Hermione and Fred…The deleted scenes
"Ron, why do you have to ruin everything?" Hermione said undoing the straps of her dainty heels, as she sat on the steps leading to the great hall.
"Ron has to ruin everything because he's the littlest brother." Came a famililiar voice from the entrance to the ball.
"Fred Weasly, Why are you out here and not with Angelina?" Hermione questioned suspiciously.
"Nah Angie's off with some pretty boy from Beauxbatons, my incredible charms must have taken the night off." Fred said with his trademark grin and puffy chest.
All this achieved was to put a smile on Hermione's face.
"Well it has always been easy to put a smile on your face miss Granger." Fred smirked.
"Well at least one of the Weasly brothers can take time to be nice to me tonight." She sniffled.
"And what has our dearest little brother done this time?" Fred said sitting down next to Hermione and taking her hand in his own.
Hermione looked up into his face, so full of concern.
"Ron never considers me as an actual person let alone a girl." Hermione frowned.
"You shouldn't worry about guys your age their not old enough to realise-"
"Relise what?"
"Well well well what do we have here a match made in heaven a Mudblood and a Weasel." Says a rather high pitched voice.
"If it isn't the boy whose balls haven't dropped yet, Draco Malfoy." Fred said as he jumped infront of Hermione.
"So we're defending the mudblood now are we?"
" Why you little son of a-"
"Weasley, Grainger what are you doing? The balls over get to bed now"
"It's not worth it Fred come on" Hermoine said as she tugged on his sleeve to pull him up the stairs to the gryfifndor tower. They walked in silence neither one wanting to bring up what Fred had realised and almost blurted out. Hermonine wasn't the bookworm he'd alsways thought she was.
"Bombarada" Hermoine said as they approached the fat lady. When they reached the dormintory stairs one leading right to the girls dormintory and the other leading left to the boys dormintory, they were at a loss as to what to say.
"Thanks for making me smile." Hermoine said almost in a whisper.
"Umm…sure anytime" Fred replied with another one of his cheeky grins.
Hermoine couldn't help but smile as she walked up the stairs. Who would have thought Fred of all people could put butterflies in her stomach.
The next moring Hermoine awoke to find the common room buzzing with excitement. Everyone had had a good time last night, everyone except her. Well not until she had her chat with Fred. She wasn't in the mood to see let alone speack to Ron or Harry so she decided to head to breakfast my herself. This didn't turn out to be a grea idea, as Fred was siiting all alone at the gryfifindor table. Just before she had to make a decision as to what to do, Lavender and Parvati walked past.
"What are you looking at, couldn't possible be Fred." Lavender asked sacastically.
At the mention of his name Fred looked up, but instead of his usual cheeky grin all the girls received was a depressing look of worry. Without hesitation Hermoine hurried to his side, with no thought to Lavender and Parvarti. They sulked off to the other end of the table as they didn't get attention for once in their lives.
"Fred what's wrong, are you okay? Hermoine asked frantically.
"What…..oh sorry Hermoine. It's George."
Hermoine moved her hand onto his shoulder, "Oh my god what happened to him?"
"Well last night after the ball his was trying to impress a girl from Beauxbatons and he tripped down the stairs and hit his head." Fred faced the other way to hide his tears.
Hermoine had never seen this side of Fred Weasley. This was a side of Fred that maybe only George would ever have seen. She took his head into her hands and made their eyes meet. "It'll be okay Fred; Madame Pomfrey will fix him right up."
"That's what everyone has been saying but he's still unconscious." Fred said sullenly.
"Why aren't you up there with him then, if anyone's voice will wake him up it's going to be yours." Hermoine said.
"I was but I just couldn't sit there and look at him just lying there."
"Come on you have to be there when he wakes up." Hermoine said sweetly, grabbing his hand and pulling him all the way to the hospital wing.
They were in complete silence again all the way up to the hospital wing. Fred never let go of her hand it, didn't even cross his mind too. When they reached the hospital wing There were two boys already sitting there.
"Harry, Ron, what are you doing here." Hermoine asked still holding onto Fred's hand.
"Well considering George, you know my brother, is in the hospital wing I though I should be here for him."
"Well of course I just-" Hermoine started before harry cut her off.
"Why are you holding Fred's hand?" he asked shocked.
Both Fred and Hermoine had forgotten their hands were interlocked, they qiuckly let go and blushed a deep shade of Weasley crimson.
"Well-a-we-umm-" before Fred could explain they all heard gfunting noises coming from George. They all turned around to see George waking up groggy and dazed. Hermonie quickly ran off to fetch madame Pomfrey.
Fred quickly sat next to his twin brother, "How you feeling mate?"
"Well not as good as you obviously are. Grainger aye?" George said with that same cheeky grin.
Before Fred once again had to explain himself Madame Pomfrey came to his rescue.
"Quick boy drink this."
George didn't think he just took the cup and swallowed in one gulp.
"Yuk, what is that stuff it tastes like gnome dung." George spluttered.
"Now now boy, it will make you better with a bit of rest. Speaking of rest everyone out it's time for George to get some sleep." Madame Pomfrey said shooing them out.
"But he only regained conscoiuosness a minute ago." Yelled Ron.
They were already out the door and remotely heard Madame Pomfrey saying "Sleep is different to consciuosness."
The boys headed back down to breakfast in the great hall. On the way they passed Peeves who looked awfully suspicious. "Any one notice where Hermoine got to?" asked Harry. The three of them looked around Hermoine wasn't with them.