Disclaimer: I don't own the Outsiders.
Chapter one
Sitting in the house I had grown up in for what could be the last time was rather unnerving. It wasn't the house so much but the loss of the memories that had taken place in the house. The funeral is over, all the well wishers and sympathy goers are gone. The house is empty except for the Curtis boys and myself with the exception of, Darryl or Darry, as he is known to all, He left right after the funeral, heading to the courthouse to deal with my grandmothers will. Her lawyer is going to meet him there, and he will be informed of what would happen to my Grandmothers things and me. I'm sitting on the couch leaning on Sodapop, the middle child of the Curtis family. Ponyboy, the youngest boy, is on the floor reading. All is silent.
"Rachel" Soda whispers to me gently. When I don't reply he tries again. "Rachel, baby are you okay?" It feels weird to be comforted by him. It seems like only yesterday I had been comforting him over the loss of his parents, but in reality it's been almost a year since the accident. But the look of total anguish on his face while mourning stays fresh in my mind to this day.
"Rachel, you there?" Soda asks firmly, shaking me gently to rattle me out of my reverie. Looking over at him, I see his face is a mask of worry from my lack of attention.
I nod gently and smile slightly. I then turn to stare at the wall again, missing the look the two Curtis boys pass between them, a look filled with worry.
My mind is buzzing with thoughts. It is hard to deal with death. It makes you reevaluate your life. That's what Darry once told me, just after the death of his parents. Soda always said that Darry would be in college right now, getting a good education and making something of him. Instead, he is working two backbreaking jobs to support himself and his younger brothers. It breaks my heart that such tragedy could hit such good people. They are good people; there's no question in my mind. They opened their home to all that needed it and fed others when they could barely make ends meet for themselves. I didn't know that first hand, I never went to their house. Not that I hadn't been invited over, but I'm not very social. Other than shopping for food with my grandmother I didn't go out much. Soda is my only friend and that is because we were neighbors and the same age. Pony and Darry are friends I can turn to if I ever need something, but Soda and I are best friends.
Soda often joked that I might as well have grown up with nuns because I didn't have fun. But I've heard all about what happened in the Curtis boys lives, especially Soda. He would sneak out his window at night, even though Darry knew all about it, and tell me all about his day, or week if it had been too busy to stop by. I understood, but all that he told me about were fights with the Socs, how dangerous it was to walk alone even in the daytime, sneaking into the movies, working instead of going to school, keeping everyone out of trouble, and dating. There was always a lot to talk about in that category. But none of it sounds like fun to me. I couldn't fight; I was a good girl. I didn't steal or sneak anywhere. I hardly left the house, but that didn't bother me.
Girls flock to Soda, Socs and Greasers alike, and it was amusing to hear about. Soda would tell me about the date but when he started to go into detail, I would blush like a tomato and shush him. I often thought he did it on purpose, trying to give detail because he knew it embarrassed me. He knew I never had a boyfriend, that I had never been kissed, and had never even seen anyone kiss…well except when my grandparents gave each other pecks on the check.
It was embarrassing to hear about. More than once Soda had tried to set me up with one of his friends. In the end he conceded to leave me alone, knowing that they'd want more than I'd want to give. Soda always said that I was as virginal as one could come.
My grandmother home schooled me; well I had been 'til she died. I was ahead in all of my studies. My grandmother always said it was better to be ahead in case I had to go to public school for some reason. My grandmother never forced me to go to a public school. They tried for a short time when I had first come to live here but it didn't work. I was practically a mute. I mean, there was no physical reason that I couldn't talk, I just stopped talking after I saw my mother die.
That was my big secret. I saw my father kill my mother. I was seven. The memory was somewhat blurred, but I still woke up with nightmares from time to time. It was no secret to the Curtis family though. I was to young to remember it all in detail, but when I slept it came out.
They had been talking and then screaming and the next thing I remember, my grandmother told me I was going to live with her. I guess since I was a young kid when it happened, I got it in my head that talking could get you killed, so I just stopped. Once in a while I'd speak a few words to Soda, Darry or Ponyboy but I didn't have long conversations. They understand. But what if I have to go to a girl's home? What would happen, I don't talk, can defend myself, I'd pretty much be dead. I hope by some miracle that my grandmother worked something out.
