Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. (If I did then I wouldn't be writing a fan fic, now would I?)

A/N: This is my collection of more serious, angsty, or romantic one-shots. I really hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to review!

Let Go


Moonlit Showers

Let go.

The half demon, Inuyasha, stared at his hand with wide amber eyes in silence. He was lounging up the in the God Tree, watching the sun set behind the hills. His dog ears twitched as the wind rushed through his silvery hair, foreshadowing a chilly night. Ignoring all of this, he continued his scrutiny of his claws.

Let go, Inuyasha.

Had it only been this morning? Kagome had wanted to go home again, and, as usual, Inuyasha tried to put a stop to it. Tried being the key word. She was adamant about the concept, as she had tests she needed to take and a family she needed to see.

Kagome! We still have shards to find! Why can't you just take this "school" stuff later?

She had glared at him, as if he had asked the most obvious thing in the world.

Inuyasha! I have to go! I promise I'll be back in three days, but I really have to complete all my assignments now.

He really didn't want her to leave. Not that he would admit it, but he missed her when she was gone. Her scent was calming, and when she left it was like she took a part of him with her, leaving him feeling empty.

Oh, no you don't! You're staying here!

Kagome's brown eyes had lit up in anger.

No, I'm not!

Not knowing what else to do, he had grabbed her arm.

Yes, you are!

Kagome had glared at him.

Let me go!

Inuyasha had glared back, and feeling as though he was fighting a losing battle, grew a little desperate.

Don't leave!

Kagome had stared into his eyes, and saw something that made her own eyes widen slightly. Her voice softened.

Let go, Inuyasha.

Startled a bit by her tone, he had immediately dropped her arm. He stayed silent, seeing something in her eyes he wasn't quite ready to see yet. Kagome smiled at him.

I'll be back in three days, Inuyasha.

And with that, she had disappeared into the blue light of the time warp.

Let go, Inuyasha.

Her voice echoed in his head as Inuyasha lifted his gaze from his hand and stared up into the sky. Stars were starting to appear, like diamonds on black velvet.

Let go, Inuyasha.

Blue lights, the lights of souls, appeared in the distance, reflecting in his now determined amber orbs. He leaped from his perch and bounded off to confront the past.

Let go.

Maybe, just maybe, it was time to finally let go.