why is he trying to save me?" Luce question.

"Because he still loves you. Listen you have to let him talk, he didn't cheat on you." Botan said giving her long time friend a hug.

"I saw it" Luce stated tears in her eyes.

"You saw a girl kiss him, you didn't see it all. He pushed her away, he loves you. The eye and the mind will always play tricks on you." Botan stated giving a warm smiled to her friend.

"How do you know?" Luce asked

"I was there, I saw the whole thing." Botan stated giving her another hug.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Luce said getting angry.

"I tried, you wouldn't listen." Botan said in a soft voice.

"I'm sorry" Luce stated as a bright light filled her eyes.

Kurama gave her another breath, as he did Luce started to cough, and rolled to herside. Kurama let out a sigh in relief. He put his arm around her and sat her in his lap as she cough up water.

"K-r-ama" Luce said between coughs.

"It's ok, your fine." Kurama said soothing her, as she went into a peaceful sleep.

Akari left tears of joy stream down her face, as Kurama pick up Luce and carried her back to the cabin.

Yusuke and the others was set free form their dark prison, and found themselves back in the living room of the cabin.

School was normal the following Monday, as Luce went to her Art history class. On her way passing Kurama as he went to study hall.

After what happened at the cabin Kurama has been acting differently, he smiled at her now in the hall way. But still never talked.

Luce remember what Botan said to her, she couldn't bring herself to talk to him. Luce felt so stupid and guilty for not listing to him, for not letting him talk to her, and for shutting him out.

'no I will not lose him again' Luce though as she stopped in the hall way and turned around to face Kurama.

"Kurama?" she called not caring that other people were around.

Kurama stopped at her voice and turned around to meet her sorry hazel eyes. "Can we talk?" she asked in a soft voice.

"Now?" he said with a smirk.

"Yes." she answered turning back around and heading for the door.

Kurama smiled as he followed her.

They walked for about 20 minutes until they came to a park. Luce took a seat on the park bench, and Kurama joined her.

"So what do you want to talk about?" He asked turning to face her.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, looking into his eyes.

"For?" Kurama asked holding back his joy.

"For pushing you away, for not listening, for not believing" she answered as tears streamed down her face.

Kurama sighed a happy sigh as he whipped away her tears with his hand. "Don't cry, I shouldn't have been so foolish." Kurama said in a soft low whisper.

Luce looked at him then through herself in his arms and took in his sent. "I missed you" she whispered as Kurama pulled her back and kissed her with love and passion.

Luce returned the kiss with the same or even more love. They broke the kiss and looked in each other eyes "I missed you too" Kurama said as he kissed her again.

In the sprit world Koenma smirk as he watch the to loves in his mirror. He turned to a pretty demon with dark pink eyes and dark purple hair and said "You did a great job Yukari"

The girl smirked and said "Thank you uncle, I knew acting was my thing"

Koenma smiled at her and said "I know, tell you mother I said hi" he finished while summoning a portal, the girl gave him a warm smile as she vanished though the portal.

"You know Koenma if Luce and Kurama finds out what we did, hell will brake lose." Botan stated walking into the room.

"Well this is one secret they will not find out" Koenma stated looking back to the mirror, as Kurama and Luce walked hand in hand into the sunset.


I hopt you all enjoyed that short story, and for the people reading My BeyBlade story i might have a new chapter up Monday and i'll try and finish it this month, i just got to remember the last chapter i wrote. You see i wrote it in school, and now i'm home,a nd my college is 3 hours away... any ways.. THANKS to all the poeple who reviewed good and bad...lol..:p