She sighed tiredly. "What in seven hells was I thinking?" she asked herself. "Baka Kagome!" she whispered, sinking deeper into the hotsprings. "Just had to go and get myself lost, didn't I?" she muttered.

A small rustling in a nearby bush caught her attention, and out of instinct, she through a rock screaming. "HENTAI NO HOUSHI!" but the voice she heard had not been that of her lecherous friend. "Oi wench, tojikomeru! You might attract attention. And If anyone comes, I'll kill them." To Kagome's horror, she saw a farmiliar shape rise from the gloom. The Banryuu slung over his shoulder, he grinned cockily at her. She almost bolted from the water right then, screaming like a maniac. But she didn't. "What do you want?" she asked, summoning what little courage she had at the moment.

"What else you stupid girl? The shards. If you give 'em to me...I'll let you live." he said, his smirk replaced for an evil grin, a menacing look on his face. 'Oh fan-fucking-tastic. The strongest, and hottest man in Japan...WHAT! Oh bad Kagome! No calling the enemy hot. Especially not the mercenarys.' she thought. But...she had to admit as she watched his sword hover over her neck...wait. 'OH SHIT!' she mentally screamed and ducked into the water.

"You'll have to come out soon, girl. And when you do, you give me the shards." He said. She fought down the intense burn in her lungs as she knew that she'd need to breathe soon. Finally she gave up and surfaced. He had been ready. He grabbed her arms and hefted her up partially out of the water. He glanced appreciativly at her body. She turned red, and struggled against his firm grip. He smirked and leaned towards her to whisper with his signature smirk. "Not bad. If you weren't with that worthless dog, we might've been able to have some fun." he said, grinning as she turned red. But in her angered mind, all rationality was thrown to the wind as she retorted feircely. "First of all, I am not with Inuyasha. Second of all, no way in hell would I have fun with you." She growled out. He grinned and waved a finger mockingly. "Temper temper. That's very unbecoming of a miko you know. And I thought you were a proper whore too! What with the wolf, the mutt, maybe the monk, and Kami knows who else." he said. "Whore?" Kagome deadpanned. Suddenly Bankotsu was forced to drop her in place of holding his lower region. Kagome took this time to grab her clothes and wrap a towel around herself, not even bothering to dress before darting away.

She knew Bankotsu would catch her. He was much faster than her, and when she saw the blue and white blur, she cried out in dismay. Before she could register, she was tackled down, her towel falling off before she knew. Bankotsu had her pinned, in what could have been considered an intimate position, were they not glaring at eachother with looks that could kill, they might have noticed this. Bankotsu calmed quickly though, his anger replaced by amusement as he leaned down to whisper. "Hm. Well now, what have we here?" he asked, smirking. Kagome shivered, unsure of what emotion was coursing through her.

Bankotsu saw the shiver. 'Hm.' he smirked. 'She's aroused.' Suddenly, he heard leaves crunching and strong breathing. A flash of red and silver could be seen in the distance. "Well now, looks like your safe...for now."

He stood and let Kagome gater her bearings before grinning mischeiviously and beding down to capture her lips in a quick, yet searing kiss. Grinning at her dazed look as they parted, he waved and began to run. "Until next time, Miko!" he called, before dissapearing.

"Why the fuck do I smell Bankotsu all over you?" Kagome was snapped harshly into reality at a very angry voice. Inuyasha's angry voice. This would be one hell of an argument.