thanks for all the reviews! really loving all your feedback :D anyway here is another chapter...hope you like :D


"Pregnant?" Gibbs questioned. "Jacob's baby?" Ziva nodded. "O Ziva." Gibbs hugged her as she cried on his shoulder. He had totally loosened up today. It was a time to support everyone, but Gibbs even surprised himself to how much he loosened up. "Ziva, you need to see him." Gibbs said and Ziva nodded.

"I know." She mumbled. Slowly she got up. Tony watched her go. Ziva took a deep breath as she walked down the hall into Jacob's room. He lay there with a bandage on his head. A tube was taking the blood away. Ziva ignored it and sat down next to him. She held his hand tight and watched him sleep.

"Jacob?" Ziva question hoping he could hear her. She looked down at his hand and she could swear he squeezed it. "I guess what I wanted to tell you is that I'm pregnant. Your baby's going to be like you, I know it. I'm so sorry." Ziva said as she started to cry again she leaned forward and kissed him before sitting down still holding his hand.

Tony still sat in the chair. All his thoughts were on Kate. However there were a lot of things that had been happening in the last few hours. Jacob's not going to make it, he and Kate had lost the baby, and Ziva was pregnant. It was such a mess.

"Agent DiNozzo?" Tony stood up as he heard the doctor.

"Yes?" Tony said.

"Caitlin has come out of surgery fine. If you want to see her she's down the hall third on the left." The doctor said and Tony was all ready gone.

"Thanks." Gibbs said and the doctor nodded.

Tony stepped into the room. Kate was awake and looking at him.

"Hey Kate." Tony said sitting next to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been hit by a train." Kate said looking at Tony giving him a weak smile. "We lost the baby didn't we?" Kate asked looking at him.

"I'm sorry Kate." Tony said pulling her into a hug. Kate let whatever was left of tears flow. Tony pulled back and looked at her. "You need to get some sleep Kate." Tony said. Kate nodded and leaned back and closed her eyes.

Tony stepped out of the room letting Kate sleep in peace. He looked down the hall and saw Ziva being led out of Jacob's room by Gibbs. Tony walked up and looked at Gibbs. Gibbs just shook his head and they continued downstairs to the café. They sat in silence drinking coffee. McGee had gone home to Abby and Ducky had gone home to his mother.

"How was Kate?" Gibbs broke the silence and Tony looked up.

"She's taking it pretty well. She's asleep now." Tony said before taking another sip of coffee.

Ziva just sat there looking down occasionally fiddling with her coffee cup. Tony sighed…he didn't know how to support her.

"Ziva, come on, I'll give you a ride home." Gibbs said.

Tony looked at Gibbs; he was shocked at Gibbs' sudden change in attitude. Ziva just looked at Gibbs and then slowly got up and walked towards the exit.

"Keep me informed on Kate's condition." Gibbs said and Tony nodded.

Tony looked at the time. 11pm. He wondered if he could get back into Kate's room. He walked back up and sneaked into her room. The chair was still there from before and he pulled it up to the bed. He sat down and held her hand. Kate still slept so he put his head down and slept next to her.

The next morning Tony woke up and looked around, slightly confused. Then it all came back to him like a nightmare.

"Hey." Tony heard Kate croak and he looked down at her.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Tony asked smiling at her.

"Um, ok I guess. When can I go home?" Kate asked.

"Today I think." Tony said and Kate leaned back in the bed and looked around. "I can't believe everything that's happened." Kate said a she looked over at Tony.

"I know, Kate, I know." Tony said and he got up and looked at her. "But we still have each other. Nothing can take that away." Tony said and she looked down.

"The baby's gone Tony, that was taken away from us." Kate looked back up tears forming in her eyes.

"Kate, I know this is hard…" He didn't know what else to say. How could he support her when right now he didn't know how to support himself?

"Tony, can I just have some time to myself?" Kate asked and Tony looked down at her.

"Kate?" Tony said and she looked up at him. "Ok, I'll go get your release forms." Tony said and he walked outside. He collapsed against the wall and slid down. He couldn't do this. He was trying to be so strong for everyone, but now, who was going to be strong for him?

