"Dammit Veronica, you should be in the hospital, not sitting here!" Lincoln said to his stubborn wife for the hundredth time that afternoon.

Veronica just rolled her eyes and smiled calmly. "Lincoln, I'm fine. Sara said to wait until my water broke, and it hasn't," she said patiently.

Looking at Sara, she said, "tell him again please."

Sara laughed and looked at the couple. It was almost eight months since she had come to see Michael and she could not remember a happier time in her life. Although she and Michael had decided to take things slowly, they had both under-estimated their need to be together.

Within a month she had all but moved into his home, now their home, and they had unanimously decided that that was definitely the best course of action. There was nothing about her existence she would change.

She loved her work, now more than ever. Michael and Lincoln's company was also starting to see profits much faster than they had anticipated. It seemed like changes were the order of the day.

"Lincoln, as a medical professional, I assure you, your wife is perfectly ok."

"Is she supposed to have had these mild contractions?" He asked with a worried frown.

"Just the body's way of naturally preparing itself for what's to come." she said patiently. "Although Veronica, I do think its time you leave everything to Nick and Maricruz. They're more than capable."

In line with changes, after Michael's release, Veronica and Nick had started their own legal practice. Maricruz Delgado, Fernando Sucre's fiancée at the time, had desperately been looking for work, and as an act of kindness, and desperation, as they needed someone fast, Nick had hired her as the receptionist/secretary.

It had mostly been due to the fact that Sucre was Michael's best friend and he wanted to help out. To everyone's relief, Maricruz was great at it. Sucre on the other hand was working for Lincoln on the construction site. There were days when heated arguments were the norm, but generally, things smoothed over pretty quickly. They weren't just colleagues. They were friends.

Sara smiled at the ensuing hilarity, left the couple in the living room of their home and entered the kitchen where LJ had escaped to the minute Veronica seemed to feel any kind of contraction.

Spotting him with his head in the refrigerator - as usual - she leaned on the doorframe and said, "Coward."

Whipping around, he at least had the grace to look chagrined as he swallowed a spoonful of custard.

"Not coward, its self preservation. I can't take the look of pain on her face; it cuts deep. Besides, Dad's bound to pass out anytime soon. Seeing as I carry his genes, I figure I'd better not tempt fate."

He shrugged and continued, "Jeez Sara, he was on death row and he made it out. Veronica's having a baby and he almost loses it." LJ shuddered dramatically and shook his head in disbelief before dipping back into the refrigerator.

Shaking her head, she took a moment to marvel at how far he had come. LJ was actually experiencing life as a teenager in an average neighbourhood, within a stable family. Life was being good to all of them.

Breaking the train of her thoughts, she heard LJ continue, "I mean, the only other person who went even more nuts than Dad was Sucre."

Looking at Sara with an expression akin to pained delight, he said, "Now he went nuts!"

"Who went nuts?" Michael asked as he entered the kitchen via the back door. Still dressed in a suit, tie discarded though, her handsome love walked over to her. It amazed her that she still melted when he looked at her.

Winking at LJ, he headed to Sara and kissed her in greeting. His arm still around her waist, he waited for an answer.

"Sucre," Sara volunteered, as LJ, who was clearly more interested in his stomach than the conversation, didn't answer. "When Maricruz gave birth to Enrique."

Michael laughed. "Aah, yes, our God child and my namesake," he said rather proudly.

Sara jabbed him in the ribs and said, "I'd hardly call Enrique Fernando Michael Sucre your namesake Michael."

Proving he was indeed listening to the conversation, LJ chuckled and added, "and it may be spelt like yours, but its not even pronounced like your name Uncle Mike. Its Mik-Hail."

Michael shrugged, "obviously inspired by greatness."

LJ snorted as Sara just rolled her eyes. She was about to comment when Lincoln's bellow beckoned.

"Sara! I think it broke!"

Stepping out from the circle of Michael's arms she was followed into the living room by LJ and Michael.

"Veronica?" She enquired as she rushed forward to check her vitals.

"Can you believe I'm actually relieved it broke? I don't think I could take anymore of Lincoln's fretting." At his dark look, she just added, "I love you honey."

Michael headed to the door, "I'll start the car. LJ, get Veronica's suitcase and Linc-"

"No need brother, I've got the precious cargo," he said as he carefully swung Veronica up into his arms. He ignored his wife as she said, "so dramatic!"

As she was literally swept out of the house, she called to Sara, "please call Maricruz and tell her I'm in labour. Oh and Nick.."

"I'm sure Maricruz will spread the news. Just relax, I'll take care of it." She called back as she grabbed her cell phone and followed them out, slipping into the front seat of Michael's SUV.

