Pirates of The Caribbean: Vertigo

Summary: Captain Jack Sparrow saved her from death when she was just eight years old, but now Princess Carmen Regalia of Evaneta can't remember a thing. She's a serving wench named Lainey, and she thinks her Tortuga life is what she was born for. But when Jack comes across her again, now a beautiful young woman, he decides he must return her to Evaneta. Lainey vaguely recognises him, but he must kidnap her to get her to Evaneta. Can he convince her she's a princess... and can he fight his feelings for her?
Author's Note: Yes, I know, I haven't written in this fandom for ages. I hope you enjoy this story, I'm quite fond of the idea. No plan as of yet but I'm sure that'll come soon. Remember to review to let me know what you think. This first chapter is just the introduction, and it's not really long.

Chapter One: Introduction

Jack would never forget.

He had just turned sixteen, and it was his first true act as a pirate. The ship he sailed on, The Crimson Mermaid, had spotted a royal fleet, close to the England coast. Jack had been in his cabin, homesick. He hated being so far from the Caribbean. But then the captain, Emerett Dank, had burst in and told him that they were going to raid the ships.

"Can I come?" Jack asked, tugging at his long brown pony-tail.

Captain Dank ran a critical grey eye over his young charge. "Do yer think yer up fer it, laddie?"

"Aye, of course," Jack replied, grinning.

The sacking of the ships was quick, easy. The crew of the Mermaid easily outclassed the soldiers on the ships. Most of the soldiers were killed; only three remained, and badly injured, they had been taken to the brigg of the Mermaid. Finally, Jack stood with Dank on the last ship, smiling. He had done well.

"Yer make me proud," Dank said warmly, patting Jack on the shoulder. "Tell yer what, ye go and take whatever yer want from the cabins."

"Thanks, Cap'n," Jack said, setting off.

He was looking for riches, but it was on that day Jack Sparrow discovered that all treasure isn't silver and gold.

He found her in the second cabin he raided. As he dug around in a drawer beside the door, there was a distinctive whimper from under the bed. Jack froze, drawing his pistol, his chocolate eyes fixed on the darkness under there.

"Come out!" he commanded.

Another whimper, followed by a shuffling sound. Then she crawled out, a girl of no more than eight, plainly terrified. She got shakily to her feet, her face obscured by soft brown ringlets. Only her eyes could be seen; huge, amber eyes that stared up at Jack.

Jack swallowed. He hadn't expected anything like this. He cleared his throat. "Who- who the hell are you?"

She whimpered once more, eyes travelling from Jack's face to the pistol, then back again. Jack lowered it, deciding she was no threat. She was dressed in a fine red dress; she was clearly royalty.

"Who are you?" he repeated, more softly this time.

"Carmen Karenza Keisha Regalia, Princess of Evaneta," she said shakily. She said it like she had practised it many times.

Evaneta. Jack nodded. Evaneta was a small island, three hundred miles from England. And here, at his mercy, stood a small princess. The ransom for her would be great, there was no doubt about that. Or he could just shoot her, because he didn't really need the hassle of looking after a child.

But he couldn't kill her, or even hold her to ransom, and it was all because she made him hurt at the thought of doing either of these things. She held an innocence in those eyes, and he couldn't take it away.

He stepped towards her, and she shrunk back, terrified. "No," he said softly. "Yer must not fear me, savvy?"

She paused, and he gathered her up into his arms. He gently pushed her ringlets out of her face, revealing pale skin, plump red lips; she had a pretty face.

Dank appeared in the doorway, frowning. "Jack Sparrow, what the hell-?"

"This is a servant girl," Jack lied fluently. "I'm takin' her back to Tortuga."