"Sir? Are you ok?" a nurse asked and he quickly got up.

"Yes, I'm fine. Um I am wondering about Caitlin Todd's release papers?" Tony said quickly.

"Ah ok, if you would like to follow me and we'll get the doctor to give his last evaluation and we can let you two get on your way." The nurse said.
Two hours later Kate was sitting on the couch of the apartment.

"Kate? Is there anything I can get you?" Tony asked.

"Um would you be able to run me a bath?" Kate asked looking over at him.

"Yeah sure. Do you want bubbles and stuff?" Tony asked and he walked over to her.

"Yes please. Thanks Tony." Kate said. Tony nodded and he walked to the bathroom and started to run the bath. The apartment had been cleaned up the night before and everything was spotless.

A few minutes later the bath was full and had plenty of bubbles in it for Kate.

"Kate, baths ready." Tony said stepping out.

"Thanks Tony." Kate said getting up.

"I'll bring you a glass of water in a sec." Tony and Kate knew each other inside out, they knew what each other liked and disliked and what they needed.

"Thanks Tony, I really appreciate it." Kate said and she smiled at him before heading into the bathroom.

Tony sighed and walked to the kitchen. He was given the rest of the week off to help Kate and Kate was given 1 weeks leave. Tony filled a glass of water and walked into the bathroom. Kate was facing the wall opposite her. Tony walked up behind her and massaged her shoulders.

"You ok?" Tony asked.

Kate leaned her head back on his shoulder. "Yeah, I will be." Kate said softly.

"Ok." Tony said kissing her forehead and getting up. "See you in a bit." Tony walked out and sat on the sofa. 15 minutes later Kate appeared and a dressing gown and slippers.

"Hey, feel any better?" Tony asked as she sat down next to him.

"Yeah a little bit." Kate said and she leaned into Tony.

"Ok, I'm going to clean up our room a bit ok?" Tony asked.

"Yeah." Kate said simply.

Tony walked down the hall and sat on the bed. He wasn't getting through to Kate at all. She seemed distant and not with it. Then again it wasn't surprising, she had just lost a baby. Tony got up and started making the bed. Once it was made he walked back into the kitchen and looked at what they had to make for dinner.

"Kate, what would you…" He looked around to see Kate asleep on the couch. He smiled. She was so beautiful when she was asleep. He wandered down the hall to the closet that had the spare blankets in it. Quietly he crept back to her and put the blanket over her.

"Tony?" Kate whispered.

"It's ok Kate, go back to sleep." Tony said kissing her forehead.

"Tony, I'm sorry." Kate murmured and Tony only just made it out.

"About what? There's nothing you should be sorry about." Tony said now confused.

"I'm sorry about not being understanding, I know you must be hurting too." Kate said sitting up and Tony sat next to her.

"Kate, its ok to let it out. I understand, and I will support you." Tony said so amazed at what Kate was saying, she was just amazing.

"But who's going to support you?" Kate asked, it was exact question Tony had asked himself earlier. The answer suddenly became apparent.

"Kate, your supporting me, in your own way and right now you are supporting me more then ever even if you don't realize it. You taught me what love is. Before you and that day on Air Force One, I never knew what love was and now I do. And I don't know about you but I want to have another try." Tony said and he placed his hands on her knees.

"Another try for what?" Kate asked puzzled.

"To have a family." Tony said and Kate smiled.

"Really?" Kate asked, she wanted to be a mom.

"Yeah, but we can wait until you have time to heal, your still injured and I don't want to hurt you more." Tony said and he smiled back at Kate, she was taking everything much better then he thought.

"Tony, one you wont hurt me, two I cant wait." Kate said and she leaned in kissing him.

"Are you sure?" Tony asked when they pulled away. Kate nodded and Tony kissed her again.

Maybe everything was going to be all right, maybe it was just their worst bete noir, but like every nightmare, they had to wake up at the other end.

The End

do you want a sequel?