My grandmother was without a doubt one of the nicest people in the world, even after my grandfather passed away. She never raised a hand to me and never yelled. When people yelled I would get scared. She always talked to me like I was an adult and my opinion mattered. Even when I was only a child, it made me feel special. She lived to give, always sending food to the Curtis boys, mending there clothes, sending groceries saying she bought it buy mistake and wouldn't use it. Darry knew what she was doing but he never objected after the first time. When I brought them over, he would just smile and ask if I wanted to come in. I would always politely refuse. He would nod in understanding and watch me walk home. It was a system of sorts, but now it's messed up.
My grandparents had lived next to the Curtis' since I had first moved here, it was nice. They were nice. I never understood why some of my grandmother's friends would call them hoods or JD's. I remember asking my grandmother what they meant and she would say they don't have any parents and therefore people think they run wild and do what they please, most Greasers are hoods or JD, the Curtis boys aren't but most are. "They're good boys; their parents raised them right. That's all you need to remember, trust their judgment." Then she would go putter around the kitchen making dinner. Grandma never considered herself a Greaser or low class. Her family had been fairly well to do and she still could be but she always told me she was tired of their attitudes. That's why my grandparents moved to this side of town. Grandma liked it a lot better here. Even with all the things that went on, no one would look down at you.
My clothes were always nice; they were a mix between Socs and middle class. I had the converse high tops, along with the Hail Mary shoes, penny loafers and just regular sneakers. I had jeans that were tight, a present from Soda, Darry and Pony every year since I turned 15, and every occasion from Easter to Labor Day. I had a feeling they stole them or got someone else to, because there were the expensive kind, so I didn't wear them much. I had lose jeans and jean skirts, wool skirts, cotton skirts, and I even had a leather skirt from Darry and Soda that they gave me on April Fools Day telling me to go have fun. I never wore that either. I had sweaters and tee shirts and cardigans galore. I didn't wear revealing or tight fitting clothes because I always felt uncomfortable. Soda always told me I wasn't anything like the other girls.
The screen door cracked and jarred me from my thoughts as Darry walked in. A small feeling of dread built in my stomach, knowing this was the minute of decision. Looking over Darry, I suddenly felt bad. Here I am having a pity party for myself, when Darry was out doing what she should have done. He and Soda had taken off work and Pony skipped school. He'd have to do double shifts now. Darry was attractive, but weary, very weary. He worked all the time, and in any free time he had he was busy looking after his family and gang. He had no time for a social life or fun, and now she had added more to his burden.
"What happened Darry?" Soda asked watching his movements looking for a hint of some kind.
"Well I talked to the lawyer and we went over your grandmothers will. She's given custody of you to me." Darry said with a sigh. Everything just kind of froze while I tried to take in what he had said. Live with the Curtis, they were barely making it as is. And the people that were always coming in and out, oh dear were all that my mind was saying. Suddenly Soda let out a cry of joy and hopped up. Darry smiled at Sodas reaction, and glanced at me for a silent confirmation that I was okay with it. I gave him a nod, what else could I say, there not strangers, I love them like family, so why not. Money was why not. Suddenly Ponyboy cut in to Sodas excitement.
"Darry will we have enough money to take her in were already struggling as is?" Pony said brining Sodas excitement level down. He sat down next to me again and squeezed my hand.
"Darry I can take extra shifts at the DX to help out." Soda quickly cut in.
"No Soda you won't." Darry said raising a hand as Soda was about to object. "Rachel's grandmother was loaded." Soda and Pony looked shocked as they glanced at Darry, once more then looked at me for confirmation, I nodded silently.
"So that means we get all her money?" Soda asked with a goofy grin when Pony slapped him on the head, just as Darry was about to.
"No we don't get all her money, nor do we want it" Darry said sending me an apologetic smile for Sodas words I just smiled I was used to him talking before thinking.
"We do get a check each month to help any finical needs we may be having thanks to her grandmother, god bless her soul." Darry said whispering the last part.
