Steve woke up cold, and curled up, hugging himself.

When he opened his eyes, he realised he was lying on a table in a bright white lab, and he was face to face with a man who you'd suspect might be scrubbed with bleach every few years. He was pale and thin, and looked scarily ill. His hair was shockingly blonde and he wore sunglasses, that made Steve wonder if he even had eyes at all. He held up a photograph with 'Leon.S.Kennedy' scrawled on it in some kind of white pen. He didn't recognise the name, or the person at all.

Hang on, Leon... Some memory tugged at the back of his mind. He shooed it away and nodded. The man... Wesker..? smirked, walking away. He pulled his hands off his arms, holding the sleeve of his jacket fondly for a moment, collecting every memory he could, before sitting up. Yeah... his jacket, well that made sense.

He knew what lay in store for this Leon Kennedy... He didn't know how, but it felt like he'd been working as a killer for Wesker his whole life, though he hadn't. He never had before. He couldn't remember much before waking up. Wesker, he knew that from somewhere... and who he was, and the name 'Leon' seemed familiar. He stood shakily, running a hand through his auburn hair before walking out of the small room.

Somehow he had the building mapped out in his mind. He knew where he was going, not quite sure why... Why was he doing any of this? How did he get here? He chose to ignore the thoughts. He paused as he reached the glass doors. He opened one and somebody handed him a black bag. He slung it over his shoulder and watched the guard at the front warily.
"Train tickets, plane tickets, gun, ammo. Wesker said you'd need it for Kennedy." he said in a gruff mumble. He just stared at him blankly before walking to the gates. They opened with a squeak of metal and he walked out, holding tightly to the bag as he made his way towards the train station. He'd leave London now, to go to America, to complete his task.


Author's note: Muahaha, GO STEVE! Cheers Or not... Many people will not be happy about him killing Leon... Waves hands in magical way