Everyone knew that Yuffie was a ninja. Practically everyone did. With one of her infamous lines of;
'I'm the GREAT ninja Yuffie.'
So, when it was my turn to spar off with her, it was obvious who was going to win. If you said me, you're obviously drunk and/or high.
"Awight! Next up is: Roxas and Yuffie!" Namine said, reading off a small white paper in her notebook. "Prepare, you two!"
I nervously glanced at Yuffie, who gave me a smug smirk, and stalked off somewhere. I gulped helplessly.
"Uhh… Namine? I—Well, I don't hit girls." I said, hoping to get off the hook. I'm a pretty peaceful guy. Of course I can kick butt—
Just not Yuffie's.
You see, Yuffie was special. She was different. She was funny, cute, and independent. Call it romance or whatever, but Yuffie was special. And I wasn't about to hit her, even if she did want to hurt me pretty bad.
"You know Roxas? That's sweet. Okay, but I don't care." Namine responded, interrupting my thoughts. She stared blankly, as if waiting for me to fall on the floor, bawling.
"Aw, come on! Please? I'll fight anyone else besides Yuffie!" I begged. I was ready to drop on my knees. Of course, everyone would laugh, and everyone would call me very...
I already have that title for being the way I am. You know, friendly, soft and caring? Yeah, that's me. And apparently, to Riku, that isn't very boy-like. Huh, he just sucks.
"Okay Roxas! Are you ready?" Yuffie called out from behind me. She said that sentence with the tone overflowing with confidence.
I don't like that tone very much.
So I decided to be smug. "Sure! And Yuffie, watch out before you get your arse kicked!"
Namine blinked. "But you said you don't hit g—"
I glanced at her, and put on an 'Aw-shaddap-can't-you-see-it's-an-act-pout'.
Namine smiled, nodded, and gave her own 'you-shaddap-or-it-will-be-your-arse-who's-gonna-get-kicked-smile.
I beamed, and took two steps away from her. You just don't know how scary Namine can get.
I stared into Yuffie's eyes. She smirked once again, and I slowly grasped my keyblade.
She was a ninja, and what was I? Doomed.
I have the Kairi/Roxas story, Sonora the Free! I really do! I just have to post it one of these days. xD I'm sorry! I'll try to post it today. I'm a lazy moogle.
Oh, and for being the first to review 'Animated', I dedicate this to. . .
For just being really awesome! x
Keep up the awsome-ness!