Don't own Inuyasha


Sango was walking down the street on her way back home from the store. Her mom had asked to go to fetch some more milk and bread.

"I don't see why mom couldn't have let me drive the car." she said to herself

She was walking by an alley when a hand shot out and covered her mouth. The person connected to that had dragged her into the alley. That's when her Judo kicked in. She grabbed the arm and flipped the person over her head. The man that had grabbed her hit the ground with a grunt. She could hear more footsteps coming from behind her. She spun around to see five more men standing there.

"Well, look what we got here boys. Ain't she a feisty one, eh? This is gonna be fun."

All of them suddenly attacked at once. Sango lashed out with punches and kicks, but they just kept coming at her. Two of them finally came up behind her and grabbed her arms. She tried desperately to escape, but they held fast. She did the only thing she could think of at that moment. She screamed.

"HELP! HELP ME! PLEASE HELP! ANYBODY! SOMEBODY HELP! HE..." a hand shot out and slapped her.

"Now, now. We can't have any of that now can we? We don't want someone to come a running just to spoil our fun." said the man who had spoken to her earlier.

He started to reach for her chest when a growl was heard from the shadows. The man whipped around as if looking for someone. When he saw nothing, he just shrugged and continued with what he was doing. He was almost there when he was suddenly knocked to the side, and slammed into the wall. The two men stared at their leader laying on the ground, and not moving. They looked at each other with frightened faces, before they to joined their leader.

The only thing Sango could see was a black blur jumping off walls and garbage cans. She tried her best to follow it as it took out the rest of the men.

Soon there was only one man left standing. He quickly looked around for an escape route after seeing his friend go down. He finally decided on trying to get away by running to alley entrance. He was almost there, but the black blur got him. He was down for the count.

Sango couldn't believe what happened. One minute she was standing there surrounded by guys, and the next they're all laying on the ground unconscious. She looked around to see if the blur was still around, but found nothing.

"Thank you whoever or whatever you are. I owe you one big time." Sango said while picking up the groceries that lay forgotten. She took one last look at the men and left. She didn't notice she left her purse. But, a pair of eyes that followed her did.