The True Finale
By Scarredbyshallowness
Disclaimer: I do not own the Titans in any way, shape, or form.
If you're like me, which I hope you are since you chose this story,you were gutted and saddened by the harsh ending that was given to the Titans. So many unanswered questions, broken relationships, and unsolved mysteries. I hate unfinished projects. So here is what I would have done to finish it off. Enjoy.
Note: This takes place right after 'Titans Together'.
Home at Last
Main room, Titans Tower
"Dude! We are FINALLY home!" Beast Boy joyously exclaimed just an ear-shot away from the last of the additional titans regrettably leaving the tower. "Now it's time for a little r and r, a big ol' tofu sub, and MEGA MONKEYS!"
"Go at it, Beast Boy. You've earned it. You've ALL earned a decent rest. I have some plans myself." Robin smiled as the others looked at him with a little concern. He rarely EVER said the word 'break'. Let alone enact it himself.
"You serious? No training? No pointless, late night, villain hunt? No…anything?" Cyborg gleamed with a wide eye as Robin simply gave an approving nod.
"Yup. We caught and locked upjust over three-fourths of our enemies this last month. And a traumatized Dr. Light on top of that." the Boy Wonder chucked a little as he remembered the crook's face when he stared down an army of Titans. Priceless. "The rest of the week is all yours."
"Oh! I can finally spend sometime with my little Silikie! Thank you, Robin!" Starfire gleefully cheered as she gave the Titan leader a rather tight hug. Releasing with a wave of relief, she immediately went in search of her beloved pet.
That left only…
"Robin. As much as I love the idea of sometime off; how can we do this? Whose to say that another enemy won't pop out of somewhere?" Raven questioned with a raised brow. Super heroes normally aren't given 'set' breaks. "And I'll know if you're lying." the sorceress added telepathically.
"You just love to get into my head, don't you?" Robin smirked as he was given an acknowledging one in return. "Simply put, this time is being used to train our newest member. Kid Flash volunteered to take the rest of the week himself AND teach. Meaning we have a couple days off. Sit back, relax, read a book." the Titan leader nearly yawned, placing himself an inch away from the demoness' face. "I KNOW you want to."
"Seems I'm not the only one who likes to read people." Raven quipped, suddenly realizing who they were talking about. " Wait. Newest member? You mean…"
"Yup. Jinx. She's officially switched. Anyway, I have to get going." Robin suddenly broke away, heading toward the room's double door exit as BB could be seen making a king-sized meal in the background.
"And where exactly are you going?" Raven pierced through Robin's thoughts. That would officially make the 12th time this week.
"My old home. I have some unfinished business there. I'll be back inthree days. Promise." the Boy Wonder responded with slight irritation. Mind melding can be a pain.
"You better. Remember the last time you left us?"
"I was gone for half a month and you guys went through all of my things, dressed up in my spare uniforms, and used my weaponry to slice pizza. Loved the mask on you by the way. Now I really must be going." Robin ended the conversation as he stepped out of room with the doors shut behind him. "She's getting as bad as Starfire…"
"No, I'm not!" Raven yelled playfully through the doors; catching Beast Boy totally off guard, but ultimately not caring as he immediately returned to his delight of monkey video games with a mouth full of tofu goodness every couple seconds. Beast Boy bliss.
Downtown, Jump City
"You idiot! I said to use 3 charges; NOT 13!" a masked thug sneered, whacking his incompetent accomplice across the back of his empty head with a bag of newly 'acquired' jewelry. "Now those brats will come for us!"
As if it were planned, a blur of speed meet up, around, and next to the pair of law breakers. Funny how you can still get a cold sweat in the dead heat of summer.
"Perfect timing! Pop quiz; Two thugs up to no good commit a crime right in front of your eyes. What do you do?" Kid Flash slyly questioned his arm-held passenger as the two instantly appeared at the scene. Super speed is so handy.
"Please. All I have to do is this." Jinx sighed; snapping her fingers with a spark of magic.
