Somewhere Only We Know

Disclaimer: (Sobbing) I don't own the characters or places in the Harry potter universe. (Now hysterical) I wish I did! I wanna be J.K.Rowling! It's not fair!

I also do not own any of the lyrics used in this story.

Summary: Mainly DM/HG with a splash of HP/GW and a dribble of RW/OC

Everyone has somewhere where they feel safest. Their own nook of space and privacy. What happens when someone unexpected steals it?

Draco Malfoy has stolen Hermione grangers table and she's not going to give it up without a fight. However when you get used to having someone around it's so very hard to let them go…….

A/N: Hey everyone! Okay this is my second attempt at a fanfic woooooo! I'm excited! My first one went okay but was a lil cliché so I've got an original plot this time and it's based on a true life story which id uber cool! So ENJOY!!!!

And a huge hug goes out to all my wonderful reviewers: LuvDramione, lilmissgullible (thanks also for your comments on Draco's character – it was really helpful for this chapter),

Juuu Radcliffe, Golden Angel71, weasleytwinsaresexy (damn right lol) ca803, pobrediabla, Mrs. PotterWeasley and SugarHighGemini – u guys rock and make it all worth while!

Lilmissgullible: yes Harry's scar hurting is highly significant but you shall have to wait and see lol!

Pobrediabla: No Draco isn't head boy lol although Hermione is head girl. Draco would make such a terrible head boy don't ya think lol. Bless his little death eater socks.

Warrior of the shadow: don't be so sure…….lol – keep reading!

To everyone else reading my fic plz review it means so much to me and makes me update faster! YEY!

P.S: I have extended the lyrics used from just the one song by Keane to the whole album because hey that song is short! Lol

Chapter 14: Happiness Rules All
Ron and Harry looked at each other in what was firstly curiosity, then confusion, then complete disbelief.

Hermione was …………happy.

For the first time in the last couple of months their best friend was smiling. They watched her as she bounced into the great hall for breakfast and beamed across the table at them before devouring two chocolate croissants.

Hermione never ate chocolate croissants. She said they were bad for the teeth. Well her parents were dentists after all.

"So" Harry began, trying his best to sound as neutral as possible, "how are you this morning? Sleep ok through the thunderstorm?"

Hermione smiled to herself.

"Yep!" she replied happily, "last night was great"

Ron and Harry exchanged quizzical looks again. Harry shrugged and began to eat, but Ron kept peering at Hermione curiously and noticed the heavy bags under her eyes. Maybe she hadn't slept so well last night, but why was she so happy? She was usually in the foulest of moods when she didn't get at least eight hours sleep.

"Right guys, im off" Ron finished his toast and jumped up, "I gotta grab my books before potions – forgot them this morning" he explained.

Harry shook his head whilst Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Hermione please don't lecture me on the merits of getting my books together the night before please!" groaned Ron, as he caught her expression of annoyance.

"I wasn't going to – just don't be late to potions cause you wont get time to practice quidditch if you get detention" she replied smiling.

Ron gaped at her. Since when had Hermione ever cared if he had enough time to practice!

He was still shaking his head in disbelief as he left the hall.

Harry spun round to talk to Hermione.

"I take it you and Draco made up then?" he grinned, "come to his senses at last?"

Hermione's head snapped up from her goblet of juice.

"Ssssshhh Harry!" she hissed, "Anyway how did you know about his change of heart!" she frowned

Harry coughed guiltily, "I may have jogged his realisation of his feelings just a little bit" he admitted

Hermione opened her mouth to inquire how exactly he'd achieved this, when she noticed a badly concealed bruise on her friends left cheek.

"Harry, please tell me you didn't…….."

Hermione was however distracted slightly by the sight of Draco entering the hall, closely followed by his fan club of Crabbe, Goyle and pansy Parkinson.

Although he was quite a distance from where she was sat, Hermione could make out a few purpley/ bluish areas on Draco's pale skin.

"Harry" Hermione started, her voice taking on a warning tone.

Harry glanced up at her meekly.

"He said he loved you" he attempted to stem his friend's anger with the only ammo he had left in his possession.

Hermione stared at him

"What?!" she gasped and Harry nodded

Hermione digested this new and profound information silently for a while, until a certain blonde haired Slytherin caught her eye and winked. Hermione blushed and smiled back.

It wasn't impossible she guessed.


Hermione jumped slightly as she felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves round her waist and the sound of the greeting in her ear.

Smiling she spun round in the arms of her greeter.

"Hi Draco" she replied as he kissed her softly.

She deepened the kiss, and then pulled away suddenly.

Draco frowned at her confused.

"What's wrong? Are you okay with this still?" he asked quickly, a hurt undertone to his voice.

Hermione looked up at him in surprise then smiled

"Of course im still okay with this! Don't ever think this isn't what I want" she exclaimed.

"But……?" Draco prompted her

Hermione looked around nervously.

"But, its just were in the middle of the potions corridor and anyone could see us" she whispered.

Hermione continued, hushing Draco.

