Hiya peeps,

This is my first fan fiction, so don't get on my case if it's not good, OK?

Now here's how it works:

WARNING: fully yaio, you no likey you no ready, end of conversation!

Pairings: mainly Kisshu&Pai, but some Taruto&Purrin in future chapters!

Chapters: here's how it works, in my eye's each chapter is worth five reviews, if I get five reviews I will put up another chapter. P.S. I don't care if I get flames; they're just as useful as other reviews.

Author's notes: any notes or thoughts that I have will be set out like this, so that you know that it's something I'm saying, E.G. ----an hour later----

Rating: my story is rated R for smut, and lots of it. If you don't like it then don't read it!

There will be a lemon in the next chapter, IF, AND ONLY IF, I GET AT LEAST 5 REVIEWS. And just so you know, I have already written the next chapter, so all I'm waiting for are reviews.

Plushies: Plushies for all reviewers who want them, tell me what plushie you want in your review, and I will give it to you at the beginning of the next chapter!

Get creative, make up something funny, or something kinky, do whatever, I don't care!

Spelling: I'm sorry people, but I am a bad speller, so please just try to ignore the mistakes.


Well, with no further ado, I give you, drum role please…….the first chapter of…….



----Kisshu's POV----

Kisshu had been having a very stressful day, and was enjoying a nice relaxing shower, when he turned around to find Pai staring straight at him.

"Holy crap Pai, what are you doing in here?" asked Kisshu. He realised that Pai was staring at him and wondered why; all of a sudden realisation dawned.

"Shit" he said, realising that he was in the shower, and so ----of course---- was butt naked. ----Drip, Drip, Drip. Ooops, sorry, I didn't mean to drool, BANG, CRASH, THUMP, author hauls herself to her feet. Ok, note to self, don't slip on your own drool----He teleported straight out of the shower and into his room, he slammed the door shut and got dressed as quickly as he could. He was shaking all over, why had Pai just stood there staring at him like that? And for that matter, what was Pai doing in the bathroom in the first place?

----Pai's POV----

Pai was shocked, why had he just stared at Kisshu like that. He was confused,

he was feeling something he had never felt before, as if his insides where trying to get out of his body, via his mouth. He was worried; he had the distinct impression that he was starting to feal something for the golden eyed alien.

He had been having these feelings for a while now, but after seeing Kisshu in the shower, he knew that his suspicions were true. He was becoming attracted to his male co worker, MALE.

I'm an idiot, he thought to himself, setting his face in its usually cold and feelingless expression. He wasn't about to let Kisshu know how he felt, the younger boy would just laugh at him.

Pai smacked himself mentally, I can't think about things like this, it's wrong; besides, I've got work to do.

----Back to Kisshu----

Kisshu finally got himself back together and decided that he was hungry, ----When is Kisshu not hungry?----he got up to go and get something to eat from the kitchen. Kisshu walked in to the kitchento find Pai sitting at the table. Pai looked up and noticed Kisshu; he turned bright red, got up and walked out of the room. A minute later Taruto walked into the kitchen. "I just saw Pai go past" he said "he looked really embarrassed, what happened?" "Never you mind" snapped Kisshu. "God" said Taruto "what's up with you two today?" as he walked out of the room.

----Pai's POV again----

Pai walked down the empty corridors until he reached his room. He walked in, closed the door and led down on his bed. What was wrong with him? Was he going insane? Why did he feel this way about Kisshu? Pai led there thinking all of these things to himself, but not once did it cross his mind that Kisshu could possibly be thinking the same things about him.


Kisshu sat down at the kitchen table and thought. He thought about how Pai had stared at him and he thought about how red the older alien had turned when he walked into the kitchen. But he refused to believe that he was thinking about how cute he found Pai. He couldn't possibly feel the same way about me as I do about him, thought Kisshu, because he is always so mean to me, he snips at me all the time, calls me horrible names and every time he looks at me he gets a disgusted look on his face. He's so mean and bossy and annoying and snobbish and cute and hot and sexy and…… Kisshu stoped himself by literally banging his head against the table. ----Don't worry Kisshu, I know exactly how you feel, Pai is definitely hot. P.S. if you agree with me, say so in your reviews (if you're going to review) ----

Stop thinking about him, stop thinking about him, stop thinking about him. He chanted in his head, trying to make the strange feeling in his stomach disappear. It finally went away and he sighed with relief. He felt like crying, why does Pai hate me so much? he asked himself, why?

