Hi everyone!! So I started this story a while back and just got out of reading facnfics and writing them, but now I back into and trying kept up with it. I will try to stay with it to finish it! So here is chapter six finally!!

Chapter 6:

Roy awoke to the sound of the train's brakes. He rubbed his eyes, and looked out the window to see Central. 'Finally!' The train came to a stop as Roy stood up , grabbed his luggage, and got off the train. He stopped by his house, toosed his luggage down, changed his clothes into a white long-sleeved dress shirt, and a pair of blue jeans before heading over the infermary. When he arrived he asked a secretary which room First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye was in. She had informed him that it was room # 249, which was to right and, up a flight of stairs. He said a quick thanks, and headed on his way. When he reached Riza's room he stood outside her door thinking. ' Hmm..what to say..'

Then he slightly jumped as he heard a voice hiss, " Roy!! What the hell are you doing here!? It was Huhges.

"What do you think Hughes!?" He hiss quietly back, so Riza wouldn't hear them.

"But why? Your not fully healed yet!"

" Well I don't care. I heard it all too! She's the news around the Eastern Headquaters. I had to see her! I can't believe you wouldn't tell me!"

" I was protecting you. If you thought she was fine, then you would stay in the East and heal."

"Well im fine, and Riza seems to be the one who needs protection. Why did they send her alone anyways?"

"Umm..acutally Havoc was sent with her, and Fuery was sent to work under me,and of course everyone else was with you."

"HAVOC!!?? That's a suicide mission!" Roy exclaimed, pretty loudly too.

"SSHH!!" Maes hushed him.

"What? Is she asleep?"


"Nevermind! I'm going in." Roy said, as put his hand on the doorknob.


"Let me go in first, and then I'll give you a cue on when to come in."

"Ug, whatever." Roy said, as he back away and let Maes in.

"Hey Riza!" Hughes said after he shut the door, and walked to her bed.

"Hi Hughes."

"How are you feeling?"

Riza siged. "Fine, but the doctors don't believe me, and so I'll probably be in here for a while.

"I see, well someone you haven't seen in a while is here to see you, maybe he will make you happier."

Riza just stared, and slightly gasped. "Who?"

"You'll see. Come in!" Hughes called.

Riza watched as the door opend, and she saw Roy close the door, and face her. She gasped, as she took in the sight of him.

"Hey there Lieutenant."

She stared at him a little bit longers, taking in his appearance ,looking him up and down, noticing the bandages wrapped arounds his heads, and the scratches on his face. "SIR! Are you alright!?"

Roy and Hughes, just stared and her in shock, seeing as here she was the one in the hospital, with a hole in her stomach, and one only a few inches away from her heart.

Roy shook his head and walked to her and bed and sat down next to her. "Lieutenant. What are you saying? You are the one here in the hospital, I belive I should be the one asking if you are the one alright."

"Well, from the looks of it, you should be in this bed sir, not me."

"Alright, well you two have a fun chat, I have to go and speak with Havoc, bye!" Hughes stated.

"Bye." They replied as he left.

"Anyways, im feeling fine. How about you?"

"I'm fine Sir."


"Yes.""Lieutenant…."Roy replied in a stern voice.

"Sir." Riza replied equally stern.

"I know you are not fine. Don't lie to me."

"And why are you saying this? You don't know!"

" I can see the pain in your eyes. You always do this when you get hurt."

She just stared at him,and he looked her straight in the eyes. "You act like your fine, and so then you are let out, and then you go and do something dangerous and get injured more. It needs to stop Riza."

Riza looked away. "Well sir your not that honest yourself. You go and do the samething, and when Hughes and I try to help you just push us away, and turn to yourself."

Riza turned back to Roy, only to see that Roy had also turned to look away. She looked down, and saw that Roy's shirt was turned red. "ROY!!" She gasped.

Roy quickly turned to her. " What is it!? Are you hurt?"

She sighed and shook her head. "No, but I think you are, look."

Roy looked down and saw that he had reopened his woundy on his side. "Oh It's nothing, I just reopened a wound, that's all."

"Oh…well…what's it from?" She asked hesintatly.

"It doesn't matter, its just a deep scratch really. What really matters is that your ok."

" Roy, where did you get?"

"Riza…."He sighed.

"I'm sorry." She said, tears trying to force their way out. " I should have been there protect you like always."

"Wha!? Riza!!" Roy didn't know how to react or what to do. She was on the verge of tears, blaiming herself, and he was bleeding. 'What the hell am I supposed to do? I've never seen her like this!' "Riza…It's not your fault. There was no way you could prevent it. It was a direct order that I leave. You had no way of stopping it. Please don't blaime yourself!"

"Roy….I..I just feel so useless to everyone." Tears started to make their way down. " I'm sorry sir." Roy took her in his arms and held on to her. "Ssshh, its ok Riza, everything will be alright. And your in no way ever useless."

Riza just noddes as she buried her head into his shirt. She wrapped her arms around him, and held onto him as if he was the only thing she had left. At that moment Roy felt something heavy touch him. 'What is that? NO!, why? It can't be!' "Riza?"

"Hm?" She asked as she lifted her head enough to look up at him, silent tears falling from her eyes.

"Why?" He asked as he grabbed her automail arm, and pushed up the sleeve. "Please tell me this is from the homonculi." She looked away. "Riza!" Roy said as he took her face in his hand, and turned her, so she looked at him. "Tell me." His words weren't so soft anymore, but cold and demanding and his eyes, weren't soft anymore, but held anger.

"No…Its not from them." She whispered.

"Dammit! Riza what did you do!?"

She was silent. He dropped her arm, and hugged her. "Tell me." He whispered. She hugged him back ass he said, "I'm sorry." She then told him that Yuki was her brother, and she had no one after he had left after he died, and so she tried human transmutation, and told him about both of the attacks from the homonculi. Roy listened quietly as she spoke. After she wad done, he held her tight in his arms. What was he supposed say to all of that? After some moments of silence, Riza felt her shoulder getting wet. "Roy?"

"Sorry." He replied, as he removed his head from her shoulder to face her.


"I'm sorry for being so oblivous to you. I should of tried to stay in Central longer, so I could have been with you, and made sure you were ok."

Riza sighed and then smiled lightly at him. "I'm glad you're here now."

" Me too." He replied. He stared at her for a moment before he moved in, and took over her lips. Though he pulled back only after a few seconds, he would cherish those seconds forever.

Riza blushed, but smiled yet again. She then hugged him and whispered, "I love you Roy." In his ear. Then she kissed his cheek, and rested her head on his shoulder.

" I love you too Riza." When he got no response, he pulled Riza away, and saw that she was soundly asleep, and he smiled, and lay her down, and then gave her a kiss on her forehead before he left. On his way out of the hospital, he had one of the nurses rebandage his wound before heading over to Hughes's house.


"Maes, why didn't you tell me that Riza had a brother, and tried human transmutation?"Roy asked as he drank some whiskey, while sitting on the couch.

"Roy if I told you all of that, you would of went crazy, and thins would have been worse."

"What the hell Hughes!? Worse? How?"

Hughes took a deep breathe before he responded. "Just trust me.Now go home and get some rest."

" Fine, see you tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Roy."

So that is chapter 6. I hope you liked it and I will try to get a chapter 7 pretty soon. If you have any ideas feel free to post them and reviews are nice. ) have a nice day!

Mandy Mae K!