Summery:When SVU is forced to take in 6 high school kids for a project, things get a little hectic.
I do not own Law&Order:SVU.
Chapter 1
"We have to what?" Munch asked, hoping he didn't hear the Captain right.
Cargen rolled his eyes,
"Take in 6 teenagers and see how you react to them."
"So you're gonna lock us in a room with 6 teens and see how we react?" Elliot asked
Cargen sighed,
"No, we will not lock in a room with 6 teens," Every one sighed in relief "But they will be hanging for abouttwo weeks."
"Grate..." Olivia said sarcasticlly as they left Cragen's office.
At R.C. High School (I made it up, sorry if there is already one, i didn't know)
In the halls we see 16-year-old girl with long blond hair and bright blue eyes, she is wearing a pink mini-skirt and a pink blouse.
She turns and gives a discusted looked at another group of 16-year-olds.
Then we see a girl, that the blonde was staring at. She was the same age, but she was tan and she had her dark, curly up. She was wearing a black tank-top and baggy jeans.
Then the tan girl looked at an African-American boy, who looked "Gangsta" and shook her head.
Then the"gansta" walked down the hall until he saw a white 'skater' boy and rolled his eyes. The "skater"boy glared back at him.
Then the "skater" boy sees a girl with her head down, her hair in brides and she was wearing a floral print dress. When she finally looks up,she sees an Asian boy puched aginest a locker. She lookes down and gose into the girls bathroom.
The Asian boy sees her and looks down. The others leave him alone.
Then in room 245 we see the blonde enter, then the tan girl, the "gangsta", the "skater" boy, the girl in the flower dress, then the Asian boy.
There was atleast one empty seat between each of them.
The tacher looked up, she saw the blonde and smiled,
"Well, Marei, nice to see you here." Then she saw the tan girl and frowned,
"And Quinntina."
The tan girlsmirked and aswered,
"Mrs.D, it's Quinn"
"And Tarrence," The 'Gangstar' looked up and said,
"It's Tray, Mrs. D"
Mrs. D just rolled her eyes and went on,
"Trevor?" The Asian boy looked up and said here,
The girl with the braids looked up. Somthing was wrong with her left eye, one of the iris was a shade darker then the other. No one but Trevor noticed.
"Yes?" Tracey asked quitely.
Mrs. D smiled, "Nothing dear, just making sure your here." Tracy flashed a quick smiled.
"Well since wondering why you're here," Mrs. D started "You've been chosen to spend 2 weeks withan SVU squad."
And that's the first chapter so what do you think? please let me know