My first fanfic. Obviously, I lay no claim to Dog Soldiers and its characters. Noble Howlitt, however, is all mine.

This Fic starts with Spoon's last line. Noble is a char I've had for a long time, and her adventures span many crossovers, some of which are hinted at here. Well, not this chapter, but they're here. As of writing this, I have put up 7.

I'm terribly at characterization, so if anybody starts acting like they shouldn't, let me know and I'll fix it. Feel free to point out any bloopers, and constructive criticism is appreciated. Thanks!


"I hope I give you the shits, you fucking wimp," snarled Spoon. The wolf was not impressed. It pulled its lips back and growled, as the first wolf recovered and joined in. Spoon blinked. At least he had gone out fighting. Suddenly, the first wolf was gone. The wolf holding his throat dropped him and snapped its head around, growling, to glare at a third, smaller wolf.

"Hiya," grinned this wolf, its voice deep and throaty, before grabbing the other one and throwing it across the kitchen and away from Spoon. "Stay behind me," it ordered over its shoulder, before giving its full attention to the other two wolves.

"Right," Spoon replied, grabbing his frying pan, not quite trusting the smaller wolf.

"Alright, you two, I'm only going to say this once. Leave. Now," the creature snarled at the two wolves climbing to their feet. The two roared back, flexing their claws threateningly. "Don't say I didn't warn you," huffed the wolf, changing. Blue scales appeared through its fur and its head and tail became elongated and lizard like. It happened within a second, and when it was done, it drew back its head, taking in a deep breath. The two wolves seemed to realize that something was very wrong, but by this time it was far too late. The wolf lizard's head snapped forward, spewing forth bright red flames that seemed to cling to the wolves' fur. The two screamed before being completely consumed by the flames, leaving nothing but two piles of ashes on the floor.

The creature changed back into its wolf form and glanced back at Spoon.

"You okay?" it asked, turning back to survey the room. It moved to the exposed kitchen door and peered down the hallway. Looking at it, Spoon could see it was different from the other wolves, sleeker looking, and more human like as well with black fur. Even odder was that it seemed to be wearing a leotard.

"Yeah," he said, still holding the pan defensively.

"Good," said the wolf moving towards him. Spoon raised the pan higher and it stopped, holding up clawed hands in a surrender position. "Easy, jack, I just saved your life. Why would I want to kill you now?"

"I don't know how you fucking werewolves think! How should I know?" The wolf put its hands down and tilted its head.

"Technically, I'm not a werewolf. My name i-" it began, but before it could finish, bullets came shooting down through the ceiling. "What the fuck!" snarled the creature, looking up at a newly made hole.

"Go on, Coop!" shouted Sarge as Cooper came through the hole feet first, only to be caught by the wolf. Coop stared up in horror at the grinning face, only noticing the big shiny teeth.

"Hello," it said, putting him down and gently shoving him towards Spoon. Cooper looked to Spoon, who shrugged and offered him his frying pan.

Sarge tossed his weapon through the ceiling, came through after it, picked it up and fired back into the hole. He was rewarded as one of the other werewolves yelped and others snarled. Seeing the black wolf, he brought his gun around and pulled the trigger but nothing happened. The wolf bared its teeth at him as well, as Cooper brought the frying pan down on its head.

"Ow!" it cried, ducking and springing away from the three of them towards the door. "What the fuck, man?" it whined, rubbing its head where Cooper had hit it. Sarge climbed to his feet and moved towards the counter with his men. "I swear to God, I'm not going to bother saving any more humans. It's just not worth it." That caught the soldiers off guard.

"You're here to rescue us?" asked Cooper, stepping forward, pan in hand. The wolf ducked its head and put its ears back. Spoon took the moment to wipe his face off.

"Not originally, but as long as you're hereā€¦Hand me that table, would you?" it said, gesturing to the furniture item. Cooper hesitated and the wolf rolled its eyes. "Oh, never mind, then," it said irritably, grabbing the table itself and flipping it up so its top was blocking the door. Then holding it in place with one clawed hand it snapped the other at the wood. After four thunks, claws appeared holding the table to the frame of the door. The wolf then repeated the procedure with the other side of the table. "That should hold them a bit," it smirked, its form again changing. It seemed to shrink slightly and its black fur disappeared into the black leotard on a decidedly female body. A human hand came up to ruffle her now short black hair before she turned to the three soldiers. Grinning, she asked, "How is everyone?" green eyes merry.

Sarge responded by collapsing, gripping his stomach and groaning in pain. "It's starting. Get out of here!" he growled at Spoon and Cooper, shoving them away from him. The woman was temporarily forgotten.

"Aw, shit," said Spoon.

"We're not just gonna leave you, Sarge," snapped Cooper, doing his best to try and stabilize the man, Spoon doing his best to help.

"That's an order, Cooper!" Sarge snapped back, before writhing underneath Cooper's hands. He was doing his best to hold off the transformation, but he knew he wouldn't last much longer.