They grinned at each other and together turned to look at the amusing sight the threesome made on the back seat. A highly pregnant Veronica was squeezing the life out of the hands of her husband and jumpy stepson who flanked her on either side.

"Ready?" Michael asked.

At Lincoln's pained expression, and Veronica's frantic panting, Michael started the engine and said, "Ok. Hold on tight, we're having a baby!"

"You wanna have one of those with me?" Michael asked.

Sara almost keeled over. Staring at the viewing window of the nursery, she turned to him in jubilant disbelief. They had been admiring the latest addition to the family, Lincoln and Veronica's little girl.

"What did you say?" She whispered incredulously.

Michael actually seemed a little self-conscious at his outburst, but didn't take it back. Turning to face her, he pulled her into his arms and quickly kissed her gaping mouth.

"I don't want to wait anymore. I love you. I want to spend my life with you. I want us to have children together and fill out home with chaos. I want to grow old with you."

Laughing a little at the irony of it all, he said, "the first time I literally laid eyes on you was in an infirmary, and now, almost two years later, I'm asking you to be my wife whilst standing in a hospital. We've come full circle Sara. How's that for romance?"

Sara's eyes glazed with tears. She waited a heartbeat before she jumped him, wrapping her legs around his waist and reining kisses all over his face.


Kiss on the left cheek.

"Yes, yes"

Kiss of the right cheek and nose.


Lingering kiss on the mouth. Their tongues touched and their souls meshed.

Someone cleared their throat and said with merriment evident in their tone, "Papi, I don't think that display is exactly appropriate for all the little ones on the other side of that window. I've read recently that babies take in a lot more than we know."

Sara laughed and kissed Michael deeply one last time, savouring the emotions, the passion, love, respect and excitement that hadn't seemed to fade these past two years, before pulling back and planting her feet on the ground.

Looking at Fernando holding a bouncing baby Enrique, she said, "You two are the first to know then," gazing back at Michael with shimmering eyes, she said, "we're getting married."

Sucre looked at his son and said, "You hear that hijo?" Enrique giggled and rubbed his father's baldhead playfully before stretching out his plump arms and reaching for Sara.

"My son approves Michael. You caught a beautiful lady," he said as he handed the baby to Sara, and slapped Michael on the back. "About time you made an honest woman of the Doc Mike."

Enrique had latched onto Sara's locks and was grabbing fistfuls to put into his mouth. Watching Sara laugh in delight, Sucre stepped forward and helped disentangle his son's chubby fingers before leaning in and kissing Sara on the check.

It won't be long before these two were having babies of their own, he thought. Out loud he said, "Congratulations Sara."

A few days later, Michael and Sara stood in the living room of their home, looking out at the guests who had come to celebrate the christening of Lindsay Elizabeth Burrows.

Sucre, Maricruz and baby Enrique were there, who at present was babbling incoherently on the lap of Henry Pope and his wife. Charles Westmoreland was also there and surprisingly Benjamin Franklin and his family. It had taken a lot of the former C-Note to come clean with his wife, but with encouragement he had. Things had been touch and go for a while, but there was love and support. They were going to be just fine.

"Funny how we have a room full of our closest friends, and more than half of them here are linked to a prison," Sara observed, highly amused.

"Good men, and good friends," he simply replied.

Turning into him Sara hugged him close, and caught sight of the simple, sparkling diamond ring adorning her finger. "Do you know Michael, that I'm happier than I ever thought possible?" Close to his ear she whispered, "thank you for showing me what love should be like and what families are supposed to mean. I've never had this," she said, by gesturing to the room.

He kissed her tenderly, locking their gazes. "I live to make you happy. I want our home to be a place of happiness and warmth. I want our family to be nothing like either of our experiences. Our children will be loved, safe and happy Sara."

Sara pulled back slightly, her arms resting on his shoulders, and arched her right eyebrow. "Children? Plural. Just how many are you after Scofield?" she asked sceptically.

He laughed mischievously before saying, "At least enough to rival Sucre's brood."

Sara choked and Michael pulled her back into his arms, rubbing her back soothingly. "Fernando's made no secret of the fact that he wants a little army!"

Michael laughed at her expression. "That means," he said as he leaned in and kissed her on the tip of her nose, "we need at least a little army, plus one."

Sara couldn't help but suppress a smile. "Very ambitious Scofield. And just when are we going to get the time to have this army?"

Pulling her closer he whispered against her lips, "seeing as we're already trailing Sucre by one, I figure that there's no time like the present Doctor," before kissing away any objection she may have had.