
Author- Emily-Grace Mendes (Brookebynature)

Disclamier- I don't own any of the characters (apart from Madison) or the song. hell, I don't even own all of the plot line.

A/N- Once again, I'm starting a new story. This one won't be lots of chapters, perhaps 4 more at the most, but I'm hoping to make it powerful enough that it won't need any more. After watching the film 'Crash' again today, i came up with this idea. It's based loodely around the concept of the film, but it has nothing to do with racism.

I really hope you enjoy, and please REVIEW. xxx


"It's the sense of touch. You walk, you brush past people. People bump into you."

"Yet in some lives, nobody touches you. We're constantly behind this metal and glass."

"Sometimes we miss that touch so much, we crash into each other. Just so we can feel something"

It's amazing how many different ways people can be brought together. And how they can be torn apart. We think we know everything about our own lives: the way they work, what we like, what we dislike. But really, we have no idea. Sometimes, we need to be shown our realities because you never know when it's going to be taken away from you.

"Officer how long are we going to be stuck here?" Brooke demanded, indicating her silver Mercedes, it's headlights illuminating her porcelain face, showing no emotion.

"We don't know how long this situation is going to take to be sorted out. Miss please get back in your vehicle"

"God damit!" Brooke shouted as she slammed her door shut, causing the small child in the back seat to wake up, crying for her Daddy.

"Daddy's at work baby" she said softly, turning around in her seat to comfort her daughter. "Just like normal" she muttered.

"Go back to sleep"

"How come Daddy is always at work?" she asked, rubbing her tired eyes. "the other boys and girls in my class see their daddies all the time, but I don't get to see mine"

Brooke wanted to scream. She honestly had no idea why Lucas was constantly working. They had had such a happy life before. Brooke and Madison were his life. But lately, work had become his life. Brooke had started to feel like there wasn't a place for her and their daughter in it any more.

"Mommy?" she asked again. Brooke sighed, not knowing what to tell Madison.

"Daddy brings you presents baby" she said softly.

"But a girl in my class told me the other day that he mustn't love me, because otherwise he would play with me and read to me. Daddy doesn't do that."

"Maddie your daddy loves you no matter what anyone else says."

Brooke turned her face away form her daughter so that she couldn't see her cry. This was the total opposite of what she had wanted for her daughter. She didn't want Madison to have her life, she wanted her to feel loved and wanted, and not like she didn't matter.

"O.k Mommy" she whispered. "I just wanted to know"

"I know you did baby" she said, turning back around again. "Hey, you wanna come ride upfront tonight?"

"Really?" Madison asked excited. "You and daddy never let me ride in the front."

"Well today is a very special day then" Brooke giggled. "C'mon, lets get you out of that seat and into the big girl seat"

Brooke got out of her car once again, and opened the door next to Madison's seat.

"I'm a big girl now?" she asked.

"For tonight you are" Brooke replied as she kissed her hair and studied her face.

She placed Madison in the seat beside her, but she soon got bored and crawled into Brooke's lap. She wrapped her arms around her and rocked her slightly, watching her perfect hazel eyes flicker.

"Daddy and I will always love you Madison" she whispered "Always remember that"

"What do we have?" one officer asked the other as he bent down to examine the body laid on the side of the road.

"White female."


"Mid twenties" the officer guessed. They both stood up and straightened out their uniform pants, one radioing back to base as the other pulled out a cigarette from the pack in his pocket.

"You should quit" the other guy told him. "bad for your health"

"Cold night" the officer replied simply as he lit the end of the cigarette, taking in a long drag.

"Yeah, the snow's on it's way"

"White Christmas supposedly."

"Some Christmas it's going to be for her family" the guy said, indicating the body on the ground.

Haley's hands slowly grazed over the pages of the photo album, stopping when she reached Nathan's face. He looked so happy standing next to her with one arm wrapped around her waist, and the other holding a basketball. She could still remember the entire events of that day, from the minute she got up, until she fell asleep, safe and content, wrapped up in Nathan's arms.

She had no idea where he was now. The day he told her that he was leaving, he just packed a few things in his bag and that was it. He didn't take photos or money or even enough clothes for a week. He didn't tell her where he was going, or who he was going to stay with. He just left.

Haley felt a single tear streak down her face as her feeling got the better of her. She lied to everyone now. Her parents, her friends, herself. She wanted to believe that she felt nothing for him, that she wouldn't take him back, that he was a moment of weakness in her life. But it was a lie. She still loved him so much. And it hurt.

Looking at the clock, she noticed that it was 8:30, and she hadn't had any dinner. She wasn't hungry, yet she saw the keys on the side table, and grabbed them before she could talk herself out of eating. The last thing she needed was to be burdened with an eating disorder on top of everything else.

Haley drove the beat up Corolla up the highway, slamming on the breaks when she saw the long line of traffic ahead of her. She glanced in her rear view mirror, but there were too many cars behind her for her to reverse and turn back. So she pulled on the hand break and flicked the radio on, not even really listening to the words.

How many special people change? How may lives are living strange?……….

Someday you will find me Caught beneath the landslide………

It's people that make the world what it is. It's their actions, their decisions, their choices that determine what's going to happen in our lives. Only you can make your life better. You have to take chances to do that. Sometimes those chances work out for the better, sometimes they don't.

But if we don't take control of our own lives, if we don't try and make it better, who do we have to blame other than ourselves?

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