In ajolt of motion; both bags that the robbers were holding suddenly hoisted themselves into the air.Ultimately, takingthe thugs with them. Flash got a kick of how much the pair struggled so futilely. It was like watching a fish try to sprint.
"Ha ha! Very good! A 'B' for the execution, but I'll bump it up to an 'A' cuz I just love to see'em squirm." Kid Flash grinned greatly to his pupil; receiving a small one in return.
"Heh. Yeah. I still feel pretty weird about this. It's like I'm betraying my family." Jinx awkwardly admitted. Funny. She never really opened up to anyone before. Except for a certain 'stoney' guy…
"Think about it this way; You hurt a few to save thousands. Which is truly more important?"
There was a pause of thought for a moment. But the answer came quite clearly.
"You know what? You're right. Guess you are smarter than you look." Jinx smiled caringly with her eyes.
"This coming from the girl with flaming pink hair? Heh. Come on. We got a whole day of patrol ahead." Kid Flash playfully grinned as he lightly picked up his enchanted student and sped on ahead.
She had truly turned around. That meant there was plenty of room left for the next task.
Proving it to everyone else.
Elsewhere in the City, Inside the security vault of Wayne Industries.
A basic night of duty ensured for the twelfth night in a row. There is boredom, then there is this. Guards have a sad work load.
"I don't get this, Bill. We've been training for years in the academy. We worked our butts off and ranked up to the top of our class. Now, two years later, we're in charge of this 'mystery' item that requires the two of us; alpha guards. So tell me. Why is this so BORING?" one masked guard questioned actively as his partner remained stiff as a board.
"Boredom is a luxury. Shut up and accept it. " Bill answered back coldly. This was work. Profession is everything once you make it to alpha rank.
"I know. I just want a fight so badly."
"Wish granted." a masked voice came from above as an unseen fist hit thesurprised guardintensely across the squareof the chin. Instant K.O.. "So much for 'years of training'. I was expecting so much more."
In a stylish bend of air, Red X appeared before his fallen prey with a sigh.
"HALT!" the stoic guard demanded ruggedly as he raised his firearm to ready. But before he could pull the trigger, Xshot a sticky substance directly into the barrel; wreaking the weapon.
"Make me." Red X taunted as he zipped to the guard, snatched the fireless firearm, and bashed him across the face with his own rifle. Consciousness didn't stay long after that.
Grabbing the key cards from both of the guards' gear, the rebel opened the multiple doorways of solid steel before him until finally reaching his current goal.
"I do wonder what you are." Red X cooly stated as he grabbed a black steel box from it's holding cell. "Whatever it is, you're paying my rent for the next 4 years."
Not too much thought could be put forth into the future as one of the armored walls explosively gave way. X couldn't help but cringe.
"Not you guys again. C'mon! If your going to fight me at least send the hot alien one first!" Red X taunted to the mystifying dust as only a single combatant could be seen with glowing eyes and pulsing hands. "Guess it's my lucky day. You want me to yourself that badly? I'm touched." X grinned, preparing for an invorgorating experience.
"Down, boy. I'm not who you think." a commanding voice lushushly replied.
In a moment of confusion; the airborne waste finally settled and allowed Red X to see his mistake. This wasn't Starfire after all. Man was she close though. It was…
"I bet you were expecting my sister, weren't you handsome? Well forget about that prissy waste of space. You have me now." the tamerianian said with a venomous smile.
"Can't say you have bad taste. Got a name?" X relaxed slightly, loving where this could be heading.
"The name is Blackfire, darling." the fellow Titan enemy whispered as she placed a finger lovingly where Red X's lips should be. "Don't you dare forget it…" Blackfire cooed as she added a nearly inaudible message in his ear that made the rebel flare with warning.
"WHAT! How do you …?" X suddenly yelled defensivly as he prepared himself for the worst. No one should know that! NO ONE!
