A Summer to Remember

By Mistyrious

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. Any similarities to copyrighted characters/material, or individuals living or dead, are purely coincidental. J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Warner Brothers, or any of the other entities holding copyright or license to the Harry Potter books or films has not endorsed this story. No connection is implied or should be inferred and no galleons, sickles and knuts are being made from this story. (Or dollars).

Summary: It is the end of fourth year and Mrs. Weasley enrolls Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny into Summer Camp for an opportunity to lead their thoughts about You-Know-Who astray in exchange for a few moments happiness. A move to help relax their minds, bodies and souls… little does she know that in the case of Ron and Hermione this means a real body switch! What happens when Peeves' cousin Zeeves the Poltergeist arrives to wreck havoc? And force Ron and Hermione to change bodies? Romance/Comedy. R/Hr. Some H/G. Please review )

Chapter One

A Summer to Remember

Ron woke up so abruptly at six that morning that he actually came inches close to cursing his own body for awaking itself so early. Then, he realized, he had a best friend duty to fulfill. Harry was again thrashing around in his sleep, screaming Cedric's name, shouting for pleas of help from his parents….

'Harry!' whispered Ron urgently, 'Wake up mate! It's alright!'

Harry sat bolt upright; his wand which was thrust in his right hand, was pointed directly at Ron's heart. 'Who are you? Where am I?' Harry stammered dazedly.

Ron handed Harry his glasses and muttered the 'Lumos' spell with his own wand for light. 'It's me Ron! Your best friend, remember? And you're at The Burrow Harry. Everything's okay.'

Harry's panted breathing suddenly became slower. He did not say anything for a while, gazing awkwardly at the front door. He couldn't bring himself to look at Ron. He felt embarrassed. 'Thanks,' he mumbled weakly.

Neither of them could go back to sleep after that so even though it was still dark they headed down to the kitchen to see if they could whip something to eat as it would be a while before Mrs. Weasley woke to prepare one of her many infamous breakfasts. Surprisingly they arrived in the kitchen to see that Ginny was already there, awake too herself, tending to a large boiling kettle.

'Oh! Good Morning! Fancy a cup of tea either of you?'

She was talking to both Ron and Harry but only Harry managed a nod. Ron had been steered away by another girl who had confounded his view with a large quantity of bushy brown hair.

'Hermione – what the?'

'Ssshhh!' she whispered immediately almost as if she had expected him to say something before he had even opened his mouth. She hauled Ron off to the living room, where she finally let go, but didn't say anything.

'Well,' said Ron in a quieter voice, clearly afraid of being 'shushed' by Hermione again, 'What's this all about?'

She took a deep sigh, 'I just want to say - that it was an extremely loyal thing you did for Harry back there.'

For a moment Ron had no idea what she was talking about. All he could think of what would classify as helping Harry would have been waking him up from his nightmare – and then he realized – that was what Hermione was referring to.

'How did you – you were eavesdropping on us?'

'Don't be stupid! I respect yours and Harry's privacy - but it's not exactly as if he whispers when he yells during his nightmares, is it?'

'Hey!' said Ron slowly getting the point, 'What exactly are you saying?'

'Well I don't mean to sound rude but you're not the only one who Harry manages to wake up.'

Ron couldn't believe what he was hearing, 'You thought that was an act of loyalty? Well now - how's this for loyalty? Don't go round saying things about my best friend!'

Hermione rolled her eyes, 'He's my best friend too Ron, in case you seem to have forgotten! Oooh!' she added and Ron could sense Hermione's anger, 'Here I stand embarrassed to death at having to please you with this compliment and once again you throw it straight back in my face!'

Ron opened his mouth ready to yell something horrid but at that moment Hermione turned her head and they both found Harry and Ginny standing by the doorway; Ginny was holding two mugs in her hand and the kettle was floating beside her in midair.

'I'm sorry to interrupt? But I didn't quite catch if you guys wanted tea.'

She exchanged a look with Harry that clearly suggested they had both walked in on the starters of another row. Ron didn't answer Ginny choosing to sulk resolutely instead. Hermione took no notice of this. 'Yes Ginny, I would love some tea.'

