Ryuusei tenshi: this is my very first fanfic if you see some grammatical errors just go with it and please read the fanfics of my friends chuunin alchemist and tsukito-neko their great (especially chuunin alchemist's)
Summary: typical high school life (not much of a summary huh)
Pairings: main: SasuSaku ItaTayu slight: NaruHina NejiTen ShikaIno KabuTema
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If I did I would've made Sasuke the 'main' character
More than friends
Italic: announcements/characters thoughts/settings
Chapter 1: Moving
"All flights going to Tokyo, Japan, the plane will be leaving in 30 minutes once again all flights going to Tokyo, Japan, the plane will be leaving in 30 minutes."
"Sasuke, you better hurry" his mom called
"Coming mom" he replied with no emotions, he hurried up a little seeing that his family was way ahead of him
Sasuke was sitting near the window feeling bored at the same time irritated. Bored for the fact that he has nothing to do. He's tired of the movies they show on the plane, tired of the food they serve, tired of doing almost everything and no one even cares, he's parents only talks about work, work and more work, and his brother just doesn't care. They never did get along well. Irritated because every year it's the same he and he's family go to different countries for their business, so that means every year new house, new environment, new school and especially new friends. For them money wasn't really a problem well actually they have a lot of money in fact they're rich (as in billionaire rich).
Inner Sasuke:
… (Sigh)… it is always like this, we go here and then we go there can't we just stay in one place? Just for once? We're like nomads or… whatever you call it. I really hate this. Every year since kindergarten until now, my sophomore years, I make new friends just to learn that I'm going to leave them when the year ends. I don't think that Itachi is enjoying this anymore than I am even if we don't talk and even if we aren't the closest of brothers I know he isn't enjoying this I just know it.
Inner Itachi:
I don't know why but for some reason I'm also irritated by this, it's not like I'm not use to it or anything I mean this is my senior year .I can't do anything, if dad decides to do something there is nothing anyone could do to stop him .I just hope that Sasuke is getting use to this.
airplane 9:30p.m
They went to their specific rooms, their parents stayed in one room as well as Sasuke and Itachi. They unpacked their things (A/N: I know you're gonna ask why they didn't unpack earlier well I also dunno) after that Itachi freshened up while Sasuke was watching TV.
"It's your turn, shrimp" Itachi said while drying his hair with a towel
"Ok and stop calling me shrimp" Sasuke said annoyed
"Whatever, shrimp" Itachi replied
"Hmph! (this is not a typo)" Sasuke said then he went in the bathroom and took a shower
at the other room
"Honey, I'm worried about Sasuke" Mikoto (mom) said to her husband
"What is it now?"
"Well this moving thing, I don't really think that Sasuke is used to it "
"We've been over this already"
"I know I know but I think this is hard for him"
"Come on honey, Sasuke is a sophomore now I think he's used to it and besides we've been doing this since Itachi was in kindergarten and he got used to it eventually"
"Well have you ever considered the fact that they don't get along well"
"Of course I did"
"They barely even talk to each other"
"They don't?"
"Well we have to keep the family together"
"Yes that is true but-"she was cut off by her husband
"I'm sure that Sasuke is adjusting well with this situation"
"I guess…………"
Sasuke was done freshening up and decided to listen to some music on his nano ipod.
Now a day the only thing that could make him happy is listening to music. He has this thing that whenever he listens to music he forgets all his problems it's like his ipod is a part of him or something like that. Well some of his favorite songs are sung by the Black Eyed Peas, Nelly, Eminem……… and many more. His brother has one to but he rarely uses it (or maybe he hasn't even opened it). He likes watching TV better. He likes suspense, action, (especially) horror and maybe comedy.
Sasuke was listening to 'Pump it' by the black eyed peas. He was having such a great time listening to that song that he didn't know that he was singing it to rather loudly (well at least loud enough to irritate his brother who was watching TV).
"Will you shut up! Do you know how noisy and irritating you are?" Itachi said while watching TV.
"Well then turn up the volume if it bothers you so much!" Sasuke replied
"It is already turned up and guess what I can still hear you!"
"Well, turn it up even louder I don't care!"
"No! You're the one who has to keep quiet! Your making it sound that it's my fault "
"Isn't it always?"
Let us just say they continued bickering for 5 more minutes until they're dad came and told them to knock it off and go to sleep because it's already like 12:00 midnight so they slept. The next morning they started packing up their things because the plane is about to land. After that they drove to the house they just bought (A/N: I guess they brought along a car). Their house was (obviously) big; it had a big yard where Sasuke can play basketball at, it's the house you expect that a billionaire could ever have.
Sasuke played a little basketball and then he went to his room watched a little TV and then listened to more music while Itachi watched TV all day long. Let us just say that they had a normal and ordinary day doing normal and ordinary things and they completely ignored each other until the day ended.
Sasuke's room 8:00p.m
Sasuke did his usual routine; he freshened up, played on-line games and chatted to some of his friends. He then felt a little bored and decided to watch TV, while watching TV he was thinking about the next day since there is already school ……
What is gonna happen tomorrow? I guess it is still the same it isn't gonna change or anything it will just be like the other schools I've been Sasuke taught.
He looked at the time and noticed that it's already ten so he decided to go to sleep…
Well that's it for chapter 1 it's kinda boring I'll try to make the following chapters much more interesting please R&R it really means a lot to me if you review my work.