A/N: I always love the start of a new fan fic. It's so new, and I have no idea where this fan fic will end up, so there's a sense of mystery. I know this story seems kind of clichéd, but trust me when I say it is sooo not.
Summary: Hermione finds out accidentally that she's adopted… and that's she's a pureblood. Freaked out and upset, she storms off to stay with Harry at Grimauld Place, where Snape stashed Malfoy after Dumbledore's death. Little do they know, an ancient prophecy predicted their relationship and it's effect on the world. When they return to school and everyone finds out, a chain of events leads them where they never expected.
And special thanks to Ms.Chang for giving me the idea for this fic. I hope you like this!
Disclaimer: I don't own any thing you recognize!
Chapter 1: The Marks
Hermione Granger knew everything there was to know about the Granger family history. She knew that great uncle Richard invented the leaf blower, and that great-great-great etc. grand mother Tabitha had worked at the globe theater with Shakespeare. Hermione knew that no one in the Granger line was anything other than a muggle. She knew that before her, none of them had ever known that magic even existed. What she did not know, however, was that she was not in fact part of the Granger family line. No, Anne and Michael Granger were not her parents. She was adopted.
She did not know of this until one day during her summer break before her final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She blamed Professor Flitwick. If it wasn't for him and his stupid charms practice she would have never found out. Hermione sat down at her desk with a sheet of parchment, a quill and her wand to practice a spell. The Generatious spell would enchant the quill so that it would map her family tree. Of course, she'd expected to see the names Anne and Michael Granger come out of the ink, yet when the quill began to spin and twirl, dotting each I and crossing each T, something else was spelled out in the script. Her jaw dropped as the names Cassandra and Alexander White carved into the paper. It would have gone on, but she canceled the magic.
At first she just stared dumfounded at the unfinished stump where the names of her and her 'parents' sat. Was she adopted? Could she really not be a muggleborn? The White's were famous purebloods who had disappeared around the time of her birthday, it was true, but how could she have never known? This had to be a fluke with the spell or something, because she wasn't adopted. So she pulled out her wand again and twirled it around. Her mouth hung open yet again as the quill picked up from where it left off, going on to detail 2, 3, 4 generations previously.
But then that rational side took over as she began to realize that maybe she really wasn't a muggleborn. She didn't resemble anyone in her family, and she had never seen any pictures of her mother during pregnancy. It would explain everything, why she was a witch, and why she was so skilled. Her? A White? It all seemed so obvious now. First she needed factual proof, and then she could whine.
It was a good thing her parents weren't home, because it let her have a good chunk of time to rifle through their offices. The private office of Michael Granger was compulsively organized, each filing cabinet in alphabetical order by subject, and then subcategorized in chronological order. Hermione paced the rows, at last finding three shelves labeled, Hermione. It was filled with documents about doctor's visits, Hogwarts, and her small bank account at Gringots. Finally, wedged in the back of the first drawer, was a think minella folder with the neat label Adoption.
Hermione sat down at her father's desk, her heart beating rapidly. These documents could change her life, could change her family. She shouldn't open these… but she had to! With a tiny second of hesitation, she pulled open the folder. It was all there, the date, the time, even the name of the orphanage. She had been a month old! Parents unknown…
Her parents had lied to her! Even when she'd been admitted to Hogwarts hey hadn't told her! She'd been forced through ridicule because of her heritage and now suddenly it wasn't even worth it? Magic doesn't lie, and there was a huge chance that she was actually a pureblood, a legendary one in fact. She was the heir of Merlin if rumors were correct! Oh this was over whelming! Great, now she was hyperventilating. Pulling out her wand, she gasped,
"Fairblocus." That was better. Suddenly Malfoy's face swam before her eyes. He leered at her and hissed,
"You'll always be a mudblood to me, Granger." Bloody hell, she was a pureblood, the heir of a line equal to if not more powerful than that of Malfoy! What the hell should she do now? Frustrated and shocked, she scooped up the folder and chucked it across the room, causing papers to scatter across the floor. She was distracted from her mental rant by a tiny thud on the carpet. Looking up, she saw a ring with a small purple gem resting elegantly on the floor. It glinted innocently in the fluorescent lighting, beckoning her to come closer and put it on.
