Massie sighed and pulled on a Louis Vuitton shirt with her short suede skirt. Her clothes looked preppy and cute; just the way she wanted to look for the first day of school. Not only would she be going to a new school since she was kicked out of OCD, but she had to go to a public school! "This cannot be happening." Massie groaned. "This is totally unfair!" She grabbed her navy blue Prada purse and swung it over her shoulder. "It's go time." She whispered to herself. Massie kissed Bean goodbye and made her way to the kitchen. "I packed your lunch Massie." Her mother said barely making eye contact with her. "Have a good day." She said sadly. Massie opened her mouth to explain she would buy lunch, but the sad face her mother had stopped her from giving her mother a rude remark. "Bye." She said and ran out the door to meet with Claire. "Cahlaaiirree." She called out. Claire ran over to greet Massie. She looked her over to see how she dressed. She was wearing an Abercrombie sweatshirt and Gap Jeans with her sparkly Keds. "How embarrassing." Massie muttered. "What?" Claire asked shyly. Massie ignored her and stepped into the car. She could not wait for the day to be over with.

"Hayyyy." Dylan grinned as she bent down to get into the car. Her shirt was so short that it rose up to her belly button when she bent over to get in. Ever since she lost those extra 10 pounds, she dressed like a slut. "Yo." Massie muttered looking out the window. She pushed her hair behind her shoulders and slumped into her seat. "At least this is a new school with new friends and new teachers." Dylan chirped. "And new boys!" Claire and Massie exchanged looks. They both had boyfriends and they didn't need anymore boys. Claire took out her palm pilot.


IN: Public Schools, Short Shirts, Packed Lunches

OUT: OCD, Sweatshirts, Cafeteria's

"Hola chicas." Alicia said gloomily. "Hay." All the girls answered back. Alicia was wearing the usual tight jeans with a extra tight shirt making her boobs look ahhmazingly gigantic. Massie had secretly envied her boobs and always wished to have hers. Alicia noticed Massie looking at her and crossed her arms. Massie turned back to her window. It was silent until Kirsten came into the car. "Hey guys!" She shouted, making Massie jump in her seat. She was wearing Juicy Couture Sweatpants and a Guess shirt. "Cool it!" Alicia ordered. She put on her iPod headphones and turned the volume up so high Massie could hear the lyrics of Dirty Little Secret from her side of the car. "Hey, its not like we're going to different schools… we are all at the same one, that's what counts!" Kirsten said biting her bottom lip. Claire and Dylan nodded and Alicia shrugged. "Massie?" Dylan said. "Massie!" She shouted. Massie looked up from the window. "What? Huh?" The girls laughed. The car suddenly stopped and the the girls hopped out of the car in their designer clothes looking at the school that they would be attending. "Ready or not, here we come." Claire grinned. They all linked arms and marched into the large beige school.