Thy Kingdom come
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, if I did then life would be beautiful
- Dream State - , Flashback , ' thoughts ', " Dialogue "
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A change in writing style/time/place/whatever (will notate in () which one)
Summary: Ansem the wise is the king of Twilight town. His brother Xemnas is not only jealous but intends for his son Sephiroth to take the throne instead of Ansem's son Riku. Unfortunately he knows just which buttons to push and Riku will have to use everything he knows to earn his rightful place as king.
Rating: T – For language, might raise the rating depending.
Warning: Spoilers from KH2, not much of them though. Yaoi, Riku +Sora pairing.
A young silver haired boy of about five years was out in the vast backyard. He was sitting in the garden admiring the flowers.
"Son… I've hired a trainer." said a gruff yet friendly voice from behind him. The young silver haired boy looked up, his aquamarine eyes sparkling with confusion.
"A trainer? What do I need a trainer for?" chirped the little boy. The little boy loved his father, for he was a very fair man, kind and intelligent, plus he was king of the world. Or at least Traverse Town.
"Someday you may need to defend yourself… I want you to be ready when that day comes."
"Defend myself? Against what?" asked the boy cutely, running up to hug his Father. So certain that as long as his daddy was around he wouldn't have to worry about anything.
The white-haired older man smiled at the antics of his young son. "Against people who might want to hurt you. People who might want to take away what is rightfully yours."
"But you'll protect me daddy… won't you?" Big aquamarine eyes shimmered up into solemn emerald ones.
"Riku… you may not always have me around to help you. I will get old… and when I get old I will be too slow. You need to be able to protect yourself. Ok?"
Though the boy was young, and he didn't really understand why his father wanted him to train. He figured that it would just help him to be strong like his daddy… and he definitely wanted to be just like his daddy. So with an adorably huge grin he nodded his silver mop vigorously. "Ok daddy."
"That's a good lad. Come now Riku and meet your trainer."
Hand in hand the two walked over to the large grassy area where Riku watched his father practice fighting every day. A mat for tumbling had been added as well as some bell-bars and weights. One pole stood out that would be where Riku would practice his pull-ups.
But for now, the young silver-haired boy smiled at everything innocently. Beaming a large excited grin as he tried to imagine what all the gleaming metal things were for.
(A few days later)
A tall young man watched as young Riku ran around the mile-long track on his orders. The scrawny wimp was a far cry from what anyone would call a natural when it came to any hard work. Already the brunette had tried out the boy's skills and found that he had none.
'Five year olds…' He grumbled mentally, running a hand through his long, spiky, reddish-brown hair. He had been singled out among his peers who were all members of the royal guard, to train this little brat in the ways of fighting.
'Why the hell didn't he pick Lexaeus for this. He's built like a goddamn rhinoceros.' The man sighed and stopped this line of thought. 'I suppose I should be honored that his majesty thought it suitable for me to train this whelp, though it's directly against the plan…' He smirked and summoned up his chakrams as the little boy rounded the corner.
'Let's see how fast his reflexes are…'
Next thing little Riku knew he was on the ground bleeding from a small gash in his cheek. "Axelllllllllllll! Why'd you throw that thing at meeeee!" He whined, sniffling as he picked himself up off the sand.
Axel rolled his eyes at the little boy, "Get up and stop acting like a wuss. Listen here… from this day forward you are going to work hard, and train tough. I don't want to see any more of these tears. They're weak! You are weak! Show me some pushups!" He ordered, pointing to the ground.
Weeks dragged on, Riku getting several scrapes similar to the one he'd gotten that first day of his training. At the end of a month, he'd finally given up on threatening Axel with termination for trying to kill him. The response was always the same, "If I wanted to kill you… I would've done it already."
He struggled to learn to do pushups properly, using his knee's to help him the first few days before Axel had caught him and forced him to do it properly. He ran at least five laps around that stupid track every day and once in a while Axel would toss a chakram at him just to see if he was paying attention. His first attempt at the pull up bar had been an embarrassing encounter, but now he could almost pull himself up all of the way. Though Riku had initially thought Axel was just being mean, he found himself getting better as the years wore on.
His first battle with the older man had gone horribly and Axel had refused to give him a rematch saying that he needed to learn how to protect himself in battle first before he could learn to attack.
The mat turned out to be where Axel would force him to practice gymnastic tricks. Standing on his head, somersaulting, back flips, front flips, etc. He once mentioned that he didn't understand why he had to know how to do these… incredibly girly things, but the next time they faced off he found himself using those same techniques for dodging those annoying chakrams and understood.
At the age of ten the boy was well muscled and could pull himself up one-handed on the bars.
Axel marveled at how much the young one had grown, realizing that the king must have known that he'd be such a harsh taskmaster and that Riku wouldn't have collapsed like a fragile flower, but instead take it all in stride. He found himself becoming proud of the way the young boy was growing up and decided that he'd add a fighting companion.
The newest member of the guard was a blonde named Roxas that Axel had rescued from the slums of the city, having seen the young boy fight off some neighborhood bullies with a finesse that Axel had been impressed with.
He brought Roxas to the castle grounds and from that day forward Riku and he became rivals, Axel becoming rather fond of both of them, though he'd never admit it to any of his peers.
Meanwhile in a smaller nearby castle, the brother of the king sat fuming upon his throne. "He's going to run the world forever… when I should be the one sitting upon that throne!" He slammed a mug down onto the table, causing some of the members of the guard to jump involuntarily.
"Not necessarily Xemnas… there may be a time in the future when young Riku can not qualify for king, and then young Sephiroth would default to the throne." Said a young sadistic blonde sitting at the end of the table who'd been one of the few who hadn't jumped earlier. She was filing her nails as she said this, making her look like even more of an annoying blonde.
"Hmmm you may have a point there Larxene." Xemnas replied, sitting back thoughtfully and running a hand through his white hair.
"I don't understand why you don't just have me shoot him." A black-haired man with grey streaks in his hair muttered in annoyance seated to Xemnas's left.
"No Xigbar… it would raise too much publicity… they'd trace it to me eventually." Xemnas replied.
"I say we keep an eye on him. In the meantime I will read the rule-book and find out what sort of loopholes we may be able to utilize." Said a dirty-blonde haired young man who was seated next to Xigbar.
"Thank you Vexen… the rest of you keep on your guard. Nothing unusual is to happen to his young majesty. We must either find a way to destroy him without the possibility of blame, or use the loop-hole method." Xemnas declared.
The others nodded and went to do their jobs. Xemnas rubbed his hands together with a smile, perhaps he had a chance yet…