
By: Joker is Poker with a J

Summary: Da names Infamous. Ya probably nevah hoid of me, but Ise's the leadah of da Brooklyn Sewsies. Dat's right, da Sewsies. Not Newsies, and not street rats. Sewsies, Sewage Rats...Full Sum. Inside.

Da name's Infamous. Ise's infamously known and a infamous trouble maker. Dis is da part where Ise wink.

Ya probably nevah hoid of me, but Ise the leadah of the Brooklyn Sewsies (well Ise guess all da sewsies considerin' dere are no other's 'sides us). Dat's right, da Sewsies. Not Newsies, and not street rats. Sewsies, sewage rats.

Now, youse is probably wonderin' what a sewsie is. Well, Ise'll explain. Sewsies are children who live beneath the streets. In da Sewers. The dank, stinky places where human waste was thrown. But, not all the places down there were bad.

When Ise was seven da current leader, Con, found me. He liked the way I acted, so he took me below and intraduced me to da gang.

There was Pass, Match, Take, Scotty, Nugget, Satin, Velvet, Snap, and Bob.

So, ten years later I'se da leadah, but our group has changed Nugget and Satin had left along with Con. We had gotten a few new ones such as, Basil, Curse, Devil, Boyor, Hollow, Lanky and Bliss.

Now there are fourteen, fifteen including me, and we rule da sewer systems, da city beneath da city. Though, now and then we do come up.

Ise guess youse's wondering why I'm writing this? Well, to tell youse da story of two world's collidin'. A rule below is to never get attached to the people above. Dat was my rule for da sewsies.

But, usually da rules are broken...

A/N: Hope you all like this beginning. I know it's short, but, I'll make up for it in the chapters to come!

Disclaimer: I only own the people mentioned in this chapter. All those that are familiar to you, probably don't belong to me :) Ciao!