Title: Concentration

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: They ALL belong to me. I loan them out to TPTB of SGA when I feel like it. No? Oh, okay then. I'm just borrowing while they're on hiatus. For collateral I'll give you my pocket mints.

Concentration was a fickle thing. For most, it serves its purpose very well. When in the process of learning, it especially was invaluable. Scientists needed concentration to try and not blow up their labs. Doctors use concentration when performing surgery or attending to a gaping wound. Fighters need focus to anticipate their opponents' next move. Runners must keep their goal in mind to not loose sight of their destination. Being a pilot necessitates quick thinking and attention.

However, at this very moment the scientist was presenting some sort of astronomical idea in regards to... something. The Doctor, or Doctors more correctly, were trying their best to follow. All the while, the fighter and runner were feigning interest in the subject and simultaneously passing knowing looks toward each other. The pilot could care less. His concentration was studying the hollows of her neck.

As she listened, he took note of how she conscientiously turned herself away from him so as not to be distracted. He didn't mind. Her position made it easy for him to enjoy this new view. He had been staring at the part right under her left ear.


Right, he was in a meeting.

"Ah, sure." He shook himself. "Sounds good."

"Alright," she was calling the meeting to a close. Good. "That's it for now. Expect a debriefing as soon as Doctors McKay and Zelenka are finished."

Ronon and Teyla were out fast, so were Lorne and Carson. When everyone had filed out she turned to him.

"You weren't paying attention."

"Yes, I was." He defended.

"Okay. Name one thing Rodney said about regulating the ZPM output."

"Uh, it's too high and we need to find a way to lower it."

She shook her head and laughed. "Why do you even come to these meetings if you're not going to give it your full interest?"

"I was paying attention," he moved in for the section of skin he was eyeballing earlier and began to kiss it. That solicited a gasp from her. He was so good at that, she thought. How did he know she needed him?


"Yes," his voice was muffled against her tingling skin.

"Close the doors."

"I told you I was paying attention."

"I guess you were."

It was her turn to concentrate.