Chapter 8

SGC Infirmary

"Are you telling me the Colonel did this to you?" Janet asked the shock quite evident on her face.

"Actually a falling tree did the most damage as you can see." Sam said gritting her teeth as Janet attended to the wound on her back.

"Yes but you wouldn't have gotten hit by a falling tree if you weren't trying to escape the colonel or gotten a very dangerous case of hypothermia." Janet couldn't believe the shape Sam was in, they were supposed to be on a restful vacation for crying out loud. "I'm sorry Sam, I should never have talked you into going with the colonel, I don't know what I was thinking."

"Actually Janet, it was the right call you made. The colonel actually opened up and talked to me about it. I mean he really opened up." Sam said, making sure not to let out too much of the private talk they had.

"That's great Sam, but what you went through…"

"Don't worry about it Janet, I'll heal and with your talent I'm sure I'll be back to normal in no time."

"Ah huh, don't try buttering me up Sam. You're going to need some broad-spectrum antibiotics, by IV for the first few doses before switching you to the pill form, and the wound is going to have to be cleaned with frequent dressing changes. I'm afraid I won't be able to stitch it until the infections cleared up. So you may not have had a restful time at the colonel's cabin, but you are going to have a few restful days right here in my infirmary." Janet said snapping her gloves as she removed them.

"Janet I don't need to stay in the infirmary, I can…." Sam started to say.

"But you'll stay where the doc wants you to stay, isn't that right Carter." Jack said after he entered the room.

Janet pulled the curtain from around the bed Sam was lying on in a prone position. Jack could see that Janet had put a clean dressing on Sam's back, which was in view from the opened back of the infirmary pyjama top Sam was wearing. He could see the look on Janet's face, one he took as disgust. He couldn't blame her for how she felt, he felt disgusted in himself.

"How did the meeting with the general go Sir?" Sam asked turning her head to face him.

"Better than I had expected actually, he's going to want to ask you a few questions when he gets down here. Don't worry Carter, I told him everything that happened, so don't feel that you have to hold back anything." Jack said feeling a little uncomfortable with having to talk in front of Janet.

"So Doctor, how is Major Carter doing?" Hammond asked entering the infirmary.

"General." Janet said standing at attention and facing Hammond. "Major Carter is running a fever and an infection has settled in, but I'm going to start her on a course of antibiotics which should help clear it up Sir."

"That's good to hear, thank you doctor. Major I'm sorry about what happened to you, Colonel O'Neill explained everything; I have to say I'm appalled at what I heard. I need to know if you wish to press charges against the colonel?" Hammond asked choosing not to look at Jack, but keeping his eyes on Sam's face. He could also see the large dressing and the bruising on Sam's back.

"Sir, I don't think charges would be appropriate for the situation. The colonel was only acting on the belief that I had been taken by a Goa'uld, he tried to contact the base and Teal'c but due to the storm it made it impossible. He was only acting on instinct Sir, and after what he went through with Baal, I understand completely why he did what he did. So no Sir, I won't be pressing charges, and as the Commander of the base, I hope you won't be pressing charges either." Sam said in her most direct voice.

"Well if you're sure Major?"

"Yes Sir, I'm positive." Sam answered confidently.

"Well then that's good enough for me, for now I'll leave you in the capable hands of Dr. Fraiser and I hope you get better soon." Hammond said compassionately, then left the infirmary.

"Thanks Carter, you know you didn't have to do that, you had every right to press charges against me." Jack said quietly.

"Sir, I thought we worked this out at the cabin, I both understand and forgive you for what happened,"

"I know you said that, but I thought you may have changed your mind." Jack said looking down at the floor.

"So Sir, where are Jonas and Teal'c?" Janet asked seeing that things were getting awkward.

"They're ah driving my truck back from Minnesota." Jack said grinning.

"They the two alien members of SG1 are driving your truck all the way back from Minnesota?"

"Yea well Carter couldn't drive and we had to get her back here as soon as we could." Jack said.

"And the colonel couldn't drive since I knocked him out with a tree branch." Sam added, smiling slightly.

"What, you were knocked out? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Janet said moving over and grabbing Jack's arm leading him to a bed.

"Well I was feeling fine, it really didn't need to be mentioned…Carter." Jack said looking at Sam a little angrily.

"Oh yes I did have to mention it Sir," Sam said with a huge a grin on her face. "It's for your own good."

"Okay Colonel I want you to strip and put on a gown, we're going to have to do a cat scan first, then go from there." Janet said as she pulled the curtain around the bed.

"Doc, how about a little privacy while I change eh?"

"Oh come on Colonel, its nothing I haven't seen before." Janet said before leaving the colonel alone behind the curtain.

"Oh yea, payback can be a bitch." Sam said chuckling under her breath

"I heard that Carter."

The End