A/N: This is AU to an extent, there is a character in here that doesn't really exist that I made up but it's slightly AU cause i altered someones life a little.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the one character that I made up.

Pairings: Palex.

Alex Nunez yawned as she fixed her bed, her Mom and Chad were gone for two weeks on vacation which was a very big bonus, no fighting or screaming. The past couple of nights have been wonderful with Paige they had really bonded and it's like they knew everything about eachother though there were some cracks that needed to be filled in.

"So, breakfast what do you want to do?" Paige asked as she scrunched her damp hair with a towel trying to dry it, she walked over to the dresser and tossed the towel on the ground.

"I have no idea your choice you are after all my beloved guest." Alex joked before falling back on her bed.

"Well, I could always make you pancakes and eggs," Paige offered, she looked over at Alex who rolled her eyes. "Hey i'm a pretty decent cook, I have never once burned down my own house."

"Yeah but that must have been a total miracle." Alex laughed as she chucked a pillow at Paige but missed dramatically. "Now that my friends is why I will never be good at sports."

Paige shook her head as she forcefully opened up a drawer that seemed to always be stuck but it finally opened and a picture box laid inside of it. Looking back at Alex who was now fascinated with her gameboy advanced that she was borrowing she opened the box slowly. Wow look at all this pictures of Lexi as a little kid..., she pushed away a few pictures and a picture of Lexi and another girl that looked exactly like her and seemed to be the exact same was revealed. The blonde slowly picked it up and plopped down on the bed, and turned to face Alex.

"Hey, this picture which one is you?" Paige curiously as pushed the gameboy advance down and showed her girlfriend the picture.

"Oh," The ravenhaired girl bit her lip nervously as she took the photo from the blonde and pulled her to sit next to her. "I'm on the right, and my twin sister Aislynn Rose Nunez." she said sadly as she looked away trying not to show her emotion.

"You have a twin I didn't know that--"

"I had a twin, she died when I was four." Alex twirled a strand of hair between her fingers nervously.

"How'd she die?" Paige asked sympathetically wrapping one around her distraught girlfriend.

"Um, i'm not sure I was so young and my mom doesn't like talking about it," Alex quickly replied. "That's the reason my mom and dad split I guess, I wasn't allowed to go to the funeral they were concerned that it would 'ruin my childhood life going to a funeral of my dead twin sister.'"

"I'm really sorry." That was all Paige could say, she had never been in this position before.

"Well, that's life." Alex quietly said placing her head against the blonde's shoulder.


"Dad, I don't know I mean I haven't been here for like 13 years." Aislynn nervously fidgeted as she walked down the street with her father a few steps ahead of her, her parents got a divorce when she was four and apparently they still live here.

"Oh it will be alright, a fresh start for you. Although you will be graduating this year," He laughed his daughter's nervousness always was easy to be told since she fidgeted with her hands or her feet. "Besides maybe you'll get to see your sister."

"Yeah, like that will happen I've written her a million letters and I never get a response." Aislynn rolled her eyes as she caught up with her father.

"Well you know how her Mom is like always telling bogus stories, I do believe she told one to Alex and doesn't want her to think about you. I already got you registered at Degrassi Community School. They don't have a gymnastics or a dance team but they do have cheerleading." Mr. Nunez turned to look at his daughter for a moment.

"Oh joy, i get to wave pom pom's in the air and scream 'go team go!' with annoying preppy girls who think they're the biggest shit in the world." Aislynn scoffed.

"Who knows maybe the cheerleaders will be nice and different." Mr. Nunez suggested.

"Yeah, okay." Aislynn rolled her eyes before making her way up the stairs and into her new house.

Here's to a fresh start, and hoping for a good year.