A/n Nice title, no? Don't worry; this is just a regular AU story of Roxas and Namine, my two favourite Nobodies. This is my 2nd Kingdom Hearts fic, and I just got the 2nd game which is so freaking awesome! I fell hard for the two characters, and while listening to Passion, I got the inspiration for an angst teenage story...with some life's experience of my own. Now, I'm rambling, and I should be beginning.

Summary: Namine seems to be perfect...she has the perfect family, the perfect friends, the perfect life, like a diamond of the sea. But no one knew of the pain she felt inside...of something, someone missing. Up until he comes...Roxas, are you for real?

Disclaimer: I'm only going to say this once, but I do not own Kingdom Hearts, or else I would've made an anime by now. But alas, I do not. I also don't own Passion, or any lines of songs I will use for chapter titles. I wish I could meet Utada Hikaru


Chapter 1: "Omoidaseba haruka haruka..." (When I remember back far, far...)


A girl of fifteen peered around the expensive molding of the doorway to the mansion's office. Her light blonde hair swayed slightly, and her eyes were like the deep blue sea.

"Yes Namine-chan?" Her mother was a fast-forward version of her daughter: graceful blonde hair, flawless skin, and deep blue eyes like sapphires.

But her eyes were soulless.

"I shall be leaving for my new school, I won't be able to see you until this weekend."

"Be sure you are back at the dorms by 6. I do not want you out in this town at night."

Namine bowed her head slightly.


Namine left the room, while her mother continued to stare at the scattered papers on the oak wood desk in front of her.



Namine walked in the happy bustling streets of Twilight Town, unnoticed by the crowds that passed her by. Today, she was starting at her new boarding school, Twilight High, since she moved from her previous home in Destiny Islands.

Her cousin, Kairi, was so distraught when she heard that Namine was leaving and it was all because of a stupid marriage proposal. Her mother, Yatsuka Hikari, became engaged to Ansem Wise, who was a millionaire due to his long line of research and scientific discoveries. Sometimes, he was even called, "Ansem the Wise."

Namine had been against the marriage from the start, especially since Ansem looked old enough to be her grandfather, but she had no say in the matter. The only reason they married was because it was an arranged marriage due to the Hikari and Wise clans being the most influential families in Japan (A/n okay, that might not be correct, but I say they're from Japan, and that Destiny Islands are just off the coast) and a bond was formed.

Long story short, Namine was angry because her mom was giving up her dignity for an arranged marriage. Who would be happy with that kind of thing?

Few weeks after the marriage, Ansem packed them up, and moved them to Twilight Town for the sake of his business, and her mother gave up her artistic career and buried herself in the field of...science too.

"Okaa-san, how could you do this?" Namine looked up into the sky, the calm azure blue and fiery orange mixing together in the light of the morning.

So, this is why they call it Twilight Town, I suppose...

Namine was so busy in her thoughts; she didn't even notice the boy skateboarding right in her direction.

"Watch out!"

Before she knew it, Namine was crashed into the ground, with the boy right on top of her.


"Owww...that hurt." Namine rubbed her bruised head, and felt weight on top of her.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Namine opened her eyes to stare up into bright blue orbs, seeing her reflection in them. She stared transfixed, until his voice snapped her out of her trance.

"Did you hear me?" He spoke again, sounding more urgent.

"Can you please get off me?"

The boy and Namine were in a...ahem...suggestive position, with the boy's arms trapping her own, and his leg in between her knees, slightly pushing up her plaid pleated skirt.

"Oh! Sorry!" The boy stood up quickly, holding out his hand to her, a light red colouring his face.

"It's alright. I should have been paying attention." Namine brushed off her uniform skirt, and had full view of the boy who crashed into her.

He had spiky blonde hair that stood up in odd angles, and bright blue eyes. He was about half a foot taller than her, and was wearing a school uniform, bearing the school insignia similar to the one on her own blazer.

"Hey...do you go to Twilight High?" She inquired.

"Unfortunately, yes...why? You starting there?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Mimicking his own statement.

"Well, I hope you like it here, I guess...by the way, name's Roxas Iota."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Namine Hikari—I mean Wise." She held out her hand for him to shake.

"Well, aren't you polite, Wise-san." He took her hand and shook it, smiling.

Namine smiled back gently, her aura of serenity having Roxas slightly taken back. He hasn't met someone so...gentle...

"Um...well, I suppose since you're new around here, I'll show you around...if you want." Roxas gained back his composure, letting go off her hand.

"I think I might need it...this town is too big..." Namine started to walk, while Roxas followed her slowly on his skateboard.

"Well, when you been here as long as I have, the town starts to familiarize itself."

"How long have you lived here?" Namine looked at him, whose face was trapped in thought.

"Huh, I think I've lived here since I was three years old...but it seems like forever..."

"It must be nice to live here." Namine said, pulling her blazer tighter around her, as a breeze went by.

"Well, now I've poured my heart out to a complete stranger. Now shouldn't you do the same?" He smirked slightly, making her giggle.

"I've moved here from Destiny Islands, and my stepfather is Ansem Wise, one of the most famous scientists in the scientific community—"

"Your dad's the millionaire genius?" Roxas's eyes nearly popped out of his skull.

"My stepfather and yes he is."

"And your mother is Yatsuka Hikari, one of the most inspiring fantasy artists in Japan."

Used to be. Namine thought bitterly, but continued to smile.

"That must be cool, having your parents be the most influential people in the country." Roxas looked at her, and was surprised to see her face planted with sad eyes.

"Yes, it is very nice..." She replied stiffly. Namine, sensing questions from her new friend, walked even faster.

"Um, well..." Roxas rubbed the back of his head in discomfort, feeling immediately sorry for gushing like that. "The school is up ahead..."

Twilight High was a large campus, filled to the brim with students with all similar uniforms. Namine sighed in relief; Roxas's presence was starting to make her anxious.

"Well, thank you for keeping me company. I hope that we may talk to each other again sometime soon." Namine smiled, and Roxas shifted nervously once his feet touched the ground from his skateboard.

"Well, maybe during lunch today? I can introduce you to some people if you want...some of my friends..." Roxas combed his hand through his hair, subconsciously hoping for a yes.

Namine's eyes opened in surprise.

"Well, I suppose...it would be nice. Sure Iota-kun, it's a date." Namine smiled, chuckling in her head at how out of character she sounded.

Roxas blushed slightly at her sentence, but suddenly regained his composure.

"Okay, see you then." Roxas went back into weird boy mode, hopped onto his skateboard, and skated away through the school's courtyard, nearly running into people as he went.

Namine smiled to herself, but then it turned into a frown.

I don't want to make friends here. No matter how nice they are...

...or cute.

A/n End of chapter one! Sorry it might be kind of short, but hey, it's plot development. I'm juggling a bunch of different stories right now, some not even posted yet, but they'll be up and running soon. Hope you guys are hungry for the next chapter, but I'll only update if I get at least 13 reviews (my favourite lucky unlucky number). So review for the next chapter!

Nest chapter: Namine meets Roxas's friends, gets situated with her new classes, gets a surprising room mate partner, learns to break free, but then gets trapped back in her cage, becoming the perfect girl she's supposed to be...plus Roxas learns a thing or two about Namine's true family and what it's really like...