Out of Character

by. homeostatis

Warning: Mild OOCness, fluff (augh! no! teh fluff...!)


Oh, the power in that one word. Hiei loathed and lov—(er) — liked it at the same time. It represented the thing he'd fought so long and so hard for; the one thing in the world that, in his opinion, was worth fighting death and fate and pain for. But it also represented the one thing that could destroy his pride and control his fiery spirit: Yukina.

Whenever that one word left her mouth he would be rendered helpless to her will and he would become an obedient—yet hopelessly vicious—puppy. Whatever she desired she could get with a single, "Oniisan… could you please…?" Hiei was just lucky that that terrible power belonged to someone responsible and too timid to abuse it.

This was a very good for both the fire demon and the three worlds because in the short amount of time that she'd known his secret— that he was her long lost brother— she had (accidentally) made him dance the Macarena with her, climb Mt. Everest in a day ("Oniisan, do you think it's possible to climb Mt. Everest in a day? I certainly think so; I just wish I had proof that… Oniisan? What're you— Oniisan!"), rush to the store to buy ice cream at four in the morning (she was sleep talking), shake hands with Kuwabara ("Oniisan, I really wish you and Kazuma would get along better…"), and—here's the kicker— hug her in front of the Tantei. He even smiled at her pleasantly when she told him that he looked better when he smiled. Without his consent of course.

By the end of their first week as official siblings, Hiei was significantly sick of the word and sick of being made a fool of… which is why he confronted Yukina the next day and sternly told her to never use that word in front of him ever again

She looked slightly sad at making her Oniisan angry but agreed wholeheartedly. She even smiled up at him and asked him to stay for dinner (we'll have ice cream!) He twitched once before agreeing.

Then came another Dark Martial Arts Tournament, not unlike the one they had previously been in. During the finals, Hiei had been stuck with a particularly irritating (note: powerful) fire demon that continuously blocked and countered all of his attacks. He'd been at the brink of death when Yukina suddenly thought of something that might help him win the battle.

Standing on her seat and pulling up her long kimono, the petite, soft-spoken Koorime put her hands to her mouth and shouted the first command she'd even issued in her life:


The yell drowned out the bloodthirsty calls from the crowd and penetrated Hiei's cold heart. He smirked once and within seconds his opponent was gone, engulfed in blue-black flames.

Behind him, his sister jumped up and down in her seat, uncharacteristically loud as she cheered his name over and over again. Equally out of character, Hiei looked up at his twin and smiled. With his consent of course.