Here, a chibi Sokka ficcy. You can blame Reigning Fyre for this. She's my abuse muse and FORCED me to write this. So everyone waiting for updates of 10 Steps to De-Sue a Mary Sue and Kiseki; blame her.
This is a twt (timeline, what timeline) fic. Aang has mastered air and water bending, and Zuko and Iroh are traveling with the gang. Zuko does play nice with the others now. This may or may not develop into a Zuko/Sokka romance. It probably won't; but if it does, it'll be shonen ai at the most.
Prologue: Transformation
Disclaimer: Is there yaoi in the series, or at least shonen ai? No? None? Then I don't own it… Yet…
"Sokka! Where's Sokka?"
Katara's cries were loud and frantic in the still air. But as desperate as her pleas were, no one could answer her.
It had been seemingly innocent when it all began. Having mastered water and airbending, Aang had attempted to bend the two elements at once.
What had followed had not been pretty. The attack had not only failed spectacularly, but some of Aang's avatar powers had broken free in the process.
And Sokka had been caught in the middle of it all.
"Here!" the voice that answered wasn't the one they were expecting.
Aang was instantly at the source of the sound. His eyes bulged in confusion at what was before him. "Umm… Katara, I think you should come here." Aang pointed to the ground in front of him.
Sokka sat on the ground. At least, Katara thought it was Sokka. It looked like their Sokka; had his hair and eyes at least. It wore the same clothes as Sokka, right down to his one of a kind necklace. But their Sokka didn't usually wear such an innocent, carefree look on his face. Their Sokka didn't suck on his fingers.
Their Sokka wasn't three years old.
Hearing Katara's gasp, Sokka's gaze left the bald boy in front of him to study the new person. Seeing the familiar face, he pushed himself up on slightly unsteady legs. A large grin of pure childish delight broke over his features as his arms reached upwards.
"What did you call me?" Katara asked in surprise.
"Mama silly." Sokka giggled at Katara's confused face. In his young mind, his mother was playing a game with him. "Pick me up Mama!"
Feeling a bit numb, Katara did as her older, no. Katara did as her YOUNGER brother asked.
Once snug in Katara's arms, Sokka wrapped his much smaller arms around her neck and buried his head in her shoulder. Pulling away from the warm hug, Sokka looked up at his sister and wrinkled his nose in concentration. "Your hair's different Mama."
"Sokka…" Katara began.
"And there's no snow." Sokka swung his head around. His face began to frown with confusion as he took in his surroundings. "And where's Daddy and 'tara, Mama?"
"Sokka, I'm Katara."
Sokka shook his head, giggling again. "You're not 'tara, silly Mama. You're too big. 'tara's littler than me." Furrowing his little face into a thinking expression, he asked, "Did Daddy take 'tara somewhere? When'll 'tara and Daddy come back?"
"Sokka, I'm Katara." The water tribe girl tried to explain again, but Sokka shook his head.
"No you're not!" He was starting to get frustrated. The game wasn't fun anymore. "You're Mama. Where are 'tara and Daddy? When're they coming back? Mama?" Why was his mama crying like that? Where were his daddy and little sister? Why wasn't his mama answering him?
It was too much for his three year old mind to comprehend. All he knew was that he was somewhere that wasn't home, his daddy and his little sister were gone, and his mama was crying.
So he did the natural thing for any three year old to do. He burst into loud, wet sobs.
"What's wrong with him!" Aang shouted in a panic. "Why is he crying! Why are you crying! Katara?"
This only made Sokka scream louder. "Not 'tara! Mama!"
"Why is he crying? Can't you make him stop Uncle?" Zuko turned to the older and wiser man.
Iroh shook his head. "He can't help it. He's scared and confused right now. He's just a baby after all."
"Not a baby!" Sokka shouted, tears still wet on his cheeks and sniffling. "'m a warrior." Clinging to Katara's shoulder, he whimpered again.
Katara had regained herself by this time. Her hand gently rubbed circles on the other's back, as she rocked the smaller one. "It's okay Sokka. Just go to sleep. Everything will be better when you wake up."
"Will Daddy and 'tara be back?" his small voice asked.
"I don't know Sokka. But I'll be here."
The small warrior yawned, burying his face into the crook of Katara's neck. "I love you Mama."
Katara bit back the sob that tried to rise from her throat. Blinking away her tears, she hugged her brother tighter to her body.
"I love you too Sokka."
Prologues will always be short with me. Anyway, this is only the beginning, and I have no idea what will be covered in the next chapter. All I can promise later on is more cuteness, more angst, and a very disgruntled Zuko kitty.
This fic was spawned by the image of a three year old Sokka crewing on his mittens. This fic was written because my abuse muse Reigning Fyre made me write it. All the blame lies with her.
As always, read and review.
Ja min'na-san!