The two girls went off in a huddle together in the kitchen.

Harry sighed, 'Now what happened?'

Under any other circumstance, Ron would have told Harry. But he did not know how to break out to his friend that Hermione was annoyed with Harry because he had woken her up, that she had been complimenting Ron for shutting Harry up; then it was then because that Ron had then stood up for Harry that she had got angry. He compensated by shrugging his shoulders. 'Girls! Will we ever understand them?'

Hermione and Ginny were seated at the huge table in the dining room. 'Boys!' she exclaimed annoyingly, 'Will we ever understand them?'

Ginny smiled, 'If by 'boys' you mean my brother, then I'm sorry that it's taken this long for you to realize that you probably never will.'

'Oh shutup Ginny!' said Ron as he entered the kitchen joined by Harry. 'Now fetch us some tea will you.'

'She most certainly will not!' said Hermione angrily, standing up for Ginny.

'Hermione – I hardly remember asking you to fill in for Ginny…. Oh! – Yeah! – Maybe because I didn't! She can speak for herself, you know!'

'Really? I had no idea! Thanks for informing me, I'll have to keep a mental note that she can actually speak even though you told her to shut up!'

'So what? Do you girls even know what 'shut up' means? The way your mouths work like you're always on speed or something it's bleady mental, that's what it is!'

'Oooh! FIRST you embarrass me! THEN you tell Ginny off for insulting what little intelligence you have, thinking you can then proceed to order her around like some house-elf while next making bland sexist comments towards us! Ronald Bilius Weasley – youmakemesick!'

She grabbed Ginny's arm and dragged her off up the stairs towards Ginny's room, 'SICK? YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT SICK?' Ron yelled up after Hermione, 'I WASN'T THE ONE WHO INVENTED A SOCIETY CALLED SPEW!'

When it was clear that Hermione was not going to add anything more to the row, Ron eventually turned from the staircase, arms folded in triumph. But it was a triumph that did not last long. Moments later, about a dozen pillows came pelting towards him, whacking at his arms, legs and face. Harry thought for a while that this had been the work of Hermione until the pillows began shrieking in voices Harry recognized as members of the Weasley family.



Well, Harry thought, those comments had to at least have being made from the twins….

'Aaaahhh!' Ron bellowed, 'Harry! Help me!'

Harry made to approach him but he did not know what to do. Luckily, however, Mrs. Weasley had finally woken up, and with a few waves of her wand, she vanquished the pillows from their violent behavior and levitated them straight out of the room.

She sighed, her hands on her hips, 'You know the rules Ron. You have no right to wake up other people so early like that or you're in due course for some pillow bashing. I can't stop it even if I don't approve because as I said you shouldn't be waking people up like that via loudspeaker. I'm not even going to ask what's happened here. Anyway go and get Hermione and your sister. I've got some news I wish to share with you three and Harry.'

Asking Ron to go to Ginny's room was likely to put Ron in a dull mood for weeks especially after all else that had happened. It was the icing on the cake. Harry sighed resolutely as he watched his best friend complain silently as he trekked up the stairs. He was going to follow but a slight pop haltered his decision. He turned to see Ron's father, Mr. Weasley, a few meters away of him. He had just apparated home. Mr. Weasley noticed Harry at once.

'Harry! Good to see you!'

He sounded tired and worn out but his greeting had been so genuine that Harry unconsciously cast all that aside. 'I'm fine Mr. Weasley.' He then lowered his voice into a whisper, 'How's things with Vol- I mean, with You-Know-Who?'

Mr. Weasley quickly checked to see that his wife has busied herself with preparing the breakfast. 'Well I guess there's no point in lying – that's much less than you deserve.' He paused before continuing, 'Things aren't the best Harry. But there's no doubt that it could be worse.'

'What do you mean?' said Harry, 'Where's You-Know-Who? What's he doing? What are your plans to stop him?'

Mr. Weasley sighed again as he pinched the bridge of his nose slowly before placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. 'We do not know where You-Know-Who is nor what he is doing only that we need to convince as many people we can of his return.'

