Hello! This story is a sequel to my first story, Sonic the Faker, BUT, you absolutely DO NOT need to read the first story to understand this one. All you need to know is that:

-Sonic discovers that Gerald Robotnik escaped the ARK 50 years ago (the so-called "real" Gerald that was in Prison Island was just a clone), and went into hiding, using Shadow's "original" DNA but not Black Doom's to make another Ultimate Lifeform. This turned out to be Sonic. So now Sonic and Shadow are unofficially "brothers" of sorts.

-Zonic the Hedgehog from the Archie universe (no, this story will NOT take place in the Archie universe) accidentally breaks his zone/universe traveling device, and ends up in this Sonic universe. Unfortunately, after landing in this universe, the device goes haywire again and takes Sonic, Shadow, and Zonic to another universe, where this story begins…

And now, for my actual Author's Notes:

Let me first just say that I'm sorry for the long wait, but the reason is because originally, I had actually planned for the sequel to be VERY, EXTREMELY, (you get the idea) different from this final version. I had actually already written 4 and a half chapters, but suddenly I realized that something was very screwed up, so I re-wrote all the chapters.

And for all you Archie haters, don't worry; Zonic will play an extremely small role in this fic. In fact, most of the time you're reading this you probably wouldn't even remember that he's IN this fic.

Sonic: You included an Archie character? YOU INCLUDED AN ARCHIE CHARACTER?

Me: Ummmm….yeah.


Me: Hey just because Zonic's an archie character doesn't mean this is going to be an archie story! I just included Zonic to give an excuse for you guys traveling to random parallel universes.

Zonic: HEY! That's not very nice-

Me: Shut up Zonic.

Shadow: Idiots…

Chapter 1: Sonic Gets Tortured

Last time on Sonic the Faker….

Before he had time to finish his sentence though, sparks of electricity suddenly flew out of Zonic's device, making him cry out loud and drop the device, which in turn glowed a brilliantly white glow. Without any warning, the white light expanded covering Sonic, Zonic, and Shadow before any of them could react (Tails was standing further away). The light was so bright that Tails had to cover his eyes.

"Sonic? Shadow? Guys?" Tails yelled while shielding his eyes. No response came.

After what seemed like an hour to Tails, the light abruptly disappeared…along with the three hedgehogs….


In a dark room…



"What the hell?"


"Where are we?"

"OH! Sonic that's that's my foot!"

"What? You ARE Sonic."

"No I'm Zonic."


"Why's it so freakin' dark?"

"Um, maybe because there's no light?"

"Oh, REALLY? Gee, thanks, Einstein."

"Wait, I still have my chaos emerald. Maybe if I…"

As Shadow finished his…uh…unfinished sentence, the dark room lit up dimly, thanks to the green chaos emerald that Shadow grasped in his hand. Sonic, Shadow, and Zonic looked around confusedly; they were in a medium-sized storage room, with different mechanical parts lying around on the floor.

"What did you do, zone cop?" Shadow asked in an intimidating voice, glaring at Zonic.

"Hey it's not MY fault this device suddenly decided to go berserk and transport us to a random zone!"

"WHAT? You mean we're in another WORLD?" Sonic unnecessarily shouted, bringing his hands up and waving them around a little.

"Another parallel universe." Zonic corrected, observing his round, metallic transportation device.

"What difference does it make?" Sonic asked, now more annoyed then ever at Zonic.

"The DIFFERENCE is that there will probably be alternate versions of you and probably some other people we know in this universe. Sheesh, and I thought Sonic Prime was dumb…"


"Nobody. Wait, let me check something…" Zonic took out the small, round device again, and punched in a few keys. As he stared at it, his eyes widened…

"What? What is it?" Sonic asked eagerly. Zonic slowly looked up…

"Do you want to hear the good news first, or the bad news first?"

Shadow and Sonic looked at each other with raised eyebrows.


"The good news…is that we're still in your universe. The bad news…" Zonic took a deep breath, "…is that we're in another time."

"WHAT?" Sonic cried out hysterically. Shadow's eyes widened slightly, but remained unaffected.

