Author's Note: This is my second High School Musical fanfiction. I mostly write Friends stories but ever since I heard this song called 'Mouth Shut' by The Veronicas, I just thought of a Ryan and Troy story. You know with Troy falling for Ryan or vice versa. This will only be one part because if I try writing this in chapters I know that I won't finish it. So please enjoy this. I love Ryan and Troy together and I hope all of the fans of this couple like this story. Finally, there will be no sex only make out sessions. I share this computer with my mom and there will be hell to pay if she finds out that I wrote a sex scene so please just understand where I'm coming from. Thanks! Enough with my rambling, lets get to the story. I now present to you Mouth Shut.

Troy came out of his third period Biology class to be greeted by his girlfriend, Gabriella, with a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist. It then turned into a full blown make-out session and was quickly ceased by Chad.

"Hey you guys, enough with the PDA." Chad said pretending to be disgusted with the two and they quickly broke away.

"Oh please! Like you and Taylor never kiss in the hallways." Troy said wrapping his arms around Gabriella.

"Speaking of her let me go and find her so I can get some lip action before fourth period. See you at lunch." He said grinning before taking off down the hall.

"Hey we better get going to Mrs. Darbus' class before we have to serve a week's worth of detention." Gabriella said.

"Yeah, let's go." He said and then they walked to class.

They stepped into the classroom just as soon as the bell rung and they quickly took their seats. Mrs. Darbus then turned around and stared directly at the two.

"Saved by the bell again are we, Mr. Bolton and Ms. Montez." She said.

Troy shrugged his shoulders and said," At least we weren't late."

"Save the smart comments for after school Mr. Bolton."

"Sorry." He said snickering.

"Children." Sharpay said annoyed.

"Now on with class. I've decided that our class needs to be able to work with other people as much as possible. So they're will be a partner project." She said.

As soon as she said that everyone started picking out partners. Sharpay and Ryan had their hands clasped to say that they were partners and so did everyone else, but of course Mrs. Darbus had stopped them.

"Oh yes the fun part. I picked your partners." She said smiling and then everyone started to moan and groan. "Oh, calm down. It's about time that each and every one of you expand your horizons."

"But what if we don't want to expand out horizons?" Ryan asked.

"Well, that a surprising comment coming from an actor." Mrs. Darbus said.

He just shrugged his shoulders and sighed.

"So being Mr. Evans you were the first to comment how about I pair you with…Troy." She said.

"What!" Ryan and Troy both said simultaneously.

"Well, yes. This is a great example of 'expanding your horizons'." She said.

"But Mrs. Darbus, why do I have to expand my horizons with a fa- I mean the drama boy." Troy said stopping himself mid way so he wouldn't sound rude. Everyone started laughing except for Sharpay, Ryan and Mrs. Darbus because they had known what he was going to say. Troy looked Ryan in the eyes and saw embarrassment and hurt, he then mentally kicked himself for being mean.

"That's enough everybody." The teacher shouted over the laughter. After the class got quiet she assigned the rest of the groups.

"Now class for your project you will need to create a mini play to be performed in front of the class for a grade, but here's the fun part: you may write about anything, no limitations."

"Can we write about sex?" One student asked and then a few people laughed.

"No, none of that, anything but that. Now pass up last night's homework." She said. They had gotten through half of the class work before the bell rang for lunch.

"Start working on them now. I will give you a due date by the end of the week!" Mrs. Darbus shouted after the class.

It was the end of the school day and Troy was standing up by some lockers with Gabriella, Chad and some other members of the basketball team. They were laughing and talking when they were interrupted by the clear of someone's throat. Troy turned to see Ryan standing there looking annoyed.

"What?" Chad asked rudely.

"Sorry to interrupt but your standing in front of my locker." Ryan said.

"Sorry." Troy said moving out of his way. He grabbed his jacket and one of his funny looking hats and shut the locker. He then walked away while putting on his hat.

"What a queer." Chad said.

"Don't say that." Gabriella said hitting him playfully.

"What it's true."

"You guys I'm going to go and get a head start on Darbus's project." Troy said.

"Oh you have to do that too? Who's your partner?" Chad asked.

"Two words: Ryan Evans." Troy said.

"Oh well good luck with that buddy. Here's some advice: don't bend over." Chad said laughing.

"Whatever dude." Troy said before he gave Gabriella a kiss on the cheek and walked away.

He made his way out of the front doors started to walk down the street to his house. He was almost to his house so he started shuffling through his book bag for his keys, not paying attention to where he was going he bumped into someone and knocked them over.

"Sorry." Troy said looking down at the person he knocked over only to see that it was Ryan

"It's ok." Ryan said straightening himself and then he bent down to pick up his things.

"Hey, let me help you with that." Troy said bending down to help.

"No. It's ok." Ryan said grabbing his things from the ground.

"Sorry man, just trying to help." Troy said annoyed by Ryan's tone.