'Arthur! I thought I heard you 'pop' home! Why didn't you come to say hello?' With a last look at Harry that clearly stated 'Excuse me,' Mr. Weasley went to join his wife.

'Harry!' she said, inviting him over too, 'Come sit at the table! Ron shouldn't be too much longer with the girls.'

And as she said it the three of them returned. Ron seemed just as Harry would've expected him, sulky and bitter. Hermione on the other hand seemed absolutely pleased with herself as though it was she who had bewitched the Ever-Bashing Pillows. Ginny was holding Crookshanks, who was purring. She exchanged a small grin with Harry as they all seated; Ron and Hermione were as far away from each other as possible.

Mrs. Weasley beamed at them all, 'I've got breakfast ready,' she said, 'But before we get down to it there's something I want to say. At the end of term Dumbledore said-'

'Wow Mom what smells so delicious?' Fred came yawning into the kitchen.

'I think I smell waffles!' added George as he joined his twin.

'I think I smell a genius!'

'I think it's time we moved out of here boys!'

Harry turned his view from the twins – that last sentence was surely not made by any one of them. And he was right enough for there Percy Weasley stood looking all too important. 'Mother is trying to have a conversation with our fellow siblings and their classmates. I do believe we should take our breakfast of waffles elsewhere.'

Fred and George looked at each other – and Harry knew that evil grin too well.

'Oh Mommy dearest!' said Fred in an exaggerated voice, 'Please excuse your sons for their grievous dues!'

'We shall now proceed outside to melt away in the sunlight while trying to enjoy this delicious meal of waffles under the conspicuous watch of our elder brother Percy,' sniggered George in a misty voice that rivaled Trelawney's.

'Oh Mother forgive us we kiss thy hands!'

'And Father we grovel at thy feet!'

'And Percy - while only wishes of beheading thee come to mind - we tarry not in thy way!'

'Oh – puh-lease!' Percy scoffed and headed out through to the backyard, the twins twirling around in mockery behind him. Hermione and Ron laughed together but what was more notable was that they were the only ones who had. Harry thought for a moment that everything was suddenly forgotten between them as they looked at each other. He chanced a look at Ginny but she was staring at her mom patiently. 'What was it you were saying before they interrupted?'

'Oh!' said Mrs. Weasley, 'About Dumbledore. He mentioned that laughter in the face of our adversaries is a powerful ally. And well I had a think about it, and happiness leads to laughter, and the only way I could think for you children to be happy was if your thoughts were as furthest away from You-Know-Who as possible! I did some research and together with your father found the most perfect solution – Wizard's Summer Camp!'

The enthusiasm Mrs. Weasley expected from her young audience was not met. Hermione was the first to speak. 'Oh I read all about those! The idea originated from an American muggle woman and a wizard man who fell in love. She was in charge of a youth summer camp and her husband loved the idea so much that they originated their own wizard summer camp for their children and their children's friends. It's just like real summer camp – only more – well, magical I expect.'

Mrs. Weasley nodded happily, 'Well now Hermione's summed it all! I've enrolled each of your names into the program! That includes yours too Harry! This should be an opportunity to relax and have some fun before Fifth Year begins for you three, and Fourth Year begins for Ginny! It will give you time to be away from all of us tense-filled adults and this rather apprehensive atmosphere. Isn't this the best?'

Once again Mrs. Weasley's return of enthusiasm was not met. Even Hermione had nothing to say this time. 'Great,' thought Ron unenthusiastically, 'Three extra Hermione-filled months!'

'Great,' thought Hermione equally as unenthusiastic, 'Three extra Ron-filled months!'

Ron turned to Harry as he began forking his bacon; his expression exactly as Harry expected it might be. Ron then looked at Hermione but it was completely different to the look he had given moments her before when they had silently agreed on laughing about something together. Finally he said in a loud voice to Harry, (that was however really directed to Hermione), 'This is going to be a summer to remember!'

'It sure is!' agreed Hermione, speaking to Ron, (though looking at Ginny), 'A summer to remember!'