----With Taruto----

Taruto had decided that he was going to take matters into his own hands. He walked down the corridor and into Pai's room. The older alien was led on his bed with a puzzled look on his face. Taruto sat on the end of the bed and watched him. Pai must have realised that Taruto had no intention of leaving, as he said, "what is it you little brat?"----Sorry guys, that was a lame stab at 4kids ---- Taruto wanted to annoy Pai so he said "do you have the hots for Kisshu?" He didn't think that the older alien did, he just wanted to annoy him. Pai's reaction was instantaneous. Taruto watched in fascination as his body stiffened up.

----Pai's POV----

Pai was so surprised, how did he figure it out? He thought, how did he know that I was in love with Kisshu? Pai sat up straight and grabbed Taruto's throat, hauling him to his feat. "If you say one word to Kisshu, one single word, I will cut your tongue right out of your mouth. Am I understood?" Taruto nodded his head slightly, so as not to break his own neck, "yes Pai" said the young alien, "whatever you say".

----Taruto's POV----

Oh my god, thought Taruto, he actually does have the hots for Kisshu, EWWWWW, that's gross, they're both guys. Pai released his grip on his neck and Taruto ran for it, right out of Pai's room and into his own. Taruto sat down and thought, he wanted to get Pai and Kisshu into a big fight, that would be funny. But the question was, how did he do that? Suddenly he had an idea, first I will go and see if Kisshu likes Pai, and then, well then I'll put my plan into action…..

----Taruto with Kisshu----

Kisshu was still sat at the table when Taruto walked into the kitchen. ----he was eating a cookie ---- "what do you want?" asked Kisshu in a strangely strangled kind of voice. "I want to know why you don't tell Pai that you like him" said Taruto, not knowing himself if Kisshu did or didn't like Pai, he was just hoping. Kisshu's response was much the same as Pai's, except that he ended up chocking on his cookie. Taruto just stood there watching, knowing now, without a doubt that Kisshu liked Pai as well.

After a few seconds Kisshu finally managed to stop coughing and spluttering, and stood up, he slowly advanced towards Taruto, freaking the little alien out something chronic. "If you tell Pai one word about this, I mean one word, you will really grow to regret the fact that I have the power and not to mention the strength, to tie you up, gift wrap you, and send you to a young monkey girl by the name of Purrin". ----Yeah, you go Kisshu, you tell him who's boss, see people, Kisshu isn't actually as dumb as he seems, perverted yes, but dumb? Nu uh---- Taruto was scared, he suddenly realised that Kisshu was very, very good at making threats. So good in fact that he had literally made the younger alien quake in his boots.

Kisshu smiled to himself, satisfied with Taruto's response, knowing that the little alien wouldn't dare tell Pai, not after being threatened like that. But little did he know, because Taruto had no intention of telling Pai in the first place, no, he had a plan, and it was a good one.

----Taruto's POV----

Pai was working on the computer when Taruto ran up to him "quick Pai" he said, "I broke the spare computer". "YOU IDIOT" yelled Pai 'what room is it in?". "Room 107" said Taruto. Pai started swearing, and teleported out of the room. Taruto smiled to himself, phase one complete!


Kisshu was sat staring at a picture of Pai when Taruto ran in. 'quick Kisshu" he said "I lost my ice cream voucher, if you help me find it, I will share all of my ice cream with you!" Kisshu jumped up, "Where did you last see it?" "In room 107" said Taruto. Kisshu teleported away.

Taruto laughed to himself, it was all so easy! ----grrrr, I hate Taruto sometimes. ----


CLIFFHANGER! So what do ya think? Is it good, I'd really like your opinion, wether it's good or bad, so please R&R. Don't forget to ask for a plushie!

P.S. does anybody mind if I slip in the odd Japanese word here and there? Don't worry; if I do I will put the meaning of it in brackets!

Coming up in the next chapter:

Pai & Kisshu get locked in a room, together!