Dark Demon

Rating: Teen, might change later on.

Pairings: Kagome/ Sesshomaru, InuYasha/ Kikyo (maybe), Sango/ Miroku

Summary: Kagome is accidentally turned into a demon by the Shikon Jewel. Unable to change back to normal, how will she deal? How will her friends and family react?

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and company, not even a little bit :tear:.

Author's Note: Thanks for all the reviews! It's nice to know that the last chapter didn't suck as bad as I thought it would. You guys made me want to get this chapter out early. I usually post on Wednesdays because of school and work, and that is my constant day off work. I'm listening to the Rent soundtrack and for some reason it makes me want to write (or type) :shrugs:. Also before I forget, I am not making Sesshomaru OOC in this chapter, he is just up to something and I'm not telling what it is until later on in the story O.o. Well any who here's the next chapter.

Chapter Four: A Place To Stay

Kagome looked up at the bright blue sky of the feudal era from the bottom of the old dry well. 'It smells so much better here.' She thought climbing up the rope ladder that had been installed last year, so she wouldn't have to use the vines she used to climb up. She was always afraid they would break causing her to fall and break her neck.

Kagome started walking towards the village. When a voice spoke up behind her, scaring her to death.

"Miko, I have something to speak to you about." Sesshomaru walked past her and sat in front of a tree facing the well.

'He really has to stop that.' Kagome nodded and sat next to him looking up expectantly. 'It's so weird last year I would have laughed if someone told me I would think of Sesshomaru as a friend.' She mused.

"Have you decided on where you will be staying?" He questioned.

"I know I will be staying here, but I have no idea where."

"Hn. You will stay with me."

"W-What? Why?" She was so confused she didn't know what to say.

"I am a full demon and as of recent events you are too, making this Sesshomaru the best choice to train you to use your powers to the full extent." He said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

'He does have a point, but what about InuYasha and the others?' She thought about it. 'Well. . .I can always come and visit them.' She continued to think of all the ups and downs.

"Fine I will go with you." She sighed.

"We leave tomorrow." He left and walked into the forest.

'What am I getting myself into?' Kagome wondered making her way into the forest.

"WHAT?" InuYasha roared.

"InuYasha, It's for the best and Sesshomaru will help me a lot." Kagome said quickly trying to calm him down.

"But are sure it's a good idea? It just doesn't sound like Lord Sesshomaru." Sango asked skeptically.

"Yes, I trust him." Kagome said confidently.

"But Kagome I'll miss you!" Shippo whined hugging her stomach.

"I'll come back and visit." She hugged the little kit back, then sat him back on the ground.

"Don't come back crying to me, if you get yourself killed." InuYasha huffed going out the door of the hut into a tree somewhere.

Kagome just rolled her eyes at the comment. "I better get some sleep. I have to leave tomorrow morning at dawn." She yawned getting out her sleeping bag.

Kagome had said her farewells to the others. Sango hugged her, Shippo cried and clung to her leg, Miroku tried to grope her earning him a slap from both Sango and Kagome, and InuYasha was no where to be found. She felt bad because it seemed like she was making his life a living hell, first the jewel and now she was leaving with his half-brother when he for some reason didn't want her to.

'It's not like he controls my life! Now that Naraku is dead and the jewel complete I don't really have to do what he says.' She thought angrily.

"Miko, time for us to go." Sesshomaru said snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Coming." She called walking up to his side. "Can I ask a favor of you?"

"Hn." Sesshomaru stared down at her.

"Can you call me Kagome and not miko?" She requested.

"If you wish, Kagome."

Sesshomaru watched the little miko demoness walking next to him for a minute making sure she didn't notice. He smirked cunningly, 'Everything is going according to plan.' He turned back to the path when he noticed she was about to say something.

"How long till we get there?" Kagome asked.

"At this pace five days, but. . ." He lifted her up in his arms and created his cloud under his feet and took off making her squeak in fright. "At this pace two days."

Author's Note: There's chapter four! It's short, but at least it's out early! InuYasha isn't a very happy hanyou, and what's Sesshomaru up to? I hope you guys liked it! Anyway next chapter is called The Western Palace, and in it Kagome will get settled into Sesshomaru's home and start her training. If you guys have any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

My thanks go out to:

Kinnara (Thanks! I'm sending you your email)

yoyo person (There you go I updated and now there's four)

KageFaiaKoori Doragon (Thanks)

Sailor-Linnea (I almost didn't have time. Thanks)

Carey Ann Lupin (Thank you very much! I'll have to check it out. I haven't read a Harry Potter fanfic in forever)

MysticTenshi (AHAHAHAHAHA! I really appreciate that you took the time to review every chapter)

The Lonely Bird (Aww! Hopefully you like this chapter if you can get on the computer to read it)

shadow gal (Thank you)

Fluffy'sMate17 (I didn't make you wait that long. I saw what you were talking about and fixed it. I just hate seeing errors)

Kagome Lady of Darkness (Thanks)

Mangadreams (Thank you! I thought I made it too corny)

moni.76 (Thank you)

Silent Kunoichi aka. Fiona ... (Good thing you put what that meant or I would have been totally confused)

Well remember to review. It helps me get chapters out a lot faster!