Ryan looked at Troy trying to decipher whether or not Troy was trying to be helpful. After a few moments of silence he sighed and decided he was being helpful.

"Sorry. It's just been a rough day." Ryan said apologetically.

"Oh." Was all Troy could say because he knew part of it was his fault. He started to feel guilty but before he could say anything Ryan began to talk.

"So what do you want our mini play to be about?" Ryan asked.

"Well, I was about to go and work on that." Troy said pointing down the street to his house.

"Well, we could go to my house… and work on it." Ryan said not sure if he would want to be alone in a house with him.

"Oh… well-"Troy said but was cut off by Ryan.

"Sharpay is going to be there." Ryan said quickly.

'Well, that's good… I guess.' Troy thought to himself.

"Ok. Let's go." He said.

They walked a few more feet down the street and Ryan led the way up the steps leading to his house.

"This is it." Ryan said opening the door to his home. Troy walked in and was in awe. He had never seen anything like it before. When you first walked into the house there was a spacious living room with tan with really clean tan carpet. There was an off-white living room set and a glass table in the center. Sure his house was nice but it was nothing compared to this.

"This is really nice." Troy said still looking around.

"Thanks." Ryan said setting his things in a corner.

"So where is Sharpay?" Troy asked.

"She's probably upstairs in her room, or downstairs in the basement practicing some new dance." Ryan replied.

'Jeez, you would think they would want to take a break from performing.' Troy thought to himself when he heard music starting to play downstairs.

"That's cool." Troy simply said.

Ryan then gave him a look.

"What?" Troy asked.

"It's just I thought that 'Troy Bolton' the star of the basketball team would think dancing is cool."

"Hey! I guess you've forgotten that I did star in Twinkle Town last year." Troy said defensively.

"Sorry, I was just shocked." Ryan said throwing his hands in the air. "Let's go up to my room." He said walking up the stairs and Troy reluctantly followed him. Ryan led him down the long hallway. They passed what was obviously Sharpay's room because of the pink and a really big bathroom, from which a watermelon scent came from, before they reached Ryan's room. They entered and Troy was surprised at how big it was, it had to be at least twice the size of his. There was a desk with a laptop on it, there was a huge stereo system in the corner of the room, a king size bed, a flat screen TV on the wall that was adjacent from his bed and his own private bathroom.

'These people definitely have money.' Troy thought. He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Ryan getting ready to close the door. It then freaked him out a bit.

"Um… can you leave that open? You know, for fresh air." Troy asked a bit nervous.

"I'll just open the windows." Ryan said walking over to his window.

"No, just keep the door open." Troy said.

"Ok…" Ryan said obviously hurt.

"It's just you know…" Troy said but was cut off.

"You know what Troy? It's no secret that I'm gay. I'm gay ok. I know that you're not too comfortable working with the 'school's fag' but get use to it if we're going to get this project done." An aggravated Ryan said.

Troy looked at Ryan wide eyed because he never thought he was the type of person to get in your face. "I'm…"

"You don't have to say anything." Ryan said.

"Yes I do. I'm sorry about today at school and any other day before when I made fun of you. It was wrong and if we're going to be partners for this thing then I will get use to you being… gay." Troy said truthfully.

Ryan didn't say anything for a few moments and then she sighed. "Alright, thanks."

"No problem." Troy said. '

They were both silent for a few moments before Ryan went over to his desk and picked up his laptop. He sat on his bed; legs crossed and sat it in front of him. Troy pulled the chair, from his desk, over to the side of the bed. Then they both started to brainstorm ideas for their mini play.

Troy entered the school building and was about to turn the corner to find Gabriella when someone ran up from behind him and almost tackled him to the ground.

"What the-!" Troy said surprised and then he turned around to see Gabriella giggling.

"Hey sweetie." She said giving him a passionate kiss.

"You scared the crap out of me Gabbi." He said after breaking the kiss.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see you. You didn't call me last night." She said.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that, I got home from Ryan's house later then I expected." Troy said.

"You went to his house?" Gabriella asked.

"Yeah after I left I bumped into on my way home. He asked me if I wanted to work on the project and I said yes." Troy explained.

"Any funny business went down?" Gabriella asked grinning.

"Please, he was very… tamed." Troy said.

"I can't see how anyone could be tamed around you. You're too hot." She said kissing him again. He laughed a bit before leaning in for another kiss.

"What did I tell you guys about that?" Chad asked interrupting them.

"Chad! Why do you always do that?" Troy said annoyed.

"I do it because it is fun." Chad said smiling.

"I'll see you later Troy." She said kissing him on the cheek and she walked away giving Chad an annoyed look and he just smirked.

"Look at what you did." Troy said waving his hands in the direction that Gabriella went in.

"She knows that I'm joking with her." He said and Troy just rolled his eyes." So did you start working on your play yesterday?"

"Yeah, I went over Ryan's house to work on it." Troy said.

"You went over to the fag's house?" Chad said laughing.

