Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters; they belong to Gaston Leroux, Andrew Lloyd Webber etc.
My first fic for Poto, and first fic on this site. I have posted on other sites previously though. Please R&R, forever grateful. Love you all xx Shiv xx
This is my redraft of the story, and I'd like to thank everyone who has reviewed, it made my day! Especially Hollie, and I think you'll find most of your suggestions have been used – so thanks!
R/C at the start, will be E/C pairing.
Story starts after Don Juan when the Phantom, Raoul and Christine are in the Phantoms lair. Raoul is tied up and the Phantom has just given Christine her choice – to be with him and let Raoul live, or choose Raoul and he will die.
It really was the point of no return; all of a sudden, the melody of the night which had merely been a song then, was now a tragic condemnation to how she would live her life, with the phantom. Yes, she was destined to live the rest of her life with Erik – the monster that had caused it all, and she loathed him as much as she dared to. But still, this feeling of fear for his unpredictable rage compelled her to agree to his terms, as unfair as it seemed.
Slowly and reluctantly she stepped forward into the murky water of his dark lair. It lapped at her dress and skin, and it gave her an image of poison seeping into her, and she was unable to fight against it. She was to be engulfed by this man – this thing.
She tried her best to avert his stony gaze, but he was keen on staring intently at her. Unbeknown to her, he was on the verge of tears; he hated himself for putting his angel in this position. Surely she hated him now; he might as well walk away. She would never love him like he loved her, and forcing her to do this would make matters worse. But something made him hold on, for a millisecond their eyes connected and something sparked. He stared at her without realising how nervous she must be, she was amazing. His eyes traced her outline, her smooth skin and delicate features. His head told him to hang on, but his heart said she was too good for him, so he would have to leave – now.
But before he was able to, she slowly reached her petite hands up to his chest, and leant up to meet his untouched lips with her own. She knew it would strike Raoul to his very soul, but she couldn't speak, and he had to know she agreed to his terms – she didn't want to see his temper again. But while their lips connected, the dank, bitter air seemed to lift its crushing weight from her shoulders – surely she couldn't like this act?
As for Erik, well the whole thing took him completely by surprise, and he pulled away in shock, breaking contact with his angel's soft lips. He searched her eyes for an explanation, and was once again met with her sweet kiss, more passionate this time. Christine cupped his deformed cheek with her warm, delicate fingers. She felt hot, searing tears roll down his face and she deepened the kiss, seeking entry to his mouth with her tongue, pleading for him to accept her. She opened her eyes to see his, lonely and despairingly staring right back at her. It moved her to see him so despondent, and she knew she could never hate him, however much he hurt her, she would always belong to him, and she already did. She no longer felt fear towards him, and felt guilty for ever thinking he might physically harm her. She felt a new love toward him, not just as her teacher, but for the first time as something different – but what? A lover?
Suddenly he unexpectedly pulled away.
"Leave me! Go! Forget me and all you've seen! Take him, and leave now!"
He retreated and turned his back on Christine and Raoul, fleeing with tears burning his eyes.
Christine stood, staring after him in bewilderment. Raoul broke the silence with a feeble groan. On hearing him, Christine turned and swiftly untied him, embracing him in her caring arms.
"Let us leave this place, my love," he whispered a tone of panic in his masculine voice that she had never heard before. "Quickly now, before he changes his mind!" With that said, Christine knew he feared her angel. Her heart was broken; she didn't know what to do. She decided to let Raoul take her in his broad, strong arms where she would be safe. He led her to the boat, which he used to take them from the hellish dungeon he wished to forget all about. No words were spoken, but Raoul constantly stroked his little Lotte's brown curls and caressed her tired, aching shoulders. They followed the tunnel until it reached an opening, and adjusted their eyes to a wondrous star-filled sky, and leaving the nightmare that had just faced them far, far behind.