Hige: Another Update
Natsume: sigh
Hige: Today's guest... Yuri!
Yuri: Good day!
Fangirls: squee
Hige: You know, your name has something to do with your alice, neh?
Yuri: How?
Hige: Well, you see your alice is Girl Pheromone that means you attract girls, which will eventually lead to a relationship called Yuri.
Yuri: Excuse me? twitch twitch
Hige: That's what I think! Got to go now!runs away
Tsubasa: opens the door then looks around That's the first time she ran away. sweatdrop
Pairings: NatsumeMikan
Warning: OOC-ness and errors in grammar. Dont like don't read. and please review, no flames please... thanks!
Natsume sat beside him, he was about to wake him up when he heard a soft whisper coming from Ruka that shocked him. Ruka, what's the meaning of this?
He heard Ruka... talking during his sleep...
Chapter 5
Should I wake him up, or leave him alone?
Natsume then reaches out and put his hand on Ruka's shoulder "Ruka, wake up..."
"Huh? Hey Natsume... Oh, I fell asleep... what's up?"
"Nothing. Fix your things. Let's go." Natsume stands up and walks away while Ruka fixes his things quickly and follows his bestfriend.
After a moment of silence, Ruka decided to start a conversation since it's too quiet, it's uncomfortable. "Umm... Natsume, are you okay?" noticing that the black neko's walking faster today than before, he also kept his head down all the way to the dormitory.
"I'm okay." He answered as he opens the door to his room.
Before Natsume closes the door, and well, leave Ruka alone, Yuu calls out to them,
"Natsume, Ruka, since you two are just a room away, I thought maybe you should know..." He stopped to catch his breath
"What's wrong?" Ruka said to him still holding on to his rabbit, err... bunny.
"She's in the hospital right now."
Natsume didn't react much, but you can see he's worried, while Ruka floods Yuu with questions asking 'What happened? How is she? Is she okay now?'
"You can go visit her tomorrow, I'm sure she'll be happy." Yuu gave them a Mikan-is-alright-now smile
"What are you doing here anyway?" The boy who loves animals asks Yuu
"Oh, I was just passing by, I came from Kokoroyumi's room, we were talking about the project Mr.Narumi gave us. Got to go now! Good night!" He waves his right hand
"Sure, good night to you too." Ruka waves back
Yuu then, turned towards his room. Natsume and Ruka remain standing and not moving, still thinking about the news they heard from Yuu. I mean, really, who would believe that a cheerful, energetic girl like Mikan would get sick to the point that her friends brought her to the hospital?
"See you tomorrow Natsume." Ruka finally said
"Um. You too." The five-star student gave his friend a final nod then closes the door.
Natsume can't sleep, he's still thinking about Ruka and Mikan, First I heard him call that girl's name while he's asleep, why is that? does Ruka have a crush on her too? Then why didn't he tell me? He even helped me out in confessing my feelings to her. Did I miss something? Next we found out that she's sick, what happened to her? It's not like her getting sick like that. He gave out a sigh I'll never know the answers unless I ask, or find things out myself, but that would be hard, and risky too. It's my bestfriend I'm talking about here.
The morning came and Natsume didn't get much sleep, thinking about his bestfriend and his crush, yes, that's Mikan, kept him awake until 2am. He dressed up, remembering that today is the day that he'll get the answer on one of his mind-bugging questions 'What happened to her?' he heard a knock from the door;
knock, knock
"Come in." He knew Ruka's on the other side of the door, he's the only one who have the guts to knock on his door, after all, it's only 7 in the morning.
"I see you're prepared."
Natsume just smiled at him, which quickly faded away like as if the smile never existed in the first place.
They walked silently to the hospital, they didn't speak to each other on the way. Until they found Mikan's room,
"Room 208?" Ruka looks at Natsume
"This is it." Natsume twists the door knob and opens the door slightly, they peak inside to see who's in the room with Mikan, Hotaru's sitting on a chair beside Mikan's bed. Oh, Mikan's sleeping right now.
"Hey." Hotaru greeted them
Both of them entered the room as quiet as possible.
"How is she?" Ruka said almost a whisper
"She's okay now, yesterday she had a high fever. The doctor said it was because she didn't get enough sleep this week and over worked herself. I think it's because of the festival, then the exams."
"Yeah, she really did study hard, even in the canteen." Ruka added
"She'll wake up later. I hope you don't mind, but may I ask a favor?"
"What is it?" Natsume looked at her
"Can you please watch over her for a while? I just need to finish something." Hotaru said calmly
"Sure." Ruka answered still looking at Mikan
She thanked them before she left the room. Ruka and Natsume sit beside each other, again in silence.
"Hey, I... umm... I have to make a phone call, do you mind--"
"It's okay Ruka, I don't mind." Natsume answers him immediately
Ruka made his way to the door, but before he go he glanced back to Natsume then to Mikan. After making sure that, nothing bad will happen while he's not around(you know, like what if Mikan wakes up and panics, then Natsume will get angry and stuff like that), he left the room.
Natsume just stares at Mikan, deep in his thoughts, he didn't even notices that she is awake.
"Natsume?" She said in a weak voice
"Hey" He replied
She smiles at him, "Listen, about what you told me before... well, I... I... I li--"
"Don't say it." He said quickly
"Before you tell me how you feel towards me, I want you to think about everyone around you, think about them first, Hotaru, Yuu, Ruka and your other friends..."
"Why?" She sat up
"Yeah Natsume, why?"
He turns to Ruka, surprised that his bestfriend was listening, "Ruka..."
"You like her right? If she likes you back, then it's all good, if she doesn't, then find a way to make her change her mind." Ruka said smiling at Natsume
"But... you like her too, don't you?" He shouted back at his friend, not in an angry way, more like thoughtful
"Don't be silly. Yes, Mikan's cute, cheerful and a very kind person, but tell me Natsume, how can I like a girl my bestfriend likes?"
"Stop denying it... I know... I heard you..."
"Heard me?" He looks at Natsume, confused about everything
"You mentioned her name while you're asleep."
"It's nothing Natsume, you shouldn't mind that... you should forget about that..."
Mikan just stares at them, she was like 'Maybe I'm just dreaming' after all she was sick last night
"What are you talking about Ruka, why are you being childish?"
"I'm not being childish Natsume, I'm just thinking about how you feel, I want you to be happy."
"And I don't have the right to think about your happiness?"
"Look, why don't you listen to Mikan first."
"Mikan, tell Natsume how you feel..."
She was pulled back to reality by Ruka, My feelings... Yes, my answer to Natsume
"Is it really okay with you Ruka? I mean--"
"It's okay. Go ahead." He smiles at Mikan
"Well, I... you see... Natsume..."
She looked into Natsume's eyes then took a deep breath
"I like you too."
"See..." Ruka said waiting for the words to sink in Natsume's mind
"You... like me..." She just gave him a nod
"Natsume, I like Mikan, but not the way you do, I like her as a friend, and that's all."
"Are you--"
"No need to say anything. I'm sure."
Natsume smiled at him, it's been a long time since he showed his real smile.
"Anyway, when are you checking out of the hospital?" out of no where Natsume asks her
"I want to go now, I'm feeling better." She said in her cheerful voice
"Let's get you out of here then." Ruka then called a nurse to tell them Mikan's checking out.
Next: Final thoughts
Hige: Ruka, Thanks for bring so nice and so understanding
Ruka: No problem! smiles
Hige: Gah! sorry for the very late update! gomen! bows anyway this is the last part of the story but not the last chapter, the next chapter will contain the characters' POVs. Thanks for reading! oh, No flames please!