"Hey don't call him that." Troy said now serious.

"Dude! What's your problem?" Chad asked surprised by his best friend.

"Nothing is my problem. I just think that we shouldn't call him that anymore."

"Man, a few hours at his house and he's got you acting all weird." Chad said.

"I'm not acting weird. I just think that it's wrong." Troy said.

"Whatever, man." Chad said walking away.

Troy sighed as he ran his hands through his hair. He turned around to see Ryan standing a few feet away.

"Thanks." Ryan said.

"Oh… that… it was nothing really." Troy said shrugging his shoulders.

"No really it was. I'm glad you actually followed through on what you said." Ryan said.

"You're welcome." Troy said.

"Do you want to meet after school at my house again or…" Ryan said fading.

"Sure. Your house is so much cooler than mine." Troy said smiling.

Ryan laughed and said," Great, meet me after school at my house."

"Cool." Troy said and then they both went their separate ways to class.

After the last period of the day Troy left the building without saying goodbye to anybody. For some strange reason he was excited to go back to Ryan's house again. He walked down the street to his house and walked in.

"Hey Troy." Mrs. Bolton said looking up from a book she was reading.

"Hey mom." Troy replied making his way upstairs to his room.

"Why are you in such a rush?" She asked.

"Oh, I have to go to Ryan's house to work on a project." He said.

"Who's Ryan?" She asked.

"Just a kid from school." He said simply. He then ran upstairs to his room to put his stuff down and then he made his way back downstairs. He gave his mom a quick kiss on the cheek before walking out of the house. He walked for about two minutes before reaching Ryan's house. He lightly knocked on the door and a few moments later it opened.

"Hey Troy." Sharpay greeted him.


"C'mon in," She said opening the door wider for him to enter.

"So is Ryan up in his room?" He asked.

"Yeah he is. Troy before you go up there, I just need to thank you." She said.

"For what?"

"For sticking up for Ryan today. You do not know how much he appreciates you for what you did." She said.

"Really it was nothing." He said blushing. 'Wait… why am I blushing?'

"Well, it was something to him. Not everyday guys like you stick up for someone like Ryan." She said smiling.

Troy nodded at her comment and then slowly walked upstairs to Ryan's room. So many things were running through his head and he couldn't quite figure them out. He finally made it to his destination and he saw Ryan typing away on his computer. Troy began staring at how his fingers moved gracefully over the keyboard and how he mouthed the words as he was typing.

'What am I thinking? I'm not g-'but he was broken out of his by Ryan's greeting.

"Hey Troy. I've got some of the script done already. Do you want to see it?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure. We just started yesterday and you have a full ten pages typed." Troy said while reading.

"Yeah, well after you left yesterday I sort of got inspired." He said.

"That must have been some inspiration." He said still reading.

"Yeah it was." Ryan sighed. Troy looked at him knowingly and was about to say something but then stopped his self and just continued to read. After a few minutes he was finished reading and sighed.

"Well…" Ryan said.

"I thought it was good so far. It was better than anything I could come up with." He said truthfully.

"Thanks." Ryan said smiling and Troy smiled back.

"No problem."

"So do want to work on this or just hang out or just eat a whole bunch of junk food and chill." Ryan asked.

"Well, I honestly don't feel like working right now so how about the junk food." Troy said.

"Cool. I'll go and get the some food and drinks and you can make yourself comfortable and turn on the TV." Ryan said as he walked out of the room. Troy flipped on the television and after flipping through the channels for a while he finally settled on a re-run of Friends. He laid across Ryan's bed and began watching. A few moments later Ryan came back into the room with snacks in one arm and drinks in another.

"Jeez! Did you bring up your whole kitchen?" Troy asked sarcastically.

"I didn't know what you liked so I just brought up every snack we had." He said putting it at the foot of his bed. "Dig in."

Ryan sat on the bed, careful not to freak out Troy in anyway. Even though Troy said that he was now comfortable with it, he still didn't want to take any chances.

"So which Friend do you like?" Troy asked opening up a Coke.

"Well… umm…" Ryan stammered.

"It's ok if you say a guy's name. I told you already I am comfortable with your preferences." Troy said.

"Ok… well, I think Chandler is cute." Ryan said and then he started to feel weird about having this conversation with Troy Bolton.

"You see I think Rachel is hot!" He said but then he started too get weird again, like talking about girls was bad.

Ryan nodded at Troy's comment but didn't say anything. They watched TV in silence for awhile, laughing at appropriate times. When the show ended Ryan reached for the remote to turn the channel while Troy did the same. Their hands both touched each others and they quickly jumped away.

"Sorry." Ryan said blushing.

"No it's ok." Troy said blushing also." Umm… I think that I should go." He said jumping off the bed and leaving.

"Great. I just lost another potential friend." Ryan said to himself.

Ok, so I decided to break this up in parts. I hope this is better. Like others have suggested and also I went back and corrected a few spelling errors. Next chapter should be up soon!