"How much?" Asked Ponyboy. Soda winced at his lack of tact I just smiled slightly.
"You don't need to know. But it will help us out a great deal. We won't be struggling as hard and I can lay back on the hours." Darry said in a thankful voice. Pony smiled at the thought of Darry not working as much, as did Soda. A happy silence filled the room; they were finally getting a brake that they all deserved.
"Okay now here is the other part, they are going to sell the house," Darry said looking at me for my reaction. I had figured as much. At least I would still be near by to the house I grew up in. I nodded in understanding. Soda and Pony just nodded.
"So we need to get you packed and out by Friday, and moved and settled into our house because a social worker is coming over to check on progress. You and pony are excused from school till Monday so Pony you'll be helping her pack and get settled." Darry said switching in to father mode as Soda always called it. Pony's expression was of joy, I figured from not having to go to school till Monday. It was Tuesday now.
"The lawyer gave me a heads up on the social worker because this is what your grandmother really wanted done with you. There will also be surprise visits just to check up on you." Darry said in a light tone, but his face showed lines of worry.
"I got the first check from your grandmother. So you can go to the store and pick out things for your room, maybe we can get Dally or Two bit to drive you." Darry said and I suppose they way Darry sat forward I must have had a worried look on my face at the mention of people.
"Or I can take off and take you." Darry cut in fast. I nodded my head no.
"Its okay if one of them take you then?" Soda asked who had been relatively quiet this hole time. I nodded yes. Soda broke into a grin.
"Well stay here tonight I already ran into Two bit and told him we'd be here and not to come over, or burn the house down. Sodas old room isn't exactly clean enough for you to live in yet. I'll do it tomorrow," said Darry but stopped as I nodded my head no.
"I can do it." I spoke in a whisper shocking all the boys
"You sure, it's not a problem?" Asked Darry and Soda nodded in agreement to the question. I nodded no.
"Okay then lets get to bed it is gonna be a long few days." Darry said once again in father mode.
"Pony and Soda you can take the couch. I'll take the guestroom. I don't think anyone should take her grandmothers room. If that is alright with everyone." Darry said in a tired voice. I realized that if I am going to be living with them I should at least try and talk to them, somewhat. Still shocked that I had spoken for the time that night they all nodded. Pony and Soda ran back to their house to get clothes for tomorrow. Darry drew me into a hug, which caused me to blush, I only liked Darry as a friend but I wasn't used to any kind of attention from the opposite sex, I kept my head low to the ground.
"You know kid that I would have fought for you if your grandmother hadn't given me custody. Right?" I nodded and smiled he was so nice.
"It will be okay kid everything is going to work out. Once the social worker approves you staying with us, there will be some paper work. I'm thinking of renting a storage container for your grandmothers stuff, and anything that doesn't fit in the room." Darry said in a thoughtful voice, I smiled at his consideration.
"This makes you family Rachel. You'll be expected to do choirs and help out around the house. Are you okay with that? Your room isn't much because once Soda moved into Pony's room we kinda got rid of the other furniture for money. So you'll have to pick out a new set. With the money your grandma left you." Darry said in a sheepish voice. I nodded in understanding.
"Well I have to be at work early in the morning as does Soda so I'm going to head to bed. Night." Darry said and once again pulled me into a hug. I blushed once again.
After Darry went into the guestroom, Soda and Pony still weren't back I decided to turn in, maybe do a little packing before bed.
Looking around my room, I suppose I wasn't too sad to see it go. It was a rather bright pink, thanks to my grandmother. She always said Pink is for girls. When I liked blue better. But I couldn't tell my grandma that she had worked so hard.
I decided that I would start packing my clothes. I wondered if I would have room to take them all with me. I didn't want to get rid of any. I wasn't shallow but it was one of the only connections with my mom I had. We both love clothes, grandma has pictures of her outfits she would dress me in. I decided I would make it work, somehow. I pulled my suitcase out and began to pack I picked out outfits for the rest of the week and left them out. About an hour later I was half way done with my clothes but I needed more room. I wondered down the hall to my grandmother's room and took her suitcase. I once again worked on filling it with shoes and the rest of my clothes. Once that was done I headed to bed too sleepy to do anything else.