"I just don't think people should know about us – especially not your father" she added as an afterthought.

Draco nodded, "I know – I thought about this a lot last night, after we left the library" he admitted.

"I just didn't want to say that we ought to keep this quiet in case you thought I didn't really want to be with you or something…."

Hermione laughed, "I got the impression of quite the opposite last night"

Draco blushed. Hermione didn't think shed ever seen Draco embarrassed before and found it a comfort that he was in fact the person she'd spent so much time with in the library and not the persona that stormed the hallways of the castle.

The sound of voices brought a halt to their conversation. Their classmates were arriving. Draco placed a final chaste kiss on Hermione's lips and then moved away down the corridor into the shadows, arranging a convincing glare on his features.

Hermione smiled to herself. He seemed to have perfected the art of pretence magnificently.

She herself braced herself for Harry's smug comments and expression; however she really didn't care what he thought. She was happy.

As the Slytherin's and Gryffindor's pushed their way into the potions lab, Hermione felt a slip of parchment being pushed into her hand. She looked around to find no one she knew standing near by and shrugged as she made her way to her seat between Ron and Harry.

Slyly she unfolded the note under her desk and smiled as she read the contents.

Im not entirely sure we finished our chat just now, perhaps we should resume it in the usual place, say around seven thirty?


Hermione shoved the note into her bag and began a marathon note taking session.

Parvati and lavender sat on their beds staring in bewilderment at the sight that had greeted them as they'd entered the dorm ten minutes earlier.

A frantic Hermione granger was attempting to cover the dormitory with the contents of her wardrobe by the looks of things.

Parvati couldn't take it any longer.

"Hermione what the hell are you doing!" she screeched, bringing Hermione to a standstill and causing lavender to fall off the bed in surprise.

"Sorry Lav" Parvati chuckled as she watched her friend fight with the sheets that had fallen on top of her.

Hermione took a deep breath.

"I never thought I'd say this but I need your help" she sighed.

"This is ridiculous!" Hermione cried in frustration as she fell over for the fifth time.

Parvati and lavender had her wearing heels. Heels! However they had calmed her frizzy hair down a lot.

She kicked them off and slipped on a pair of pale green flats.

"You know what guys, I think ill just go like this" she said indicating to her jeans and green shirt.

Lavender pouted, "Well at least try not to be a complete prude" she said tartly, pointing to the buttons of Hermione's top which were done up. Hermione rolled her eyes and unbuttoned several.

"I don't want to give him the wrong impression" wailed Hermione

"Yes you do" laughed the two girls, "always always give the wrong impression"

Good god sighed Hermione did they have any morals!?

"Hey" Draco's looked up at the sound of Hermione's greeting and grinned. He jumped up pulling her towards him and kissed her.

"You look different…" he pondered out loud. Hermione groaned.

"I asked lavender and Parvati for their advice and they attacked!" she explained.

"Why did you want to look different?" asked Draco and Hermione shrugged.

Draco re-buttoned a couple of the buttons on her shirt and ran a hand through her hair, making it slightly wilder.

"Ah now that's the granger I know!" he grinned and Hermione laughed.

"Im just glad that your not the Draco Malfoy I know" she replied.

Draco sneered, "oh really granger" he drawled and Hermione rolled her eyes.

Several weeks had passed since the night of the storm and it finally seemed that spring was tiptoeing delicately to the Hogwarts castle.

Hermione granger was currently lounging contentedly against a tree growing beside the great lake. Propped up against her knees was a heavy and incredibly boring book entitled 127 charms for the modern witches household, in which Hermione seemed to be making constant notes and analysis's in.

The seventeen year old girl was not alone however. Peering intently at a brand new quidditch magazine sat her two best friends.

"Mione, why exactly are you reading that book?!" asked Ron in disbelief, glancing briefly up from an interview with the young keeper of the Chudley canons.

Hermione glared "its fascinating ill have you know Ronald!" she declared superiorly.

Ron shook his head and turned back to his article, making Harry emit a snort of amusement.

Hermione grinned inwardly and concentrated once again on the open page of her reading material.

Id love to come for the summer

Hermione grinned at the now dissolving sentence on the small slip of enchanted parchment that she had been disguising via the boring volume.

Draco Malfoy was coming to stay with her in the summer! Only three months till she could have him all to herself!

She picked up her quill to reply but stopped as another message appeared suddenly.

I miss you – come to the library x

Hermione jumped to her feet startling the two boys in front of her.

"Ive decided your right Ron" she stated. Ron looked at her incredulously.

"Im going to return this book and maybe head into Hogsmede for the day" she finished, shutting the book closed with a loud snap and darting off up he grassy slope towards the main entrance.

Ron gaped at Harry who shrugged.

"Oooh look – a picture of Krum!" Harry exclaimed, "Black markers at the ready……." He instructed.

Grinning Ron pulled out a fat black pen and the two teenagers proceeded to provide the Bulgarian seeker with some extremely comical facial hair.


