Disclaimer: First off, I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist or it's characters. I do, however, own all OC's that appear in this fanfic.

I can't believe you guys still put up with me, lol. This editing deal is getting just rediculous. I'll spare you all for a good chapter, and skip to the replies from those who left reviews. I'm so sorry if I left you out or missed a review, cause I lost track of where I left off. I had to go back two review pages to where I thought I left off, lol. Yet again, thank you all!:

Beautifly92: Oh, I understand completely, but you'll find out in this chapter that it was anything but a dream, lol.

White Alchemist Taya: Yes, I was feeling quite horrid with myself too, cause I thought I put a little to much torture into it. In this chapter though, you'll discover the worst form of torture...

Dreamangelsakky: Lol, surprisingly I didn't need much counsoling from you. I sortta wrote it on my own will, without even noticing... I had to fill in a lot, so it was fun non-the-less. Oh yes, and a little personal-public message... ANSWER YOUR PHONE! lol

GreatestXNinja: Thanks, lol. Now you can scream again, cause now this chapter is out, and I swear the next one is on it's way, lol.

Xx-Moonlit Rose-xX: Thanks for the review, lol. It made me laugh when I read it, cause I sortta do the same thing in cases like that, lol.

Katyann: What does "aqw" mean? And yes, for you, here is the next chapter!

-Kishumi-: Alright, alright, lol. Here you go!

Just a note before we start: If you want to enhance the of this story, play the song "Already Over, Pt. 2" by RED to enhance the angsty theme of this story... May I suggest You Tube?


- The Truth Is Never Easy-

A faint melody echoed off the dome-like walls of the vast toom. Mozart. Simple yet classical adding an even deeper sence of royalty to the theme of the supposed living quaters. Hues of burgandy rimmed with lace and ropes of gold, contrasted heavily with the rich red-oak floors and marble walls. Yet, the beings living on the inside were far from the average beings of royalty...

"I see you've awakened, Adele, dear." Dante smirked upon the couch, not bothering to look up from her sewing, "I didn't know if you'd leave your room or not, but I was certain you woulnd't attempt to escape."

Adele wrapped the emerald gown arond her shaking form, refusing to move. Her feet were firmly planted where she stood, arms enclosing around her chest; a poor attempt to shield herself from Dante's view.

This thin material hugged her curves and highlighted her limbs which were shaking from the lack of strength and the fear of what impact her actions would have. Her muscles ached from her attempt to stand straight up, her head held high, which was only turning the jabbing feeling onto her spine.

"Why don't you sit down? You've had a long night with Envy I presume? Pity..." Dante sighed heavily and continued to lace thick scarlet and vanilla ribbons through the rungs of a corset, "You two could have made the perfect lovers. I would want nothing but the best for my son, but the departure might have been a little to hard on him. He must get it from his mother."

The immediate distaste for this young, yet old-fashioned woman completely spilled oer the tolerance Adele had been holding up for this conversation, "Clearly your son and I never got off to a good start with his main intention to slaughter me."

Her shaky, tanned hand brought the loose folds of the garment to cover the bruised and scared flesh of her torso, heat gathering in her cheeks. Dante chuckled and carefully dusted off the garment in her thin arms, dark amethyst eyes pearing out from under her ebony bangs.

"I see..." Dante paused, bringing up the clump of material in her lap to unfold a gorgeous scarlet dress, "Come closer and let me see if these measurements are right; this must fit! Envy has told me you are very blessed, so I might have made this a little too small."

Curious ruby eyes peared out from under thick chocolate lashes, an expression of utter bemusement washing over her bronzed features. Adele stepped closer to get a better glimpse at the delicate design on the burgandy mass, "Is that for me?"

Dante nodded patiently, standing to allow the dress to unfold itself and form into it's true state, "It is." The material enveloped all attention from the vast room; the music even seemed to fade into the distance, replaced with the rippling sounds of the dress when it swept over the wooden floor-boards.

Its long, delicate folds graced the floor in a swift and fluttery movement as if it floated. The concealed, steel ribs of the corset were heavily lined with intricate designs of golden roses and vines. Ivory ribbons laced the corset pieces together and were tied in meticulous bows that flowed down the thick pleats.

