I'm a Candle in the wind, My future flickers for my eyes. I'm to reastless to be satisfied with silence,So I'll push further through the night.Say you want to put me out and then I'm lonley, No I've heard those lies before 'Cause the fire inside, me just keeps burning,Just won't stand it anymore.You came along, you pulled me up when I was down The way you made me feel just took me by surprise.You took my hand, you stole my heart, you fed the fire.When you moved with me you gave me back my life Let the spirit move me! Let the spirit move me! Let your spirit move me! Let your spirit move me!Let the spirit move me!- Lyrics from Xena, Season five, Episode: Lyre lyre, Hearts on Fire

Chapter ten:Doubts.

They were put into cages, well myself included.In the same one as Clopin. I should add. Jaqueline remained close to me. I sat down by Clopin." Do you blame me for this?" I asked him.

He looked at me," It was all planned, wasn't it?"

" What?"

" The fire,me saving you. It was just so he could find The court of miracles. You'd planned this from the start." He said to me.

I reached up to touch his face, he roughly grabbed my wrist. I shook my head." You just want to think that. What I said, the fire, you saved me. I would have never dreamed of betraying you." I said." I was thrown into the house to die because I refused to reveal to him your location. Quasimodo accidently lead him." I whispered.

Clopin nuzzled his head against his knees, which where pressed against his chest. He sat there for a moment." Isabelle, I want to confide to you, I am just afraid thats all."

" Clopin it's alright to be afraid. " He took my hand.

" I'm sorry Isabelle.I did not mean to..." I slienced him with a kiss.we looked up at the sound of drums. Esmeralda's hands were tied together. She was forced on a stage where she was bound to a wood piller. And buddles of sticks were thrown up beside her.Father stood there with a piece of paper reading from it," The prisoner has been found guilty of the crime of witch craft. The sentance, death!"

I looked at Clopin and held Jaqueline up in my arms. Several moments passed father shouted," The gypsy Esmeralda has refused to recant, this evil witch has put the soul of every citizen in Paris in danger..." I covered my ears and closed my eyes. Hoping that this would end soon for all of us." For justice, for Paris,and for her own salvation , it is my shameful duty to send this unholy demon back where she belongs." He finished.Lighting the fire.

I looked at Clopin, his eyes locked upon the bell tower. An echo of the bells vibrating can be heard as well as Quasi. Jaqueline smiled, Quasimodo swung down from the tower on a rope.Flying over to the crowd. Lept upon the platform. And freed Esmeralda. Even though from where I was, she appeared to be knocked out.He untied her, swung back to the Cathedral, and climbed with one hand up to the middle part of the Notredame.Lifted Emeralda above him, crying" Sanctuary! Sanctuary! Sanctuary!" And the crowd cheered, I looked back up at father, he is very displeased.

What I thought was worse then father being displeased, he ordered that the Notredame seized. When I looked back up. Pheobus had gotten freed. And leapt up upon a cage," Citizens of Paris, Frollo has persecuted our people, ransacked our city. Now he had declared war on Notredame herself, will we allow it?"

" No!" The crowd shouted. I smiled at Clopin. He smiled back and took me into a playful hug as at the same time a mob gathered and began slice the locks on the cages. We leapt ou free.Clopine immedaitely threw out his knife.And rushed to slit throats of the guards attacking Notredame.

" Jaqueline, listen to me, you stay here." I whispered to her, and when this is all over, you'll be my daughter alright."

Her eyes lit up, and she threw her arms around me." Youll be my mother?" I nodded. Then stood up straight. I looked around at the action going on. Now I must have been mad to have done this. As, father ordered that a beam found on the cobble ground rammed into the doors to break it down. I ran to try and stop him. I reached him and with all I had shoved him back," What are you doing?" I cried.

He roughly struck me, sending me to the gorund. This one hurt like a mother...( watch yo mouth!) He stood above me. His sword raised. my eyes widened, I rolled to the side and stood. Still a bit dizzy," You should have learned to stay out of my affairs, Isabelle." He said to me and took another swing. I ducked this one. But as I turned my head to the side, I felt the end of the sword slam me right into my face. Again all I could see were blury figures. From what I hada been told later...father had been defeated. He took a nasty fall from the cathedral after trying to kill Quasi...

Note: Too lazy to write the end scene. Or the fight scenes from the movie

Six or so years later...

" Mommy! Daddy! Wake up!" Slowly my eyes opened. Clopin groaned and yawned.Our six year old twin daughters say on our bed in the brightened Palace of Justice.

" Emily,Samone." I too yawned." It's too early girls.

" Yeah. Your mother and I were about to..." Clopin began, but I knew he was going to say something that would forever scar them. I elebowed him quickly.

" What did you two need?"I asked.

Emily thought long and hard,"Oh...uh...Zephyr said that...uh...Samone you do it..." Emily said looking at her twin.

Abruptly she slammed her little foot into Clopin's groin. His eyes lit up he fell out of bed." He's right guys do fall down when you do that to them," They giggled and ran from the room.

I was speechless and glanced over the side of the bed." No way." Clopin struggled to say. Trying to make sure both his testicals were there.He sighed and weakly climbed back into bed.

" Are you alright?" I asked trying noy to laugh.

" Fine," He said recovering quickly.

I smiled and leaned over to kiss him." Thank god we only have..." He paused to count on his fingers how many kids we had.

" Three darling. Jaqueline, Samone, and Emily." I said then bit my lower lip. See lately I had been experiencing the same side effects as before when I first got pregnant with the twins, which was the very first time Clopin and myself made love. Though our wedding night was erotic, kinky, and well I will not get into details.

I then smiled. And took his face in my hands and kissed him full in the mouth. He smiled wickedly at me." Now you're talking." He said and rolled over on top of me" Do you want top or..." He started.Then saw my expression it was calm and not as vexinous as his." What?" He asked.

I took his hand and pressed it against my lower abdoman."You...again..." With that he fainted, falling backwards off the bed.

Well, thats my story for now. Of how I meet my eternal mate, Clopin. We are now expecting another baby, we have quite an adventure ahead of us.But that is another story.


Yeah I know you are all like what the hell was that! Well see I have a hell of a lot of fics going right now. And I am still out of Ideas If you want to bash it all you want be my guests. Thanks to those who have however reviewed.