Hermione couldn't help but keep the feeling of unease out of her voice as she headed towards the back of the library. A chill had descended upon the room and she had a sudden feeling that not all was right.

"Draco?" she ventured once again and slowly unfolded the magical piece of parchment through which they'd previously been conversing.

The words, "Stay where you are!", were imprinted on the page. Hermione froze.

"See Draco darling, I knew she'd turn up sooner or later"

Hermione scowled instantly at the sound of Pansy Parkinson's voice. She rounded the corner and saw pansy twiddling Draco's wand between her fingers. Draco sat motionless in his chair, except for his eyes, which were screaming apologies at Hermione. She nodded and seated herself opposite pansy.

"What do you want Parkinson?" She asked coldly and pansy sneered at her.

"Good question, mudblood. Im glad you got straight to the point. Im sure Draco here can tell you that however"

Pansy raised Draco's wand and took the body bind curse off him. He gasped in a deep breath of air and then immediately turned to Hermione.

"Im sorry, she took me by surprise!" he attempted to explain but Hermione stopped him with a smile.

"I know, don't explain" she murmured, before turning her attention back to pansy.

"If you're here, going to all this trouble, then im guessing you know more about us then you should. Then is safe. So whatever it is that you want – you can have in exchange for your silence. Eternal silence" She added bitterly.

Pansy laughed and glanced at Draco's stricken face, before reaching across and shaking Hermione's outstretched hand.

"Done" She muttered, then tossed Draco's wand back to him, which he grabbed and jumped to his feet. Hermione restrained him gently.

"She's not worth it and she won't say anything" she murmured.

"How do you know?" Draco demanded of her and she smiled sadly.

"Because I know what she wants. She wants you and you're too valuable to risk losing" she whispered, and Draco kissed her.

"Ill have to marry her, you know" he said warily and watched her smile serenely.

"I know" she relied, "but she'll never really have you will she?"

Draco shook his head fiercely.

"Never" he vowed and kissed her again, this time more intensely and Hermione clung to him as if he would disappear.

"The spring dance is coming up you know" Hermione said softly, one morning as she lay on Draco's bed, attempting to read her charms textbook, but really watching Draco as he tidied his trunk. He was going home for the Easter holidays, with pansy to announce their engagement.

"Uh huh" came Draco's answer.

"Who will you go with? Pansy?" Hermione ventured, assuming an expression of fake disinterest.

Draco turned round to face her and smiled lovingly at her, causing a shiver to run up and down her spine.

"Im not going actually" he said calmly, examining a set of scales and then discarding them, when he realised they were broken.

"And neither are you" he added.

"Im not?" Hermione sat up on his bed, crossing her legs under her and placing her book to one side.

"Wow – you stopped reading!" observed Draco in mock surprise. Hermione slid off the bed and folded herself into his arms.

"You and I both know I hadn't even started" she whispered, kissing him deeply. Draco moaned softly as her fingertips found their way under his shirt and touched the soft skin of his back.

"You're very dangerous you know Granger" he muttered, biting her bottom lip in lust. Hermione gazed up at him coyly through her eyelashes.

"No, I just keep dangerous company" she replied, then laughed as Draco flipped her over onto the carpet and sighed as she felt the heat of his body on top of hers.

"Hermione?! Hermione! You in there?"

"Ugh" Draco groaned as Harry's voice drifted up the staircase that led to Draco's private room. Hew rolled off her, lying on his back as she sat up, hastily rebuttoning her shirt as Harry burst into the room.

"Oh sorry" he muttered, blushing deeply.

"You will be potter" said Draco under his breath and Hermione snorted as she clambered to her feet.

"You alright Harry?" she asked quickly and Harry nodded.

"You know my scar was hurting a few weeks ago" he started and Hermione nodded.

"Well its doing it again…. Only this time it's not painful. Well not in a bad way – its different, as if its trying to tell me something – to help me" He breathed in excitement.

"What?" Hermione gaped at him. "Help us? How? Where was this?" she asked quickly.

"Well Ginny and I were in this disused classroom…. Er… trying to… er … study?" he started weakly.

"Classy potter" Draco interjected and Harry turned beetroot again.

"Yes anyway, it was there that I felt the pain… only it wasn't really painful – just uncomfortable. Anyway, I think we should check it out – look through the cupboards or something…" he suggested and Hermione nodded wildly.

"Definitely. It's too odd to be a coincidence I guess" she replied. "I have a meeting tonight with professor Dumbledore, but tomorrow we could look?" she suggested.

"Great, ill tell Ron!" Harry replied eagerly.

"Tell him you had detention though Harry" Hermione added, "You how Ron is…" she trailed off.

"Good point" Harry agreed seriously, blushing again at his memories.

"See you later then"

"Yeah… see you at dinner" Harry called back, shooting Draco a wary look.

"She'll be there – in one piece and not impregnated!" Draco called after him and Hermione threw a cushion at him.

"Ouch!" he cried as Hermione glared at him.

"You deserved that" she told him, returning the bed.

"I like the way you think Granger" Draco grinned and jumping on the bed, began to kiss her once again.