"It's gorgeous. Almost as beautiful as you, my dear. But no quite..." Dante concealed a malicious smirk with a soft tilt of her head, studying her work carefully, "My intentions are only for it to bring out your inner beauty."

"What for?" Adele asked cautiously, allowing her fingers to gently caress the silk material of the gown, "I was lead to believe that when on is being held hostage, they weren't treated to such delicacies."

"Well, my dear," Dante smiled, her purple gem eyes meeting those stone garnet orbs she longed to drain of their life, "Your too special to be a hostage. Your purpose is already insured, but why not use you as bait to reel in my future lover while we're at it? We could have had you drained and dead already... However, I don't want to spend my enternity with out an immortal lover by my side."

"The Philosopher Stone is never enough, and I correct?" Adele growled taking a firm breath and forming fists at her sides; her fingernails making cresent shaped indents in the skin of one palm, steel clashing against steel in the other, "You crave more and you'll do anything to get it."

"It won't be easy, of course. Like father, like son." Dante spoke as if she was complaining to a trustworthy friend, setting down the dress and patting the cushion next to her, "Hohenheim still feels for that old dead broad of his... the wench is dead and he still choses her over his former lover!"

"And you want my body, why?" Adele asked, crimson eyes flashing dangerously; she knew the truth wasn't going to be a joyous discovery.

"I thought it'd be easy for a high ranking alchemist to figure out, but I'm sure you already know in your heart." Dante glanced up at the enraged Ishbalan glaring from above her, "The only way to bring the Elric boy here is to capture his lover and the only way to make him love me is for me to become her."

Adele's heartbeat quickened making her ribcage shudder in protest to its rapid movement, "He'll never fall for it. He's smarter than those thick-skull humonculi give him credit for!"

"If I can't have the Elric I love, then what makes you believe that you can have your lover?" she cooed in a voice dripping with venom, the depths of her eyes swirling with malice; the glare upon her soft face made the young Ishbalan's insides clinch and churn nervously. "Unlike the the majority of mortals here on Earth, I make sure I get what I want. Nothing gets in the way, and if it does, it does't last much longer."

"I suppose I'm the one with not much of a choice then." Adele groaned and slumped into an uncomfortable armchair, not bothering to cover up the exposed sliver of skin escaping from the slipping emerald garment...

"What is the point of fighting anymore if I keep losing? What is the point of fighting if I know every waking moment of my life that I'm being hunted for something I long to destory? What is the point of going on it I know I'm going to eventually die at the hands of who wants the damn stone inside of me?!"

"Finally realizing the truth, my dear?" Dante gave a hearty chuckle and went back to her sewing, "Good. Now that we've got that out of the way, why don't you be a good girl and sit quietly while I finish your funeral gown."

It wasn't a question... it was a statement that stung her heart, tears threatening gathering up at the rims of her garnet eyes, and spill down her bronzed skin.

"Yes, mother dearest." Adele growled with hatred, tilting her head back into the burgandy cushion, biting her lip in anger.

Why hadn't she attacked her yet? All of this could have been over if she just unleashed all her power. That goddamned power everyone overrated, never knowing what it could do... never knowing the full extent of their own words. That godforsaken power that could wipe out an entire race like the military had destroyed her village, pillaging for that power.

But if she did...

Everything would be normal again. No more Philosophers Stone... no more humonculi... no more... Adele. Edward would move on, never knowing the truth about the whereabouts of the beloved stone he searched for. At least he wouldn't have to worry about the humonculi and Dante's evil plans; he could even take over the military with his expertise!

He would forget about her and return Alphonse and himself to their original bodies, find another woman and start a beautiful family. Alphonse could go back and finally express his love for Winry, and they can have a beautiful wedding on the hillside of Resembool.

The world would revolve without her on it, not bothering the other inhabitants. Roy and Riza would hopefully get married and have their very own daughter to look over; they wouldn't have to watch over Adele anymore. Third Lieutenant Denny and Second Lieutenant Ross could get together and make a happy family... and Elicia and Gracia would take perfect care of Noella-

But Edward... his heart would heal... right? He wouldn't have to worry about waking up in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat searching for Adele. Crying out at night as they traveled, reaching in the sky for his lost love. He would move on like all the others, forgeting about her. But...

