AN: Ok here's the next chapter as always I hope you enjoy it and please review as its always nice to read your thoughts.

At a first glance the gym seemed deserted, Jill turned on her heel desperate to keep on searching. It was Alice who made her stop. "Listen," was all the blonde had to say, causing Jill to roll her eyes.

"Alice I can't hear anything, come on," Jill once again tried to leave only to be stopped by Alice's arm gripping her shoulder.

"She's here, in the corner," Alice lowered her voice, not wanting to scare off child; still unsure as to the reason she left the room.

"Oh God! Which Corner? Where?" Jill's hazel eyes frantically scanned the darkness, seeing nothing but pure blackness, aside from the small sliver in front of them which was lit with the meek bit of light coming through the open doorway they stood in.

"Shhhh, we don't want to scare her," Alice reasoned.

"Alice she's our little girl,"

"I know she is Honey, but we don't know what made her run off," Alice continued to try and reason with Jill, who seemed to comprehend the situation finally.

"Ok so what do we do?" Jill asked at a loss for ideas.

Angie was still sat huddled in her corner, straining her ears slightly to hear the conversation between the two women she loved, knowing that they came looking for her lifted her heart. Yet at the same time it was sinking, seeing how upset Jill was at her disappearing and Alice seemingly unbothered by the situation, more concerned about reassuring Jill.

Angie sat and contemplated what she should do, should she go to them or make them come to her? She knew they knew she was there; they just seemed to be taking their time. Taking a deep breath, Angie mentally steeled herself, standing up and slowly, somewhat cautiously she moved further away from the corner, each step seeming harder than the last. Angie could feel her heart pounding in her ears, the sound so loud she was sure both Alice and Jill could hear it, which is why they'd both turned to stare in her general direction.

"She's coming over," Jill whispered, tried to keep her excitement at bay. Finding it increasingly difficult with each step the little girl took. Finally having had enough of waiting, Jill closed the distance between them, scooping the child up into her arms, holding her close.

Alice stayed where she was standing, taking in the scene before her, watching as the two most important people in her life, held onto one another tightly, their tears mingling so that it was impossible to tell who had cried which tears.

"Angie we were so worried about you, I'm so glad you're safe," Jill rambled on overcome by her feelings.

"Alice," Was all Angie said in reply, calling over the other woman, wanting to have her close. Alice obliged and without a word took her from Jill's arms, embracing her young, fragile body, hoping to stop her shaking whilst conveying all her love for the child in that one simple embrace.

Alice and Jill once again sat on their bed in their room, watching Angie closely as she drifted off to sleep once more, overwhelmed by the events. "She's worn out bless her," Alice said out loud, smiling at the young girl, who she could never stay mad at for too long.

"Al, come through to the bathroom with me," Getting up from the bed Jill instructed, wanting to talk to Alice on her own without waking up Angie, yet knowing she'd still be safe. Alice immediately followed her brunette lover through the small space into the bathroom, watching as Jill perched herself on the edge of the sink.

"Alice I want us to get as far away from this ship as soon as possible, I've had enough of zombies and risking our lives for some stupid corporation that'll never learn from its mistakes," Jill told Alice her need to escape this nightmare almost tangible.

"Then we'll do it. We'll take the helicopter, and go whenever you want. I've already given Carlos an objective that he's completing as we speak and then we'll be gone and this nightmare will be over," Alice replied not wanting to reveal too much, which Jill sensed and her own fatigue caused her to not question her lover further, instead she reached over and grabbed a hold of the waistband of Alice's khakis, pulling her closer until she was able to capture Alice's sensual lips with her own, hungrily kissing her.

Alice opened her mouth willingly, to which Jill's tongue instantly snaked inside, trying to devour every inch of her mouth, wrestling with her own tongue, trying to dominate but Alice wasn't about to back down. Roughly pushing her hands though Jill's sleek brunette hair, Alice deepened the kiss further until it was almost impossible for them both to breathe. Parting for air, both women gulped in air before their mouths crashed together with renewed fervour, Jill's hands roaming wildly over Alice's firm torso, pushing her top up until it was easy to remove, allowing her the opportunity to explore further with both her hands and her mouth, unable to get enough of her hot, blonde lover. The raw passion inside both of them exploding undeniably in such a way that neither woman could stand properly.