Dylan sighed and opened her eyes. She had just woken up to see Jake hovering over her.

"Jake," Dylan said as she looked up into his gorgeous face, "you're the only friend I have that has visited me in such a long time."

He smiled sadly, "Dylan I've heard everything that happened. I'm so sorry."

He sat on her bed and stroked her face. She reached out for him and touched his face, she wanted him so bad. Now that Dylan's mother had died, and her guardian was a rotten mother fucker that stole from her, she had barely anything she cared about, but Jake. "Kiss me," she said with a new sense of strength and confidence that she never had before, "or I'll kiss you."

Jake's eyebrow shot up and he smiled, "your wish is my command."

He lay on the bed beside her and looked into Dylan's eyes, he started to kiss her on the lips. Their kisses at first were shy and laidback, but eventually got more physical and intense. He kissed her face, ignoring the tears that had been on her face only minutes earlier. Dylan stroked his cheeks with her hands, caressing his body until she reached his butt, which she gave a little squeeze. His kisses grew more shorter and juicier as he traveled down from her face to her neck. Dylan wanted to rip his shirt off, and began to tug at his shirt when she heard a knock at the door.

"Dylan, your friends are here, shall I send them in?"

Dylan looked up at Jake, who was laying on top of her on the bed. He smiled and cleared his throat as he got up and straightened his clothing.

"Um, yeah okay," Dylan's cheeks burned red as she quickly sat up on her bed. She managed to cover her rustled clothes with a blanket, and look like she felt like shit, even though she felt better than ever before.

"Dylan!" Alicia screamed and pounced on her bed, Claire and Kristen followed seconds later.

The girls babbled on about things happening and how sorry they were about what happened to her mother. Dylan didn't care, because she wasn't paying attention. She was thinking back to minutes before, when she had been having the time of her life. Jake had already left, and she yearned for him to come back, take off his shirt, and kiss her again. She wanted to taste his delicious mouth on hers, and smell his spicy cologne that she could no longer smell in her room. Dylan inched out of her bed, until she finally stood up. She didn't want to sulk anymore, she was in love, and finally happy. Her mother had died, sure, but she harldly knew her. Hell, Dylan had last seen her five months ago, and that was on her tv show. Dylan missed her mother, but she was gone, and the sooner she got over it, the easier it would be to live with. She wobbled before falling against her closet door for assistance.

"Guys, let's go shopping." Dylan announced to the confused girls.

the juicy parts of the story is coming your way, more reviews after 10 chapters!