The sun filtered threw the blinds gently caressing my skin, motivating me to wake up and start the day. Glancing around my room I was momentarily puzzled but the suitcases until the events of the last few nights came back to me. I was going to be living with the Curtis's. The hot spot of the East Side, I was going to suffocate. Shaking my head free of those negative thoughts I peeked out my door making sure Pony was still sleeping, the gathered my clothes for the day and went to take a shower and get ready.
After my shower I walked into the leaving room dressed and primed to face the day. Pony was on the couch reading again. He looked up and he heard me, and smiled lightly. I motioned to the kitchen in a silent question of breakfast he nodded and followed me in. I searched threw the fridge and pulled out bacon and eggs. He nodded thankfully and began reading again.
As I watched the eggs cook I also watched him. He was quiet, quieter than before the fire. It seemed so long ago that Johnny and Pony killed that boy from the west side. But in reality it had only been about a month. Pony and Johnny had both gotten off on self-defense. I remember how relieved Soda had been. The night of the rumble, Johnny had almost died, but was able to be resuscitated. But not before Dallas Winston Had thought he died, and ran. He robbed a store and got shot, but didn't die. He just has really cool bullet marks in his stomach Soda says. I told him I take his word when he tried to convince me to come over and see them. Johnny couldn't walk, but the doctors said there was a chance if he did his therapy. Somehow, know one is sure just how his parents got the money to send him their tiwce a week.
Pony and me ate our breakfast in silence. Since I don't talk and he didn't feel like it, so silence was the best option. After breakfast was cleaned we headed over to his house so I could look at my room and see what needed to be done. Entering the house I realized it was my first time in there. I looked around and it was messy but homey. But it could defiantly use a woman's touch I thought to myself as I followed Pony down the hall.
"Your room is right across the hall from mine and Sodas." Pony said "And that door next to ours leads to the bathroom, and the one at the end of the hall is Darry's room." Pony finished with the verbal tour. We opened the door to my new room. I was shocked. I was used to cleanness and this had dust and cobwebs all over the walls the windows were covered in dirt and grim, the carpet was at one time a blue but now looked blacker. This was going to take a lot of work I said to myself.
"Sorry no ones been in hear for a while and even when Soda did live in it he wasn't very clean." Suddenly he glanced at his watch.
"Look I know I told Darry and Soda I would stay and help but I promised Johnny I'd go see him today before his dad gets home and maybe bring him here. Is that all right? Do you want to come with?" Pony asked me. I shook my head know.
"Yea I figured" Was his reply, "I will be back before Darry and Soda, don't worry" Pony said as he walked out of the room. "Just watch TV till I get back." The screen door shut. Yea right I thought to myself, like I am going to watch TV when this room needs so much work.
I looked in the Kitchen for carpet cleaner but I guess they don't clean their carpets. So I went to my house and got some cleaning supplies, and changed into work clothes. Then I headed back into my room, and started scrubbing the carpet. Four hours later it was getting dark and I had finally finished, I was exhausted. But you could see the carpet; it was a pretty royal blue, slightly faded but still pretty. Pony still wasn't home and Soda would be home soon if he came straight home. I decided to wait on the couch for him. I must have fell asleep the next thing I know I'm being woken by Darry.
"Where is Pony?" He asked in a slightly raised voice, I flinched back, he noticed and softened his voice.
"He was suppose to stay with you today." Darry said in explanation.
"He went to visit Johnny, around noon." I said in a very small voice and I suddenly noticed that it was not just Darry and I in the room but Soda and three other guys. I tensed up suddenly only Darry and Soda noticed.
"Hey Rachel you wanna meet my friends?" Soda asked sounding like an idiot.
"I don't think she has much of a choice now." Said the one with dark hair wearing the same uniform as Soda.
"Hi, I'm Steve" He said and move to make his way closer to me but was stopped by Soda trying to be discreet in saying no. Only everyone saw it, I was embarrassed I started to blush.
