Baby Days

(A/N: This is the sequel to Be True to Your Heart.)

Sum: Sequel to Be True to Your Heart. Kurama's pregnant, Botan's pregnant, and the fathers are freakin' out, while everyone else is calm.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakasho. I am just using these characters for my own pleasure. But Aekaki does belong to me.

"Kurama, please tell me when you're going to the store!"

Kurama sweatdropped. He'd had to deal with his husband's ranting for 6 months, now, and it was starting to annoy him.

"Listen, honey. I just went to the corner store. Nothing happened—

"Did that clerk hit on you again?" he asked.

At this, the fox blushed. "Harry's just a little…enthusiastic. He'll get over me."

"You're blushing. You like him, don't you!" he accused.

Kurama held up his hands. "Listen to me, Hiei. I love you. No one else. Stop being such a possessive jerk."

Hiei just stared incredulously, mouth hanging open. He pouted, turning from the redhead.

"You're mine, fox, and so is that baby you're carrying, so you'd better let that be known to him or I will," he threatened.

Kurama just shook his head at the half fire, half ice demon. His jealousy was endearing at times, but at other times he got so possessive, he wouldn't even let anyone look at the fox.

"Hiei, let me do it. Boys like him get crushes very easily…if it's just a crush."

The other demon's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What do you mean 'if'?"

The redhead sweatdropped nervously. "Um, I mean…well, he might have more than just a crush on me."

"You mean he might be in love with you?"

He nodded, dreading Hiei's final response. Hiei's dark frown turned into a wide grin.

"This is great! Now you can play the "if you loved me" card against him, to get him to leave you alone!" he exclaimed.

Kurama blinked.

"N-no! That's not what I meant!"

"This is perfect!"

He picked up the now 60 pounds heavier fox demon and swung him around joyously. He stopped and kissed his lover on the forehead.

"I love you, Kurama. And our baby," he whispered, showing the gentleness he had acquired upon becoming a father.

"Love you, too," the fox whispered back.

The smaller demon placed Kurama back on the floor and wandered back into the kitchen to look for something to eat,.

"You hungry fox?" he called from behind the fridge door.

The sound of a thump alerted his attention immediately as he jumped up and cried out in horror as he gazed upon the unconscious form of his fox on the floor. He picked him up carefully and set him on their bed. He took deep breaths, trying to slow his racing heart. He checked for a pulse, and although it was slightly erratic, it was still going strong. He listened for a second heart beat and was relieved to hear it.

He went back into the kitchen and took a white towel and ran it under lukewarm water. He turned off the faucet and returned to the bedroom.

He placed the towel on the fox's forehead, and waited, replacing the towel every few minutes. He waited, whispering soothing words to the unconscious lump on the bed. After 2 hours, he was starting to get worried. But he refused to take his fox to the hospital. Since they were in the human world, they both knew Hiei couldn't just waltz on in there with a pregnant male fox demon and say, 'Hey doc, can you figure out what's wrong with my husband?' and expect there not to be a billion questions dumped on their heads, not to mention the disapproval they would get.

In the demon world, male pregnancy may be rare to see, but it wasn't uncommon or unnatural, since demons have no sex. He had decided with Kurama that he, Genkai, or Koenma would deliver their baby.

He felt a little tha-thump when he heard stirring beside him. He was so engrossed in his thoughts he hadn't noticed the fox had already woken up.

"Kurama," he whispered, unable to stop the flow of tears that came. Kurama turned and moved over to Hiei, wiping away his tears with his thumbs, then pulling him into a hug as tight as his big stomach would allow.

"Kurama," he sobbed, clinging tight to his lover.

Kurama allowed him to cry on him, rubbing his back soothingly.

"It's ok, Hiei. I'm ok. We're ok," he comforted.

Underneath his calm and soothing tone, Hiei could tell he was trying to reassure himself as well. He smiled.

"Yeah, we're ok."

(A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter of my sequel. There are 2 more chappies after this. Whoa, I haven't used that word in a while. It feels good….OO Anyways, see ya next chappie! Whooooo! I said it again! does chicken dance)