Just maybe she was wrong... maybe, she lied to herself... maybe...

There was so much more for Adele to live for.


- Meanwhile -

"... And that's all I remember. I don't know how I got back or why they let me go, but there is definately something going on."

You're kidding right, Al? Please tell me this is all a joke..."

The dimmed light from the gas-lamp in the corner cast an eerie glow throughout the small bedroom, capturing the strained features of the oldest Elric brother. His thick, black books clunked across the creaky floorboards while he paced the length of the room, running his gloved fingers through his loose golden locks.

In the opposite corner stood the youngest Elric, helmet avoiding his brother's occasional gaze, searching for the truth with his hawk-like eyes. The truth was rattling in the depths of his mind causing him to shiver in attempt to get rid of the horrid feeling eating at his soul.

"Brother... I was so afraid!" Alphonse collasped onto the soft white sheets, helmet between his large hands, "It was all so real..."

"She's not gone, damnit!" Edward yelled, punching the hard wood of the vanity table, glaring at his reflection. A quiet knock came from the doorway, Edward turning his leer straight towards the two women waiting for his attention. His glared lessened, stomach churning with optimisim. However their dark faces didn't support the hope that was building, "What? Did you find anything?!"

"Edward, Al... we checked the whole house and we couldn't find her." Winry stepped forward with something folded and dirty tucked in her arms. Pinako's glasses were covered over with a glare from the hallway light above-head, her face unreadable, leaving Ed's gaze to stray towards the small bundle.

"But we did find this hanging from the second story balcony."

Winry carefully handed Edward the dirt covered sheet, her blue eyes beginning to glow with tears. Taking the old knit quilt, Edward laid it out across the bed, face contorting in repungance. The young Rockbell treaded closer so she could aquire a better view of the stained spread, the same expression of abhorrance overcoming her as she pushed herself off Edward and away from the bed, "What is that?!"

The quilt before them was stained with blotches of a thinned, ruby substance. Bits of mud from being dragged around the roof was evident, and small handprints of the thin liquid.

"That's Adele's blanket." Alphonse stated not taking his eyes away from the vista, "She had it with her when she went up onto the roof."

"Alphonse... is this blood?" Edward inquired, running his automail fingers over the mysterious stains. The blanket was still wet from being out in the rain for a while, which had just began to die down... that meant that there was a possibilty that this was blood before it was washed away. But it was still to thin... with a purplish tint to it.

"Edward, there is something going on with Adele that she is keeping from us..."

"What are you talking about, Alphonse?" Edward squinted from the lack of light, features softening at the quiet voice whispering from the suit of armor, "Adele was always honest with us... why? Is there-"

"The Philosophers Stone."

There was a pause as Winry glanced between the boys, "What?"

"Al, what are you talking about? What does that have to do with-"

"Brother... what if I told you that this journey was all an inadverdant set-up?" Alphonse asked, the shadows concealing the features of his helment. "That the reason Colonel Mustang sent Adele on this mission with us is because-"

"Because she's searching for her mother!" Edward cut him off, enraged at the mindless accusations he was throwing across the room so carelessly. He could feel the blood boiling beneath his skin, not wanting to listen to his brother continue; all he wanted was to find Adele and get her back. "Why did the humonculi take her, Alphonse?!"

Alphonse didn't answer, fists clenching at his sides as he stood up, coming to his full height. He towered over the occupants of the room, his helmet leering at the defiant face of his older brother. "You already have your answer," he spoke harshly, pointing a finger at the blanket before them.

"Oh my god," Winry gasped, throwing a hand over her mouth; the tears building up early began to spill. She fell back towards Pinako who grabbed her waist so she didn't fall over. "All this time, and I never actually listened to her..."

"Alphonse..." Edward stared blankly at the filthy quilt, realization hitting him like an invisible force, "This is..."

"Brother, Adele is The Philosphers Stone."


Wow, was that a powerful chapter or what? The Truth is revealed to Edward, although he doesn't believe it (but what do you expect)... and Adele has finally drawn to a conclusion a that this grim fate of her's is inescapable.

So, how did everyone like the chapter? I worked all morning getting this out like the last one, but no worries.

Enjoy, Rate, Review!