"Awe a blushing virgin" Said the one in Mickey mouse shirt and began laughing at his own joke. Thinking it was funny until he looked around and saw no one else laughing he looked back at my blush getting deeper and my bowed head and I saw his eyes wide in realization. I would have laughed but I was mortified.
"Sorry, I'm Two-Bit" he said in an apologetic tone as Darry slapped him upside the head. The others waited a few moments for the other guy to introduce himself but he didn't, I looked up at the guy who had yet to say his name but I had a feeling it was Dallas Winston. The way Soda described him was hard to miss. I felt naked under his gaze I quickly lowered my head again. Darry seeing that Dally wasn't making an effort in introducing himself to me.
"This here is Dallas Winston, But he goes by Dally." Darry said moving to stand beside Dally. I nodded my head slightly to them all. An awkward silence descended over the occupants of the room I blushed again for making it awkward.
"So what did you do today?" Darry asked coming to my rescue
"I cleaned the carpet." I said in a whisper telling myself I had to be social or I'd never make it.
"The one in your room?" Soda asked then smacked his forehead for being so dumb. I nodded.
"Well lets go see it" Said Darry. And he headed towards the room followed by Soda I quickly got up not comfortable being in a room with strangers and followed. When everyone was in the room not saying anything it was again awkward.
"Wow its blue, I always thought it was black." Soda said trying to break the silence. I smiled at him.
"You did a great job" Said Darry the others nodded trying to be nice, except Dally he just stood there then suddenly like he could feel me watching him looked over. Shocked to be caught starting I made an ePP noise and ducked my head. Soda laughed.
"Guys she's shy. Don't worry Rachel you'll get comfortable soon." Soda said
"Hopefully" I heard Dally mutter.
"I think I am going to go back to my house and pack." I said quickly and hurried out of the room.
"Bye" I said as I walked out the door. Almost running home.
I entered my house and slammed the door. Stupid, stupid, stupid I kept telling myself. I'm an idiot. Not fit to join the human race. They looked at me like I was an alien. Oh and now they all know I'm a virgin. Not like they would not have been able to figure it out, I reasoned with myself. I walked back to my room, comparing the size of my new room to my old one. It was close to the same size. It had enough space for a bed, dresser, closet and nightstand. I would be fine I told myself. I think I'll just take my old bedroom set with me instead of wasting money. I got my nightclothes together and went to the bathroom, it was odd being here alone, kind of creepy. I felt dirty from all that cleaning, I needed a shower.
Darry's POV (While Rachel is in the shower)
"So what do you guys think of her?" Soda asked as they all were sitting around the living room. No one spoke for a few moments.
"She's not going to make it, if she doesn't change." Said Dally surprising us all. Though the statement was mean, we all nodded out heads in agreement.
"She'll be fine, we'll keep her safe." Said Soda convincingly, though I couldn't tell if he was saying it for us or for himself.
"She's real quiet. How come I never saw her at school?" Two-bit asked.
"She was home schooled." I said I was about to say more when Dally laughed. Not a humored laugh but a cold and bitter laugh that could give the toughest man chills.
"Your telling me that our brining a broad who barely talks, can't fight, practically a fucking nun, and never went to public school into your house. What are you crazy or just plain dumb?" Dally asked as he lit. a cigarette.
"What do you mean?" Asked Soda not quiet understanding where this was going
"We're greasers, hoods, JD, we're suppose to be able to defend ourselves, she can't. We all know that if a soc gets her she would be raped or worse. She's not even comfortable around you guys and you're the nicest greasers there are," Dally put up a hand two stop Two-bit, Steve and Soda from objecting. "Well your not like Shepherd and his gang are you?" Dally questioned mockingly They all sighed knowing he had a point. It was time to intervene.
"Listen I get what you're saying, I don't know why you're saying it to us and not her but I get it." I told Dally trying to figure out why he hadn't just spat this in her face like he did to others. I'd think on it later.
"But we can't let her go to a girls home, and become a ward of the state. You think the soc's eat her alive what about the girls in those places you should know Dally, you've been in them." I told everyone but mostly directed at Dally. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, his face was indifferent, but I knew he got my point.
