"Elliot," Cragen called out. "My office."
"Dad's mad," Fin remarked as the door clicked.
"What in the hell did you do?" Cragen snapped as soon as the door clicked shut.
Elliot blinked. "What?"
"Would you care to explain why Olivia came in here asking for a new partner, or should I just throttle you without it?"
Cragen glared at his oldest detective, eyes snapping. All of them were like children to him, but Olivia was his favorite, and everyone knew it. His eyes narrowed with every moment Elliot stood their silent, until he saw his blue eyes fill.
"She- she- she did WHAT?"
It was his turn to blink. "She didn't tell you?"
"No... what-"
"She came in here the day after you guys found Rebecca, didn't say so much as hello, and asked for a new-"
"Partner," Elliot finished for him. Before he could even get the second syllable out of his mouth, he whirled around, opening the door and slamming it so hard the glass shook.
"Ell-" Munch started to say, but Elliot waved him off, storming out of the precinct to his car. Cragen came wandering out of his office and followed him, just in time to hear tires squeal.
He sighed. "Be careful, son."
He slid into a parking spot halfway over the line on one side and didn't even notice. He ran up the stairs to her apartment, taking them two at a time. Raising his fist to pound on her door, it suddenly opened before it could land.
"Leave," Olivia spat. She turned to close it, but Elliot grabbed her shoulder, spinning her around. She broke out of his grasp and crowded into him. He'd never seen her so angry.
She made him back out of her doorway, her small body not even having to touch him to make him retreat, all the to the opposite wall. "Do NOT touch me. Get out."
"OUT!" she all but screamed, not even looking at him as she walked back into her living room. She slammed the door much as he had just slammed Cragen's and he heard the bolt click.
She leaned against the door, the only thing keeping her away from him. He hadn't seen her cry. He hadn't made her cry. Thank God for small favors.
She curled up behind the door, sinking down until her head rested on her knees. She hadn't heard footsteps going down the stairs, but he hadn't tried to knock again, either. She wasn't sure which she wanted.
After a minute- or several, she wasn't sure which- she opened her door. Elliot sprawled into her doorway, having been sitting against it.
He scrambled up, but not before Olivia bit back a laugh.
"Well, that's an improvement," he said sarcastically, smiling that almost smile of his. "Next time we get into a fight, I'll remember to resort to slapstick."
"Elliot-" she started, but a wave of his hand stopped her.
The ache in his voice just about undid her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"I chose you over the job," she finally whispered. "I would always choose you."