Love vs. Desire

Author: Black Roses666

Show: Yu Yu Hakusho/Yuu Yuu Hakusho

Pairing: Hiei x OC

Rating: T, will go higher for future events.

Summary: There is Light, there is Darkness; there is Hope, there is Despair; there is Courage, there is Fear; there is Life, there is Death; and if there is Love, there will always be Desire...who will win the war? Immortality is a curse and only in his dreams can he undo the spell that would destroy all mankind. Good and evil collide, and when love is no longer the strongest feeling, how can two demons end this million year war?

Black Roses666: Heya there! This is my first YYH fic and I hope you guys enjoy it. I acknowledge those who review my stories and I will put reviewer replies, no matter how long it may be. Please review because I want to see your opinions on every chapter. Thank you!

Note: Please look at my profile for my other stories.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho/Yuu Yuu Hakusho. I only own my OCs, and my plotline.




"Have you ever heard of a war that lasted for millions of years? A war that started ever since life began? Have you known of a war that is taking place, even today? Impossible, yes it is, but I know one such war. Yes, I know who participates in as well…

"All of us take part in this battle. That's right, you, me, your friends, every one of us, humans and demons alike. Name one person, and he or she is a part of this war; even a newborn baby who has only been on earth for merely a second is already taking part. That is how much of an impact this war can be.

"It is a war fought by all living things. It is a war that shall never cease until the apocalypse comes and destroys everything into nothing. Every second, a tear is shed because of the war. Someone is probably crying over a loss at this very moment.

"Not even the strongest warrior could survive this war. He, too, would die in vain, not able to stop it. Not even you would get close.

"The war I am talking about is the war between two enemies…two enemies sworn to fight until the very end, two enemies destined to fight until the apocalypse came.

"It is the war between Love, and Desire…

"Love is said to be the strongest feeling in the world; yet, it will be overcome by one's Desire for another, which will be taken over by Love, only to fall from the power of Desire once again.

"It is a never ending cycle of sadness, not to mention anger, frustration, and many more. Many have already committed suicide. There won't be a day anytime soon that this war would end.

"For the millions of years that have passed, not even a handful of people have come through this war, and accepted the consequences. The shall forever be named the strongest people in the world, but nowadays, I know of no one who can even come close. I can understand, for Desire is stronger than ever…

"The reason for this is rather simple…Desire has become a demon, and transfers from body to body, swallowing the emotions of many weak minded unfortunates. Desire feeds off all positive feelings, devours them, leaving their vessels as a cold, empty shell that would soon be thrown away, most likely over a building.

"Desire has turned Love into a death zone, and Desire had just turned immortality into a curse. Those who are immortal shall live with the pains of Desire forever.

"Desire shall everlastingly roam around the world, and Love is growing weak…

"The problem is…much to my dismay…

"Desire is me…

"Can you win the war?"


"Hiei, wake up, Hiei!" a red haired male shouted, shaking a certain fire demon who slept in one of the many tree branches around the park.

"Wha…what…?" Hiei muttered, rubbing his eyes open.

"Geez…for a guy we rarely talks to us, answer me, what does it take to wake you up?" Kurama asked, relaxing on the tree trunk; his emerald eyes locking on Hiei's crimson ones.

"Hn…I was in the middle of a dream, fox. What do you want? If you just want to talk, then leave me the hell alone…"

"Koenma's calling us. Looks like we've got another mission…"


Both jumped down, where they met both Kuwabara and Yusuke, waiting for them. With that, they headed to Genkai's temple where Koenma promised to meet them.


Black Roses666: Sorry guys, but this is only the prologue. Prologues are meant to be short. Please review k? Thank you!

Stay tuned for the next chapter:

Chapter 1: Bloody Innocence