- You Belong To Me…Only Me

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Loveless; this is purely for entertainment purposes.


In a dark room, a man stood bound in chains. He was the Fighter of Beloved, Agatsuma Soubi was his name. He stood against a wall, a decrepit peeling one that is.

His mind had grown blank after the first seven hours of worrying for his precious sacrifice, not Beloved but Loveless. Ritsuka…I hope you're okay, the man thought in his head. His mouth was closed with tape, he couldn't speak eve if there was a reason to. How had he gotten in this predicament anyway? Well, currently he was too tired to recall.

Suddenly the door slammed open. Soubi's eyes immediately averted to the door. "SOUBI!" He couldn't believe his eyes as he watched the fragile looking boy run toward him. "Mm-hm-mh!" Soubi was torn in feelings, he was ecstatic to see Ritsuka, but was worried for the younger boy's safety. Ritsuka stopped in front of him, he stared up at his face, worry and sadness evident in the boy's face.

"Soubi…what happened to you?" Soubi stared at his sacrifice, his amethyst eyes has a longing in them. Ritsuka quickly broke free of the shock he was experiencing and put himself to work, he began to reach up to Soubi's mouth to remove the tape.

The door opened, it creaked slowly as it opened fully. A man stood there, his eyes were mischievous and his smirk was anything but endearing. Ritsuka turned quickly, eyes fearful. The man, his face hidden in shadows, seemed to approach the young boy and his fighter.

"Loveless…if you are Loveless, why are you so loved?" The voice echoed in the large room. Ritsuka stared backed into Soubi as the man closed in on him, "who are you?"

Soubi's eyes seemed to have a mind of its own, they appeared to be trying to scream at his sacrifice to run and get away from this hellish place. But…eyes can't talk, can they? No, they can't. Ritsuka would never get Soubi's warnings as the man waved a hand in front of the now trembling boy.

Ritsuka's eyes became void of all emotion, blank…soulless. The man smiled as Ritsuka fell forward into his arms. Soubi's eyes were now in serious danger of being detached from his head.

The man picked up the unconscious teen, smiling deviously as he licked his cheek. He turned to Soubi and smirked, "thank you for your help, now Loveless belongs to me…body and soul." Soubi glared his eyes hinted guilt no matter how much he tried to hide it.

The man walked out from the room, satisfied with his catch, leaving the lonely fighter to wallow in guilt, pain and cold anger.

- Thank you for reading, I tried to make the words not so bunched up unlike my last story. Constructive Criticism is welcome and appreciated Please review, this story just came to my head, I am NOT sure if I will continue it. I will only update if I get enough reviews.