Title: Beautiful Triad
Subject: Okage: Shadow King
Categories: Drama
Subcategory: Vignette(s)

Rating: PG13 (For violence and very mild language.)

Summary: Three vignettes centered on the last battle of the game, which is against Beiloune.

Disclaimer: I do not own Okage: Shadow King/Boku to Maoh or any of its characters. They are copyright Zener Works and they're respective owners.

Thanks: Special thanks to Stephen (for the idea I got for the title and for the comparison of the three characters to the Id, Ego, and Superego).

(A/N: Yes, there are obviously spoilers, but I highly doubt anyone cares. And the "Gear 1," "Gear 2," ect, are references to the importance of gears in the game.)

Gear 1 - The Id

"I am the Evil King. I desire and so I do. I will kill you, Hero Rosalyn."

With a swipe of my claws, I attack the Hero, narrowly missing her neck. Growling, I glower at her before my claws strike again. They almost connect when her rapier comes deathly close to my chest. After dodging her weapon, I attack again, fully intending to kill her. Slashing with a snarl, I miss the woman's throat by an inch. In that time, she is able to thrust forward with her rapier, but I jump backward and glare at her with disdain.

Before I can attack again, however, we each hear voices arguing. Hesitating, I begin to wonder just why we're fighting instead of taking out Beiloune first. Sure, I want destroy that washbowl woman, but Beiloune is so much more of a threat than she'll ever be. That's when I remember what started this whole thing. It was Beiloune's doing! Like hell I'm going to take orders from that psychotic bastard!

Unlike Hopkins, Rosalyn has never posed a real threat to me. She may be a hero, but she's no Hopkins.

Gear 2 - The Ego

"I am an ordinary boy. I mediate between my two friends. I will find common ground between you, the Hero and the Evil King."

As I watch Rosalyn and Stan fighting, I try my best not to panic. There must be something I can do, but what? Helplessly, I watch the two go back and forth in battle, both attacking with lethal intent. Beiloune has pitted them against each other and intends to let one of them die, if not both. I hate him for what he's done, but there's nothing I can do. How can I possibly stop the two from killing one another?

Standing here isn't changing a thing. If I don't do something, and soon, this will end badly. Then an idea strikes me, my hand reaching in my pocket to find the voice recorder. Fumbling to turn it on, I let out a sigh of relief once I hear voices projecting from it. As the strange machine plays, two distinct voices fill the air. Hearing them, both the Hero and Evil King hesitate.

Soon the tables have turned, the Hero and Evil King remembering their common ground. Stan and Rosalyn may be enemies, but they're deviants like me.

Gear 3 - The Superego

"I am the Hero. I stand for justice and morality. I will defeat you, Evil King Stan."

Dodging the Evil King's attack, my rapier slashes, missing him by only inches. As I barely avoid his nails, my rapier comes close to piercing his chest, but he dodges my weapon and comes at me again. This time I duck his attack just before it connects with my neck. I see an opening, however, thrusting my rapier forward. In reply, the Evil King jumps back, glaring at me as I return the gaze.

Then, before he can attack me once more, we both hear familiar voices arguing. This makes me hesitate, my stance slightly falling. Why are we fighting one another when Beiloune is a common enemy? What made us lose sight of our goal like this? Remembering what caused it, I realize that Stan can wait. I won't allow myself to be used by that madman. Beiloune is much more of a threat than that stupid Evil King has ever been.

Unlike Gohma, Stan has never achieved anything more than minor acts of mischief. He may be an Evil King, but he's no Gohma.