"At least here she has people who can protect her. She doesn't go out much," I said
"Hardly ever" Soda said interrupting Darry
"So its not like she's going to become a party animal like Two-bit" Darry said getting a laugh from everyone, except Dally, who just sat there coolly smoking his weed.
"We'll just have to ease her into things. First you guys, then school. She won't be starting for about a month. They have to place her with tests and they want to wait till the new semester is what the social services said." Darry finished.
"Yea so well just have to be real careful with her. She doesn't talk much. I think she's trying and that's why she talked today. She's not totally hopeless." Soda said,
"Why doesn't she talk?" Asked Two-bit, Soda looked at me for confirmation to say, I gave it but only because I don't want a repeat of the virgin thing.
"Okay this doesn't go farther than this room, and if by some chance she tells you then act surprised. She was seven and her parents were talking and then fighting and it got really bad, I mean things being thrown. They woke up Rachel so she went and peeked into there room. At first she thought it was just a normal fight. But then her mom said something really bad, and her dad smacked her hard against the face. Rachel said she heard the bones crack. Well I guess he was in a rage and he beat her to death with his own hands while Rachel stood there and watched." Soda said in a serious voice the story surprised them all even Dally had a little bit of shock on his face, until he saw me watching him, then he just sneered and turned away.
"What happened to her dad?" Two-bit asked in one of the first serious voices I'd hadn't heard from him since my parents died.
"He took a gun out of the dresser drawer and shot himself in the head. The police were called by a neighbor and they found her laying next to her mom, begging her to get up." Soda said and then suddenly shook his head, like he was trying to get the mental picture from his mind.
"She still has nightmares; she gets scared at even the slightest raise of a voice. And since her parents started out talking she's always afraid they it will happen to her. That's why she's not in public school she doesn't talk, she not comfortable around people there unpredictable." I finished for Soda then we all just sat in silence.
Back to Rachel's POV (after the shower)
Looking in the slightly fogged mirror wasn't a happy time. I had bags under my eyes, not noticeable with makeup but uncovered made me look hideous. I had Blonde hair. It was silky, that's the only feature on my body that I can actually be proud of. My nose was small, my lips were pouty and I had green eyes. Now normally when you hear that you think, hot. But not with me, it was just awkward. And hideous there were time I could think I was gorgeous then other times I'd cover up the mirror in my room, to hide myself. My teeth were straight for the most part but there were certain ones that could be straighter and of course I had to pick at my every fault its no wonder I didn't get out much. The worst part of me is my weight. I wasn't skinny, but I wasn't fat, I was in the middle. I weighed about 150. And of course I didn't look it too much because I was 5'6. Not very tall to some but to me it was my saving grace. I was fat, Plain and simple. But thank god it was spread out evenly well as evenly as a fat person can get.
Soda always says he'd date me if it weren't for the fact we took baths together when my grandma watched him and pony. I can say that I am glad I never got a crush on Soda. That would have probably ended our friendship. I know he'd never like me, I'm just not pretty enough. I've seen in passing glance the girls he 'dates' and they're all gorgeous. I used to have a crush on Darry when I was younger but who wouldn't at one time or another. But as much as I thought I liked him, I never had those feelings that Soda always talked about. How he was attracted to this girl so much he could feel it in his stomach, it made his chest tighten. I just want to feel the bone shattering feeling at least one though it probably won't be returned I just want to know what all the fuss is about. Enough of this I thought as I got dressed for bed. I needed a good night's sleep I still had a lot to do tomorrow.
I was in the kitchen making myself some warm milk when someone banged on my door. I walked over hesitantly not sure who it would be; I was alone in the house. I peered out cautiously but it was too dark to see. I opened the door slightly and in walks Dallas Winston. I was flat out shock to say the least. He walked in and I closed the door. I just stood there in shock watching him pace in my living room, feeling very intimidated and scared. Suddenly he turned from pacing and walked right up to me looked me up and down then started pacing again. I was becoming even more scared and nervous, The Curtis wouldn't hang out with him if he were seriously like psycho killer dangerous. Right? I reasoned with myself. Why was he here? He kept walking up to me, then turning around growling in frustration, and then he would begin pacing again. This went on for a while. Then just when I was contemplating running to the Curtis's he turned to me once more and walked directly to me.