"Don't worry, the people in my zone will notice eventually that I'm gone, and they'll send someone to get us back…hopefully. Though it may take a couple of days for them to find us…" Zonic trailed off, suddenly looking slightly nervous.

"Whatever. You two idiots can stay in this room, but I'm finding out where we are."

Shadow walked up to the door and turned the door knob, opening the door…and stepped out…

"So Shad, what's out there?" Sonic asked, walking over and peeking his head out.

The moment Sonic looked out, his mouth dropped to the ground.

A colossal indoor mall, filled with shops and…what appeared to be VERY realistic holograms staged at random areas met Shadow and Sonic's eyes. Objects of diverse colors, shapes, and sizes also met their eyes. Some people were shopping; some however, were doing things that neither hedgehogs understood.

"Wow…sure is a strange future…" Sonic whispered, eyeing the floating metallic squares that people were standing on to move around. He took a single step out of the door-way, when…


With an 'oof!', Sonic was suddenly knocked off his feet by something tackling him from behind.

"What the-"

"Daddy! Piggyback!" A squeaky voice of a little girl screamed from behind Sonic's back. He looked down to see little chubby gloved hands wrapped around his neck.

"Daddy daddy gimme piggyback ride!"

"What? Hey kid I'm n-"


"Kid you're strangling m-"


"Shad help me here-"

"PIIIIIIIIIIGYYYYYYYYBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!" The little girl hollered, making nearby people stare strangely. Most of them did a double take when they saw Sonic and Shadow, but returned to their business after a few seconds of staring…

All the while Sonic was running around in circles screaming bloody murder, trying to reach behind his back to pry whoever it was off his back. Shadow watched calmly from the door with an evil smirk on his face, while Zonic was messing around with his little transportation device, not noticing what was going on...

Can't…breath…being…strangled by stupid…girl…starting to…feel…faint…

"May! Get off that hedgehog! He's not dad! He's probably another rabid fan boy of Dad's who painted himself blue! May, get OFF!"

Suddenly, oxygen returned to Sonic's lungs as the small, yet powerful arms were pried off of Sonic's neck by someone…

"Hi Flash!" The little girl's voice said excitedly behind Sonic; he turned around to see two hedgehogs…

"May, you've got to stop running up to random blue hedgehogs! Remember when you almost got kidnapped once? It took Uncle Shadow, Uncle Tails, AND dad three days to find you! Just because some random hedgehog's blue, doesn't mean he's our dad!" A young, male sky-blue hedgehog with shorter quills than Sonic said angrily, grabbing the hedgehog, who tackled Sonic, by the wrist. The little girl hedgehog was purple and wore a pink headband. She wore a red and purple dress. She also looked surprisingly similar to a certain pink hedgehog that Sonic knew…

"You're no fun, Flash!" The little girl said, crossing her arms stubbornly. The light-blue hedgehog, apparently called Flash, ignored the little girl's complain, and turned to face Sonic wearily.

"Sorry for my little sis's ear-piercing screams dude."

Sonic opened his mouth to say something, but the other hedgehog put his hand up,

"Look, I know you're probably going to ask for my dad's autograph. I'll ask him to give it to you, ok? It's the least I can do to make up for my sis's mistake. Now what's your name?"

Sonic was confused for a moment,

"Wait, who's your dad? What are you talkin' about, kid?" Sonic asked.

The sky-blue one stared at Sonic strangely and said,

"What rock have you been under these past years? You don't even know the famous Sonic the Hedgehog?"

"I AM Sonic the Hedgehog." Sonic said. The other hedgehog laughed dryly,

"Yea, that's what ALL the crazy fan boys say. Seriously, you think I can't even tell my own DAD apart from the others?"

REVIEW EVERYBODY! The only way I'm gonna know if I'm doing a good job or not or if I have to improve on something is if you actually REVIEW!

Sonic: OMG OMG OMG…wait never mind, I don't get it. So what happened?

Shadow: That light-blue hedgehog and purple hedgehog is you DAUGHTER and SON, dumbass.
