Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.

Note: Written for LJ's "30kisses," Theme one: Look Over Here.


Axel was such a showoff. He fought flashy battles and he said curious things in a loud voice. He had an unforgettable attitude and was cocky as shit. Flaunting everything he had, everything he thought he had and everything he never had at all, he reigned supreme in egotism and the power to confound others with his shallowness.

He had a purpose of course-- what other purpose has a showoff for showing off but to be seen? He was a pompous brat waiting for the eyes of the willing giving him their attention to the fullest. Making tragedy so that he could cry, splendor so he could smile, art so that he was beautiful, and accusations so he was the accused, his society with others was a façade so real that the part was easy to play by now.

It was a role that demanded perhaps more than just a showoff that be seen. It demanded for him to be not just seen, but looked at, stared at, watched. His audience, no matter how large it ever grew, seemed never to be complete. Something inside of him, somewhere beneath the surface-- somewhere deep --where the clown that had painted itself on his face had never reached, still remembered that face he still longed to see turned to him.

He had never let go of his hope that his efforts would pay off in the end, but lord knows just as well as Axel has learned that Dignity never turns its proud jeweled head to stare, and Apathy would never kiss the feet of Affinity. With or without all of his antics and hysteria, Axel would always be number six, at least two short of his goal. Axel would always be standing in a blind spot to the right of his prize.