"Want answers? Follow me and bring your little treasure with you. I know my master will reward you greatly for it. " Blackfire offered as she began to slowly levitate away.
"That's one heck of a deal." Red X thought aloud, placing a hand to his chin. Thinking for a moment, he could only think of one question; "Where to?"
Interstate 245, traffic
"I can't wait to see my own room again!" Robin excitedly thought to himself as he raced down the busy street with his R-cycle. Being a victim of the overly conjested roadway, Robin stopped behind a bus of gawking children.
How did he know they were talking about him? Well, one is normally the topic of discussion when their name can be heard over twenty times a minute ON a crowded roadway.
"How long has it been since I've been home? I wonder if Bruce has cooled down yet." the teen sighed as he chillingly thought of that man angry. That alone was enough to raise hairs in places Robin didn't know existed.
Thoughtlessly waving back to all of the star struck children on the bus, the Titan leader suddenly remembered when he ordered Raven to watch over a trio of super powered children. Though it could have been a wreakage that would be way, way beyond repair; Raven actually showed a different side to them. A side that was motherly and caring.
Man, did he get lucky.
The possible repercussions from an angry half demon seemed to be less and less threatening as territory around him became more and more familiar. The area made official as Robin zoomed by the oddly sparklying sign; Welcome to Gotham City.
Using one of the preset change spots that Bruce had all around the city, Robin, or rather Dick, placed his belongings in a ransacked barn just outside of the city limits. As he nonchalantly walked away from the seemingly disregarded farm equipment, gears and multiple layers of analyzing lasers scanned it's confines silently, approvingly transporting the cycle and uniform to the heart of crime fighting operations; the Batcave.
"No turning back now…" Dick sighed, wondering when he had last taken off that infernal costume. He had been 'Robin' just a bit too long. All work and no play was beginning to wear him thin. He was here to relax. Eases off.
10 minutes later, Wayne Manor
"Master Dick! It has been far too long! I have already prepared your favorite meal; T-bone steak with mash potatoes and a small helping of lightly buttered corn. " Alfred said with a genuine smile as he swung open the door before Dick even had a chance to knock it.
"Is it well done?" the sly teen said with a smirk.
"Of course, sir! I've even prepared you an ice cold mix of your favorite creatin shake."
"God I've missed you, Alfred." Grayson added playfully as he gave his seraget grandfather a rarely seen hug.
This is why he loved and hated this place. Inside these walls, he wasn't a stressed leader with the weight of the world placed on his back. He wasn't a superpowerless mortal who could compete with the best of the best. He was just a kid. Nothing more. Horrible in the long run, but makes for a perfect vacation from responsibility.
"And I you, sir. But, you did not leave here on such good terms with Master Bruce. You know he has really missed you since…" Alfred began to bring back before Dick rose a finger to his face.
"I don't want to think about that right now. I just want to eat and sleep for once." the teen tiredly requested as he stepped into the elegant household. "Is he even here right now?"
"No, sir. He is at a business meeting at the moment." the beloved butler stated, being met with a raised brow from Dick. "A REAL meeting. Crime has been surprisingly low lately. Miss Gordan has been quite a help since you have been away. You know she still …"
"Once again, Alfred. I don't want any added stress. I'll deal with it when the time comes. But right now, Let's eat!"
Unknown location
"I have never seen this place before. Where are we?" Red X lightly asked his oddly silent guide. So much for small talk.
"Master, I have brought him here as you have asked." Blackfire suddenly blurted out and bowed down to a shadowy figure in the corner of the massive room.
"Good work. I see he has the item I desire as well. You are doing very well, apprentice."
"Do I know you?" X questioned the darkness, knowing he had heard it somewhere before.
"That you do, Red X." the man calmy commented as he stepped into a fraction of revealing light.
"In more ways than you know."
You know the drill. If you like it, review it and I'll update it as soon as I can. Hate? Do nothing and I'll scrap it.10 reviews will continue the story (Yes, I made it less. I want to write :) . Later guys!
- Scar