Hey everyone! This is just an explanation of everything. Plus, a 'note' (get it- note?) of thanks to all my readers out there. Love you so much guys!

Kurt was Luna's best friend the entire time. 'Subtle' hints like, "Luna, please wake up" were found in her dreams. Luna's dreams were really 'her best friend' speaking to her through the 'dimensions', which was really just her mind.

There were basically two worlds entwined in one story. The mind one- or Flower Bud Village, and the real one, which acted through her dreams while lost in her mind.

Luna (which means 'moon' in Spanish) was chosen for various reasons.
1. Harvest Moon- 'nuff said
2. Kurt was the 'night flower' that blossomed when the moon shone on him (get it?)
3. The moon is a powerful, feminine force. It's so strong it moves the tides of our oceans, people worshipped it, based calendars on it, even entire civilizations. She had to be named Luna. No question.
Just a side note, Luna was also the goddess. The goddess was her consciousness, the thing she was trying to rescue.

Luna was hit by lightening at the end of the first chapter, hence her aching leg and head for the first few (along with the coma she was in for two 'mind seasons' and two real months.)

Jamie was actually a 'physical' entity for her coma. Jamie was the coma. Not a rival but basically her death. In the last chapter, she defeated her coma by showing Jamie up. She saved her mind. (GET IT?) Jamie was going to let it burn. But she saved the woods. The woods were in her mind. Just hoping everyone got that- kind of important.

I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this. Honestly, I had so much fun writing it, I ended up writing two chapters at three in the morning because it was all I could think about. Thanks much!
