Hope you all enjoy the new story. This will be the only time that I state that I do not own Inuyasha. Please review and let me know if you like it.
The Choice
'The time has finally come,' was the only thing Kagome could think of as she watched the small village from the overlooking ledge. She had changed in many ways over the last few years. Now she was a woman of twenty-one that had seen to much in her short years. Any who saw her would see a beautiful woman with wavy raven locks that reached her waist, a figure that many envied and haunted blue gray eyes that had seen to much. She wore an ice blue fighting kimono with no sleeves trimmed in black with slits on the side to her waist, black loose fitting pants with a pair of ankle high boots and a pair of swords attached to her back. It had been two weeks now since the defeat of Naraku and the completion of the jewel. During the fight, however, the well had been destroyed trapping her in the feudal era. The jewel had been completed, but before a wish could be made it turned to dust merging with her permanently. What she neglected to tell the others though is that Midoriko had given her a special gift that would allow her in time to see her family once more. Sango and Miroku were married now starting their life together while Inuyasha still couldn't choose between her and Kikyo.
'It doesn't matter anymore,' she thought, 'the choice has been made for him.'
The dead miko has been staying close by waiting for a chance to try and kill her. If that wasn't enough there was also the fact that she had felt the presence of a powerful demon nearby watching her more often than she'd like or care to admit. After watching the sunset she decided to head back to Keade's for dinner.
'I'll leave at first light,' she thought.
Once again golden eyes watched her every move until she disappeared from sight. He had been observing her more often as of late. After the final battle ended and the shikon jewel merged with her he had noticed the change in her scent. It no longer smelled of slow death as all humans did signifying their mortality. It confused him and he was getting restless to have his answers. There had always been a fascination with the young miko. Her loyalty to one that did not give it in return had confused him greatly and her capacity to forgive and love those not of her blood drew him to her even more. He had watched, as she was heartbroken time and time again by his half brother only to become stronger and become the woman that he now saw.
'Inuyasha is a fool to let her roam free unmarked.' Sesshomaru thought.
Kagome entered the hut only to be met by her adopted kit Shippo. He had grown over the past few years and now reached her chest. She sat down and watched as Keade passed out bowls of stew. Although she was hungry she ate very little.
"Are you alright Kagome," asked Sango.
She looked to the demon slayer that she considered her sister and the others before speaking. "I have come to a decision and I am leaving at first light."
"What…. why Kagome," asked Sango.
"Lady Kagome, please reconsider," said Miroku.
She raised her hand to quiet them. "This is something I must do. You are starting your life together and it's time I get one of my own."
"But Kagome you have a life here with us," said Sango.
"Sango, I must find a place for me. Please try to understand I need to do this."
"What about Inuyasha, Lady Kagome," asked Miroku.
"I accepted the fact that he would never choose Miroku and I let him go a long time ago. He would not choose so I have. I will make a home of my own and travel wherever my feet take me, but I will never again play second to anyone."
"Will you visit us?"
"Of course I will, Sango."
"Mother, will I be coming with you?"
"Yes, Shippo. I won't leave you behind- you're my son after all." After enjoying time with her friends she fell asleep with her bags already packed. Inuyasha did not come in until the early morning hours. If anyone had seen the direction he had come from they would have seen the ghost like figures of Kikyo's soul stealers.
Kagome woke at dawn and went to take a quick bath before she left. When she returned Shippo was awake and waiting for her. After looking over her friends sleeping forms one last time she smiled. "Are you ready Shippo?"
"Yes mother."
"Good lets go." They were barely away from the village before an irate hanyou was in front of them.
"Where the hell are you going, wench? "
Kagome's eyes narrowed slightly in anger. "If you had been here last night, Inuyasha, then you'd know I'm leaving."
"What do you mean leaving?"
"Exactly that, Inuyasha. I'm going to find a place that I can call home. Someplace where I am truly wanted."
"What the hell are you talking about this is your home."
"No, Inuyasha, this is your home and its time I found mine."
"What about Sango, Miroku and me he whispered."
"Sango and Miroku have each other and you have Kikyo. It's time I left."
Inuyasha pulled her into an embrace. "I don't want to loose you, Kagome."
"I will always be your friend, Inuyasha, but I gave up hope for anything more a long time ago." She looked up to see sadness and heartbreak in his eyes and gently cupped his cheek with her hand. "Always remember Inuyasha I loved you for who you are not for what you would become for me. I loved you no matter what form you took with no exceptions, but a woman can have her heartbroken only so many time before giving up and saying no more."
"So you're leaving because of me."
"No,Inuyasha, I'm leaving for myself. I can't remain in a place where someone wants me dead."
"What are you talking about?"
Kagome stepped from his embrace and looked at him. "You know as well as I that Kikyo is only waiting for her chance regardless if you want to believe it or not. In time it will come down to either her or me and I guarantee you Inuyasha it won't be my life that is forfeited. So I'm leaving before it comes to that."
"How could you say that about Kikyo she would never do something like that? You're just trying to make me choose between you two," he growled.
"No, Inuyasha, no choosing. You made your choice long ago and now I make mine. Good bye, Inuyasha." She walked around him and started walking away with Shippo by her side.
"Kagome, please don't leave." She stopped only for a moment.
"I will find my own life, Inuyasha, with someone who sees me for me and not someone else." She looked at him over her shoulder and gave a brief smile before turning once more to leave.
"Where will you go?"
"Wherever our feet take us, Inuyasha," she whispered into the wind knowing he would hear.
He watched as his best friend left and felt his heart break more than he had ever thought possible. "Kami, what have I done?"
Hope you liked it review and let me know.