1As Lovers Go—Prologue

Alrighty, this is The Way We Get By revamped. Its going to be one hell of rid so hold on. Before we go on however, I need to do some thank you's. First to Jess for helping me immensely with this chapter, to Miranda for betaing, Rian, Amanda, Sam, Maggie, and Miranda for just being them. I feel like I'm giving an awards speech. Lol. Anyway on with the chapter!


Lucas Scott ran down the hallway in the ER. "Sir can I help you?" a nurse asked, looking up from her paper work.

"I got a call about my wife. She's here, she's three months pregnant…I need to see her…" Lucas rambled. When he got that call at his office his heart stopped. A tearful Haley had called saying Brooke had started bleeding, fainted and was rushed to the hospital. Lucas didn't think that he'd ever driven so fast in his life. Brooke was his world and if something was wrong with her he couldn't live with that.

"Sir, what is your wife's name?" the nurse asked in a bored tone. Lucas wanted to pull out his hair. Why did all nurses have to be so damn impersonal?

"Brooke Scott." He managed to choke out. He loosened the tie around his neck—the damn thing was cutting off his air supply. What happened if he lost her? Who would straighten his tie, kiss him and send him on his way every morning? The nurse looked down at her computer and typed for a few minutes, while Lucas paced nervously. He'd hated hospitals ever since the car accident that he was in his junior year. The only thing that got him through those few weeks was Brooke being by his side. Although, at that time he thought he had been in love with Peyton and only looking back did he realize that it was Brooke that got him through his hospital stay.

"She's in room one fourteen." The nurse replied, snapping him out of his daze.

"Thanks!" He yelled over his shoulder while running down the hall.

Lucas came to a stop outside of Brooke's room and froze. She was curled up into a ball, her back to him. He could tell she was crying by the way her body was shaking. She looked so small, weak and vulnerable that it broke Lucas's heart. His Brooke wasn't supposed to be the sad broody one, that was his role. She was his Cheery. She turned around to face him, tear stained cheeks and her hospital gown all twisted. He loosened his tie. He wished the damn thing would stop trying to choke him. Realizing the damn thing wasn't going to get any looser he yanked it off and shoved it into his pocket. He went rushing to her side, climbed into her bed, taking her into his arms and just holding her while she cried.

"Luke I'm sorry…I'm just so, so sorry." She sobbed, clinging to him.

"Brooke, no don't say sorry. Everything can still be ok." He soothed as he stroked her hair.

"Luke no, you don't understand. I know its gone. The baby - it's gone Lucas." Brooke said, looking up at him. Lucas wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Brooke has the doctor told you that?" he asked gently. She shook her head.

"Then the baby can still be ok Cheery. You don't know that yet." Brooke looked at him again.

"Yes I do Lucas, it's the exact same thing that happened the first time. I'm sorry babe. So so sorry." She cried into his chest.


"Mr. and Mrs. Scott, we're sorry but it appears that you lost the baby." The doctor said. Lucas's face fell, disappointment evident in his eyes. He quickly covered it up, trying to hide it from Brooke.

"I'm so sorry Lucas!" Brooke sobbed, noticing the disappointment in his eyes. She knew she was a failure as a wife—or at least that's how she felt, she just wondered if Lucas felt the same way.

"Mrs. Scott, it wasn't anybody's fault, there was nothing we could have done to prevent this, its just one of those things. I'd like to keep you here over night for observation, but you can go home in the morning. And you could always try again." The doctor said going out the door.

"Lucas I'm so sorry. I should have eaten better, I should of spent less time working, and less time on my feet. I should of…should of stopped wearing heels. Just Luke I'm so sorry." She cried, hoping he'd understand that she didn't mean to lose it. They had both wanted a baby for about a year now.

"Brooke, no this wasn't your fault. There was nothing we could of done to avoid this. Its ok, we'll - we'll both be ok." He placed a kiss on her forehead. Brooke just continued crying into his chest. She didn't see how's she'd ever be ok again. Going through this once was hard enough, but twice? She knew that if Luke hadn't gotten there when he did she would have died—literally. And as she laid here crying into his chest, as he told her everything would be ok, she didn't doubt him. What she doubted was whether she'd ever be ok again.