"Here's how things are gonna be, kid" He said in such a serious voice I got chills
"Your not going anywhere with out a greaser one of ours, not Shepherd's or Burmly's, you dig?" he asked but I didn't understand what I was digging. He must have saw that because he let out a huge frustrated sigh.
"It means you understand?" he said I nodded that I did understood.
"Good because soc's and some greasers alike wouldn't hesitate to hurt a pretty little thing like you." he said and I blushed and he cursed so I blushed some more.
"You gotta stop doing that," he said with a wave of a hand, I looked at him confused.
"The blushing like a virgin" I gave him a incredulous look.
"I know, I know you're a virgin but if that gets out you'll be in deep shit" I blushed again and he cursed again.
"Them over there" he pointed to the Curtis house "are the nicest greasers you'll meet," he said seriously.
"Anyone else if you alone your screwed" he said
"You heard about Pony and" he paused "Johnny" he said with a slight look of pain about uttering the name. I nodded
"There two guys and you know what happened there. You're just a girl." He said I didn't understand why the scary Dallas Winston was telling me all this and not Soda or Darry. He must have been a mind reader.
"Darry and Soda don't know I'm here. They are going to tell you the but not like I am. There gonna come up with some lame excuse, there gonna sugar coat it. While I'm telling you the cold hard facts. You walk alone you'll probably end up dead." I went pale and I stared at his face to find some hint of humor, there was none.
"Jesus would you stop that?" he yelled I froze
"Shit I didn't mean to yell" He said running his hands threw his hair in frustration I thought he was going to pull it out. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a cigarette I was about to say that my grandma would get mad, but she wasn't around anymore, so I bite my tongue. I guess he saw my face.
"This okay?" he asked though it looked like he would light it up either way so I nodded yes. He lit it and took a big breath then his face relaxed. It was odd I'd never seen anyone smoke before.
"You just gotta be careful or you won't make it. If you go acting like your innocent chances are your won't stay that way for long." he said taking another puff
"You ever dated?" I shook my head no. "You ever been kissed?" I nodded no again and he swore.
"You ever seen a guy naked?" he asked but looked like he knew the answer already. I vigorously shook my head no, and blushed deeper.
"You ever been to the Dingo or Jays?" he asked taking a drag once again. I shook my head no.
"Fuck" he said. I blushed red.
"I gotta get out of here." and he left. I stood there in shock. The front door wide open. My thoughts were racing I didn't understand why he came. Then suddenly my name was called sharply.
"Rachel" said Darry and Soda
"What's the door doing wide open." Soda asked as they walked threw the door
"Is that cigar smoke?" Darry asked worried
"Your smoking?" Soda asked incredulously
I shook my head no, they gave me a doubtful look.
"Dallas Winston was just hear." I said calmly. They swore I blushed
"Sorry" they said then in a rush the were asking questions
"What did he want?" Asked Soda
"Why was he here?" Asked Darry
"Did he touch you?" Asked Soda
"Where is he?" Asked Darry
"What did he say?" Asked Soda
"Are you sure he didn't touch you?" Asked Darry
"Are you alright?" Asked Soda I held up my hand to silence them
"He just told me not to go anywhere without on of you guys. Because he said I wouldn't stay innocent for long if the soc's or certain greasers found me." I said calmly. Mentally I was congratulating my self on talk for the third time that day.
"Oh" said Darry.
"We were just coming to tell you the same thing." said Soda
"Are you hungry?" asked Darry I shook my head no.
"Well Pony says sorry he didn't come back like he said" I nodded okay but didn't miss the uneasy look that they passed between each other.
"Two-bit, you remember him, right? Asked Soda I nodded yes.
"He's going to help you tomorrow" Said Darry I gave them both a confused look
"Pony didn't know how much he missed school until today." Lied Soda, I knew he was lying Darry and Soda both knew he was lying, but I let it slide.