Now Hermione was a smart girl, she knew better than to put on mysterious jewelry without knowing where it came from. However, her frustration directed at her parents and her urge to figure out what had happened overwhelmed her logical thought process. She stood up from the desk and approached the small band wit caution, circling it before resting on her knees beside it. It seemed peaceful enough, with no sinister designs. A small tag was attached to it with a loop of yarn, and when she turned it over to read what it said, she saw 'Came with infant.' This must have been her parent's, her biological parents. They wouldn't leave this with her if it were dangerous! So she tugged at the knot and pulled the tag away, before resting it in her palm. There was no burn or spark as she touched the silver, so she hesitantly slid it onto her left ring finger. At first nothing happened, and she admired how elegant the ring looked nestled on her finger. But then a sharp twinge seared the skin on her left palm. A dark letter W was now painted across her skin. Like any other teenager would do, she poked it. It seemed to be tattooed on.
Serious Hermione kicked back in as she examined the letter on her palm. It was the mark of the White family, she was a member. She was Hermione White.
She needed to lie down.
Somewhere in the dodgy side of London, Draco Malfoy woke with a start. This wasn't out of the ordinary for the tortured soul, but just as he had every other night, he still frantically reached for his wand.
"Lumos," he stammered, pulling up his sheet to wipe the sweat off his forehead. His new bedroom at Grimauld Place looked just the same, with not one thing out of place. Normally Malfoy would have ridiculed himself for acting like a little boy who was afraid of the dark, but for quite some time now he had been. It didn't matter that he was at the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black being sheltered by Snape and the Order of the Phoenix. It wasn't only Voldemort that was giving him nightmares.
Malfoy lit a candle on his nightstand, fumbling with his wand as he put out the light it admitted, leaving him to rely on the wick for vision. He hated the dark, feared its ability to hide things. Long ago his father had told him to use the cover of night to his advantage, but the past two months had instructed him otherwise. When Snape had deemed it safe enough, he had dragged Malfoy straight to the order, protecting him and finally convincing McGonagall to let him live at the headquarters. Few people knew at that point that it had been Draco who had let the death eaters into Hogwarts, but those who did shunned him, leaving him to his own devices. Even Harry had been blatantly ignoring him, already upset that McGonagall and Alastor Moody had refused to let him, Ron and Hermione to out horcrux hunting if he continued to refuse to tell them where he was going and why. The only people remotely civil to Malfoy, not counting Snape, were his distant cousin Nymphadora Tonks and her werewolf boyfriend Lupin. They brought him his meals that he didn't eat, and offered him books that he didn't read. Lupin had given him random hand-me-downs as well to tide him through. Lupin sometimes lost his patience with him, but Tonks always kept him company when she felt he needed it.
Of course, there was one person whom Malfoy was sure would have not treated him differently. However, Hermione Granger was absent at the headquarters, spending time with her family under the protection of wards created by Shacklebolt. As nerdy and annoying as she could be, at least he could have restored some level of normality if she was around to spar with.
But there were things that insults and hexing couldn't solve, such as the thing haunting young Malfoy. He stared restlessly around his room as the starting words to a certain prophecy echoed through his mind.
"Later generations shall provide the vital link. Only when the son of Dragons and the daughter of the light join can the troubles of time be thus solved. Confusion, names, and old rivalries do not hold a candle to love born from hate. White and Black mesh into gray, but light and dark bring peace."
A sharp searing pain on his left palm jerked him out of his thoughts as he yelped in pain. Seconds later he opened his eyes to see a black letter M tattooed on his palm.
A/N: Well, what do you think? Questions? Comments? I want them all! Next chapter: Hermione confronts her parents, and Malfoy sulks. Teaser?
"You don't understand how large a difference this makes! I'm not your daughter! I've been marked! I can't even look at you right now, I'm gonna go stay with Harry.
So anyway, I hope you all like this. I'll update soon.
Final Word Count: 1787