An: Eh. I made this a long time ago, around the 7th chapter (!), but this idea kept pestering me. I'm be sad.
'Sasuke-san and Hinata-chan are like leaves, when I think about it…' Lilac thought it over as she skimmed through her thoughts. 'They fall because of a death, a truly bad thing happening to them… They show only a secret side, a side destined for all other people to know about, but when you get to know that leaf, those two, they show a more colorful side, one playful, witty.' She then held up a hand. 'Hey, my thumb looks like a chicken leg!'
Sasuke and Hinata, the talk of the dorms, newly formed couple. The two, Sakura and Ino, instead of trying to get revenge, they were actually happy for Sasuke-'chan' and Hinata-chan. Partly because they had their own lives, partly because they had their own to call. Naruto and Shikamaru (Sorry! I'm just, not in any ideas. So I put them with their canon (?) counterparts.) were their new partners.
-At the balcony-
Hinata looked out to the forest and the sunset. Dashes of gold, silver, blue, and orange danced across the sky, creating a picturesque scene. Hinata sighed, wondering what the New Year would have in store. She heard the door close behind her, and Sasuke came by her side, also looking out to the scene.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Sasuke said.
"Hm." Hinata replied. "Sasuke?"
"Why do you like me?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I mean, I'm so plain. My hair is normal, my style is nothing special, and my eyes are white, the color of nothing!" she exclaimed.
"I don't think they're the color of nothing. They're lavender, not white. Lavender, the color of a flower. That's special." Sasuke said softly (I doubt you'll be finding him doing that in the anime though, talking softly.)
She hugged him.
"…Ashiteru, Hinata." Sasuke said. Then he did something no one ever thought Sasuke would ever do.
He kissed her.
ARRRRGH! Crappy ending, I know, but it was the only thing I could thinks of. Plus I made them wildly OOC, sorry.
Been such a long time since updating.
Eh. Brain-dead. I'll start the other one when I feel like it. Meh.