"So when do you want to so shopping for a new bed set?" asked Darry
"Cause one of us will take you. Two-bit can be kind of forward about stuff like that." Said Soda
"So just let one of use know, okay?" Asked Darry I shook my head no, they looked confused.
"You mean you want to go bed shopping with Two-bit?" soda asked and Darry slapped his head.
"No I think I am just going to keep the bed set I have no. It will save money." I said again mentally congratulating myself on speaking. Seeing that Darry was about to objet I held up my hand.
"My decision is final." I said and then laughed at the seriousness of my voice. Instantly there faces lit up.
"I haven't heard you laugh in so long" Spoke Soda and Darry nodded in agreement. I smiled politely.
"Well we have to be in bed early tonight for work." Darry said and Soda nodded. Both walked over and gave me a hug.
"Sleep tight, do you want me to stay?" asked soda. I nodded shyly looking anywhere but at him.
"Okay, no problem." He said with a light laugh.
"Night Darry" Soda said and I waved.
"Night Soda" I said
"Night Rachel" and we both went to bed, Soda in the guestroom and me in my room.
Darry's POV (trying to fall asleep) Flashback to earlier that day.
"Dally" I said before he could leave. Him stopping was the only acknowledgment that he heard me.
"What was that about in there?" I asked referring to the way he talked about Rachel
"What was what?" Dally said with a sneer his eyes colder than ice
"I've only seen you act that way with Johnny" I stated and saw him flinch back at the name.
"Yea so?" He asked
"She's not Johnny" I said with conviction
"No she's not is she." He said with contempt
"I know her. She'll be fine. She won't turn out like Johnny." Again I noticed the slight flinch at the name.
"You don't know her Dally." I said with conviction
"Your right I don't. But I know Johnny." He said and walked off into the darkness before I could stop him.
I stood there for what seemed like forever after he walked off. Still I was unsure of his interest in Rachel. Dally's interest in anybody is never a good sign. But another side is he will protect her. We all know that he feels that he failed Johnny. He won't go visit him, doesn't want to see disappointment. But every time anyone visits Johnny he asks about Dally, a spark lit in his eyes. Then it leaves when he doesn't show. When did life get so complicated? Maybe Dally sees Johnny in Rachel, after all he knows Johnny best maybe a little of what Johnny has is in Rachel and called out to Dally, as Johnny did. Just as I was about to head back in I noticed someone heading towards the house. As they got closer I realized it was Pony. My anger from earlier renewed as he stepped up on the porch.
"Where the hell have you been?" I asked Pony he tried to shrug me of as if it was no big deal.
"Why did you leave Rachel alone?" I asked grasping his shirt again he shrugged like it was nothing.
"Answer me dammit." I yelled in his face
"I don't like her" he mumbled I stood back in shock
"Why the hell not?" I asked in exasperation
"She's to needy." He said with a shrug looking everywhere but at me, I grabbed his shirt once again.
"I can't believe I'm related to such a piece of shit" I said in anger
"She has no siblings like you, no friends like you, so hell yes she's gonna be needy but she won't always be.You left her here, and she doesn't even understand you did it in spite of the fact you don't like her, she thought you were running late. She doesn't know the world. And you, you do, mom and dad would be disappointed in you little bro, they loved Rachel, she's family." I said my voice deflating from the murderous rage I felt in the beginning to the sad disappointment that was growing in my stomach.
"Get to bed, your going to school tomorrow." I said and could have smacked him when he gave me a look of why?
"You didn't think I was gonna let you stay off, the whole reason you got off school was to help Rachel, but your not so your going back to school." I said and walked back into the house. It was considerable quiet which means the heard it all.
"Two-bit" I said my body growing weary from the day's activities
"Yea Darry" He said looking up from the TV
"You busy tomorrow?" I asked sitting in my chair
"Na, why?" he asked taking a big swig of beer.
"You wanna stay here with Rachel and help if she needs it?" I asked
"Sure" he said seriously without hesitation I nodded my thanks to him
"Hey Dar you know she's pretty cute..." Two- bit said jokingly I could hear a smack on the head from the other room.
"Touch he and you won't be touching much else" Soda warned I smiled everything would be fine I thought to myself. We'd take care of her.
End Flashback